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¡Nuevas Imagenes!


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  • 3 weeks later...
Bueno en TRforums, Justin ha dicho que en Abril no habra un trailer, lo mas posible serian imagenes nuevas y concept arts...


Que demonios o_O !!!!! o_O , pero Rodrims y Sermorgan, dijieron en su Review que el trailer estaria para abril, :--( bueno yo lo que quiero es el trailer, no imagenes, ni info, EL TRAILER!!! bueno solo espero que no lo vayan a querer presentar en la E3, por que si no me tiro a un acantilado, jejejeje

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Since Eidos announced a corporate restructuring and cost-cutting campaign end of February, the London-based publisher has been busy putting measures in place to ensure future profitability. One of the key features in Eidos' interim announcement was the rescheduling of Tomb Raider Underworld, which will now make its debut Christmas 2008.


Our mailbox has been rather full lately with inquiries as to when our readers can expect to be garnished with more media showcasing Tomb Raider Underworld. These queries have been forwarded to Eidos, and we anticipate restoration of our normal delivery of polygon-rich goodness sometime in April.


In the meantime, fans of Lara Croft and Tomb Raider have been collecting on Tomb Raider Forums and discussing the history of the franchise and what the future might hold for the series. They are joined by luminaries from both Eidos plc and Crystal Dynamics, the latter paying extra attention to suggestions put forward by fans eager to help shape the series.


Our Fan Artwork Gallery, showcasing reflections of both Tomb Raider Underworld and Lara Croft in general, is continually updated and we welcome submissions of original content via email or our online community, Tomb Raider Forums. All work submitted is published on Tomb Raider Chronicles.


Work behind the scenes converting our web site to W3C validated HTML 4.0 Transitional is continuing, and we are fully taking advantage of the lull in media in order to expedite the process. We're also uploading media to our official YouTube channel and invite our readers to subscribe to stay updated.


Thank you for taking the time to read this micro update. We are still here and working hard behind the scenes, and we look forward to delivering brand new, polygon-rich media showcasing Tomb Raider Underworld in the very near future.


traduccion? :--( please, parece q no habra trailer...nooooooooooo xD

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