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Imagenes de TRU - Tema Oficial

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Nuevo wallpaper :drooler:


Fuente: http://www.tombraiderchronicles.com/headlines3508.html



Copyright 2008 www.tombraiderchronicles.com


[ September 8th 2008 ]


Collect a stunning new Tomb Raider Underworld wallpaper produced exclusively for our readers by Harm Dreise. Featuring renowned archaeologist Lara Croft and set against the backdrop of a Mayan temple, the wallpaper comes in numerous flavours and is available to download absolutely free.


Tomb Raider Underworld marks the first game in this flagship series that is designed specifically for next generation consoles. Lara Croft uncovers proof of the existence of the mythical hammer of the Norse God Thor, a weapon rumored to have the power to smash mountains into valleys and destroy the Gods themselves.


Setting an epic journey around the globe in motion, Lara visits the ruins of ancient civilizations, collecting clues that lead her to a forgotten power that could lay waste to all civilization. Exploiting the power and capabilities of next generation consoles, Lara must hunt for clues across larger than life environments, seen with exquisite, detailed clarity.


Solving multifaceted puzzles, facing foes both animal and supernatural, players have the aid of enhanced weapons and abilities, as they explore the secrets of the past.


Aqui pueden ver el Wallpaper en varias resoluciones




Saludos :abrazos:



Aunque ese fondo... oficial oficial... no es, pone una firma como si fuera de algun usuario de su foro. Ni tampoco lo dio EIDOS como exclusiva tal cual, el oficial de EIDOS es el de la nube verde de fondo.

  Erogan dijo:
Oraculo, te recomiendo que utilices el buscador antes de postear algo.


Hay 3 temas para las imagenes de TRU :


- Imagenes Oficiales


- Imagenes del Juego, screenshots ...


- Montajes


Ok, no hay problema :thumbup: :thumbup:


Pido disculpas por el error.


Para no desviar el tema. Esta muy buena la imagen Yola Croft, aunque se ve un poco chica







  Jin Uzuki;3037231 dijo:


I think everyone's heard the great news. So, what will be your settings for Tomb Raider: Underworld?



  • Reticules: On/Off
  • Button Prompts: On/Off
  • Training Panels: On/Off


  • Enemy Health: Less/Medium/Extra
  • Damage to Lara: Less/Medium/Extra
  • Ammunition Capacity: Less/Medium/Extra
  • Time for Saving Grabs: Less/Medium/Extra


  • "Demanding" assistance: (1) As much as possible to go through the puzzles in a breeze; (2) When puzzles get me stuck for at least 30 minutes; (3) When desperately stuck; (4) Never under any circumstance
  • Using sonar map: (1) As much as possible to go through the terrain in a breeze; (2) When I am lost and stuck for at least 30 minutes; (3) When desperately stuck; (4) Never under any circumstance


Hombre.... es una forma de añadir dificultad.... nunca vista en un TR y puede molar xDD Así elige uno QUÉ significa FÁCIL y DIFICIL en el juego xD y puedes elegir tener poca munición pero mucha vida o mucha vida y poca munición,poco de todo,mucho de todo...... Puedes hacer el juego superfácil o super****do :P


Juego personalizable.

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