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Por lo que estoy leyendo dicen todo el tiempo más de lo mismo. Me gustaría que dijeran algo más del combate... Estoy expectante como muchos otros en saber como va a funcionar y no sueltan prenda eh?? jejeje. Respecto al tema lineal, cualquier juego por muy sandbox o Open World es lineal, porque finalmente la historia acaba como tiene que acabar y las misiones que hagas siempre que repitas el juego son las mismas... Solo te da la sensación de libertad, que no libertad. Así que por eso no me preocupo. Por cierto, FELIZ AÑO A TODOS!!!! Saludos!!

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Un nutrido informe que colgaron en FB tanto el perfil de Crystal como el de TR, lo he leido y abajo destaco lo mas importante:


Fuente: http://www.computera...-raider/?page=1


Games of 2012: Tomb Raider


Drawing inspiration from James Bond and Batman as it treads the dark path to reinvention...


Tomb Raider is a gaming institution. First released back in 1996, this new game represents the tenth outing for Lara Croft, who returns with 35 million lifetime sales behind her.


However, Tomb Raider is also (somewhat poetically) a relic - a series in desperate need of revival. The unrealistically curvy first-lady of gaming has become something of a joke in popular culture; intrinsic to the stereotype of gamers as bedroom dwelling nerds with unrealistic ideals for what women should be.


This feature is taken from the latest issues of PSM3 and Xbox World. Order them here and have them delivered straight to your door


screenshot_274624_thumb_wide620.jpg While new developer Crystal Dynamics have made her a more relevant action heroine, even their last Tomb Raider game, 2008's Underword, feels as if it belongs to a past generation, the basic formula having changed little since 1996. And there's Uncharted... Naughty Dog and Nathan Drake have flamboyantly stolen the Tomb Raider template for adventure. Something had to change, and with this new - simply named reboot - it has. Rather than trying to out-Uncharted Drake, Crystal are treading a darker path.


This isn't about ostentatious, Indiana Jones-style adventuring: it's a gritty origins story that batters the young Lara Croft into the action icon the world is familiar with. "We took over Tomb Raider back in 2003 and our first game - Legend - was always part of a trilogy along with Anniversary and Underworld," says Crystal Dynamics brand director, Karl Stewart, speaking exclusively to PSM3.


"About half way through we decided that we wanted to put our own stamp on the franchise, to make it relevant again."




Lara is no longer a twinkle-toed princess, stealing priceless statues like a one-woman British Empire - she's human, vulnerable. It's this idea of the 'breakable' lead character that makes Tomb Raider so compelling, so unlike any other game of 2012.


"You never really knew Lara before: you understand that she's this beautiful looking girl with rich parents and cool pair of guns, and that she could pay to do whatever she wanted, says Stewart. "However, our research showed that the fact she could pay to do anything never felt very realistic - people couldn't relate to it - so we created a girl who isn't in that situation. She wants to be a member of the crew, she wants to be part of the team, and she's just going on her first adventure.


screenshot_274623_thumb_wide620.jpg "It's what they did with James Bond in Casino Royale - we saw him with feelings like revenge and jealousy, and that let people see the character in a new light. And that's what we're looking to do with Tomb Raider - we want people to really feel the emotional connection." Most action games teach us that we're unstoppable. We can hide behind cover to heal bullet-wounds, we can strap our bodies with health-packs to salve stabbings. There is no penalty for taking an axe to the shoulder - we're able to retaliate with the strength and ferocity of a fighting fit warrior, fresh as the day we were deployed. Tomb Raider turns that assumption on its head. Lara is a vulnerable hero. She whimpers while squeezing through tight corridors in unstable, claustrophobic cave-systems. She mutters to herself about staying alive as her torch is extinguished by a rush of water, or a blast of air.


When she rips an arrow or a piece of rock from her body - injuries she quite realistically sustains throughout the game - you feel her pain as the offending item tears her skin and she screams. As Stewart explains: "You're not going to take a 20ft jump off a cliff, because injury will play a big part in the game's realism. When Lara is injured you won't be able to climb as freely".


And although you're sitting in front of a screen, pad in hand, you still feel genuine concern for Lara. In the back of your mind, you know you can restart from the last save point if she's crushed by a tumbling boulder, but the threat of demise is acute when you're so closely, painfully connected with your on-screen character.




That's not to say all traces of the original Tomb Raider are gone. "We took inspiration of course from the new Batman, but also from the new James Bond," explains Stewart. "Those are two stories that are new, but have very firm pillars - we know who Bruce Wayne is, we know what he's about for example. If you look at James Bond, you know he's a British agent and that he has a license to kill, but if you look at the different time periods of Bond: they always delivered something exciting, and something you look forward to going to the movies to watch. But you can't give those older Bonds to today's audiences".


screenshot_274622_thumb_wide620.jpg In contrast, Tomb Raider 2012 is very, very relevant. "Bond used to be this guy who travelled to exotic places and saw the world - but anyone can do that now by hopping on a Rynair flight for less than £100. Just having a movie set in the Algarve just doesn't seem that exotic any more. "So what they did was they made it more of an emotional, more visceral experience and allowed you to get close to the character. That's how we've approached Tomb Raider. It's not about how big we can make an explosion, it's about how close we can get the player to a character, and how closely they can take the journey with them".


While we've seen Lara struggling to survive during the E3 2011 demo, we've also been given a taste of how she'll navigate the mysterious island she's shipwrecked on. She moves much like Nathan Drake, and the camera tracks her dynamically as she leaps and climbs, heightening the scale of bigger scenes and emphasising the claustrophobia of tighter areas.


With the emphasis on making Lara feel like a real, believable character the animations need to be spot on - and they are. She moves like a realistic object within the world - again like the Nathan Drake of Uncharted 3 - tripping over rocks that jut out of the ground, pushing her body through tight spaces, leaning against objects as she struggles to regain her breath.


So far, we've seen her interact with elements like fire and water (she can light torches, and in turn set things on fire, but conversely water will extinguish any flames she creates), but haven't yet found out how she'll cope with things like extreme cold, or cloying vegetation and extreme darkness - all of which are prevalent on the island she's stranded on.




How will you explore that island? It's a balancing job for Crystal Dynamics. While the E3 demo was very scripted and QTE heavy, it isn't very representative of the action as a whole. "We wanted to be able to give the player the freedom to move around and really be the treasure hunter and explorer," says Stewart. "But at the same time we want to be able to tell players to go from point A to B and tell them a really rich story; really immerse them in the world.


screenshot_274621_thumb_wide620.jpg "So we've built these hub areas, which are connected across the whole island. When you first arrive in an area you'll need to go from point A to B to get through the story objective, but once you've cleared the area you'll be able to fast-travel back to it and really explore it to find new things and unlock new parts of the game." Oddly, the closest comparison is Lego Harry Potter; its plastic Hogwarts - simply a series of environments linked by loading screens - are stuffed with secrets and fresh areas that are opened up as players learn new spells and hit specific objectives. So it is with Tomb Raider. That's not to say you'll have a huge, Skyrim-like inventory. This is a survival game after all. "The idea is for us to keep Lara's tool-set fairly limited," says Stewart. "At the same time we want the player to feel as if they've got the tools for success in their hands. A great example is the climbing axe. In the early stages it helps Lara to traverse the environment, but over time she's going to have to use it in different ways; so she'll use it in combat or to prise open new areas, for example. And that's the same for most of the tools in the game - we don't want them to just do one thing, they need to do five or six."


The island isn't all gloom and doom, as screens suggest. "The island is a varied place - it's a character in itself", reveals Karl. "You're going to visit the beach, it's going to be night-time, you're going to have different experiences." Combat is also under wraps - for now. "We've moved away from the 'lock-on' targeting to something unique that fits in with the world. We're cautious about talking combat without showing it."


screenshot_274620_thumb_wide620.jpg It's a much-needed refresh for a legendary series fast losing its relevance. If Crystal can pull it off, this'll not only be one of the best reboots of this generation, but one of the bravest, most progressive games of 2012.


Pues basicamente ya sabemos todo, pero hay algunas cosas interesantes, lo de siempre XDDD, y una novedad, destaco lo relevante:


-Lara es mas realista y blablabla :rofl:


-Se basaron en Batman y Casino Royale, etc etc XD


-La isla se parece a la forma de exploracion de Hogwarts en Lego HP: Ejemplificando en TR, tienes que ir de un punto A al B, para conseguir un objeto clave (digamos el piolet), despues tendras que ir de B a C, pasando por donde esta el punto A, al tener el Piolet, podras tirar un muro debil que estaba por donde pasaste, encontrando un objeto extra de utilidad (Cuando yo jugue Lego HP, era algo asi, conseguias hechizos nuevos y desbloqueabas habitaciones de Hogwarts para progresar, ademas de los mini-retos para conseguir personajes extras)


-Los objetos tienen varios usos, se que esto ya lo sabiamos, pero en este articulo se ha confirmado que el piolet tambien servira de arma, y que revelaran como funcionara cuando hablen del combate


-El combate no sera con sistema Lock-On (osea lo de siempre), comentan que sera algo unico para una situación como la que plantea el juego, pero no se dira mas hasta mostrarlo ingame


-De nuevo mencionan que al revisitar locaciones las cosas cambian, el mismo ejemplo de "no es lo mismo la playa de dia que de noche"


-El gameplay del E3 no representa en si la esencia total del juego, es decir, no habra QTE excesivos, y no estara tan scriptado (eso espero XD), quieren dar libertad de exploracion y ademas, que cuando se vaya de un punto a otro, haya un suculento argumento de por medio (eso me encanta XD)


-Una ves mas se habla de la interaccion de Lara con la naturaleza, por ejemplo que se le apague la antorcha con agua y tambien cuando venga el viento con fuerza


-Lara al lastimarse, quedara asi por un rato, no bastara con cubrirse tras un muro para regenerarse... Por lo que deduzco, no tendremos una barra de vida, quiza la pantalla vaya enrojeciendo con los daños como en otros juegos, o Lara mostrara su estado de vida (como en RE de antes, que cojeas, no puedes correr, etc si tienes daños.. ¿Algo a lo RE Outbreak?), ademas de eso, al herirte piedes fuerza y rapidez.


-Habra una conexion mas intima entre Lara-jugador, Karl ejemplifica que no puedes arrojar a Lara de una caida alta por que "sabes que se lastimara", y tambien que, aunque sabes que puedes reiniciar desde un punto de control anterior a cuando esa piedra aplasto a Lara, te quedara un recuerdo de lo que le ha pasado... Osea que habra muertes traumaticas por doquier o_O

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Yo no sé por qué hay revistas que les han vuelto a dar portada este mes, cuando tooooda la información que hay en ellas es información de hace meses (e incluso de hace ya un año).


Que saquen algo nuevo ya de una vez y dejen de repetir en entrevistas lo mismo una y otra vez. Que aburrimiento :sad:

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¿Y no será que Karl ofreció una sola entrevista y las revistas se la han ido pasando como si fuera una colección de cromos?


"Yo tengo la entrevista de la Duquesa de Alba"

"ah, genial, yo tengo la del tipo hablando de Tomb Raider... ¿No tendrás por casualidad alguna entrevista del creador de Mario Bros, ¿verdad?"


Karl ya debería pensar en ir diciendo cosas nuevas... Que esto ya cansa.

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Hay que tener en cuenta que no quieren caer en el error del TRUnderworld, el enseñar TODO el juego entero en gameplays. Lo que hacen es mantener una política de secreto completamente pero ofreciendo algo para que el fan o el intersado por el juego, mantengan la espera sin ver mucho más de lo que deberían. Yo con que este año nos enseñaran un gameplay mejorado y mostraran algo de combate me conformaba. Y en verano la demo del E3 (porque antes dudo que quieran sacar una demo) para guardar fuerzas para el lanzamiento que posiblemente sea a finales de año para terminar de pulir cosas.



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Un vídeo, pero no muestra nada nuevo






Lo mejor de todo son los comentarios: http://zonaforo.meristation.com/foros/viewtopic.php?t=1863374 , gente que nunca ha estado interesada en TR o le había perdido el interés y ahora miran la próxima entrega con otros. Vamos, que estoy viendo que el foro se va a petar de nuevo cuando salga el juego :rofl: (y con la Demo no digamos !! )

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Sí, también hay gente que da mucho miedito.... como un comentario de un fetichista de los pies, que dice que si no se le ve los pies a Lara no le interesa blink.giflaugh.gif. Y otros surrealistas o que denotan una falta de información sobre el juego o sobre la saga en general. Pero el caso es que se palpa que ha habido un giro de 180 º . Antes, cuando había cualquier noticia sobre Tomb Raider, bastantes eran de desprecio o para recrearse en la pechonalidad de Lara.

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Yo espero un bombazo de info, si se animan en Crystal claro... En la GDC 2012, ahi fue donde hace ya 2 años se presento por 1ra ves LC GoL, bien podrian ahi presentar el combate a puerta cerrada para recibir opiniones, si hay algo que depurar tener unos meses para hacerlo, y entonces si, podrian volver a presentarse en la conferencia de Microsoft, o directamente poner la demo en el stand de Square Enix :)

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