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Un poco llorón el de Sony, no?. Quien tiene las exclusividades de Mirror´s Edge?, quien compró parte de Square para que Final Fantasy fuese exclusivo (y ni con esas )?, quien logró la exclusividad de juegos como Haze cuando iban a salir para Xbox y PC?.

Lo que ocurre que en Inglaterra juegos como el TRU son un icono y superventas, y le fastidia que su compañía haya pasado olímpicamente.

Y una cosa : no se paga para que no se juegue, se paga para que la gente juegue en esa consola.


Lo que me parece un verdadero fraude son los requisitos que exige Eidos para PC ( vamos ni que vaya a poderse ver el olor de la mier.da de los tigres , panteras y demás bichos del lugar). Resulta irónico que quieran abarcar al mayor número de usuarios sacando el juego el la DS, PS2 etc y no quieran optimizarlo... y más aún cuando es muy inferior tecnológicamente a otros ( ej: requisitos mínimos son como los recomendados del Crysis... me parto y me mondo!!).

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Yo desde el principio, que Eidos aviso la poco grata noticia, espero que las cosas cambien, ya ha sucedido estos cuentos de exclusividad con muchos juegos y finalmente resultan saliendo para otras plataformas, y espero que este no sea la excepción. Cuando Eidos vea que necesita un dinero extra y vea que los fans quieren los capítulos extras, pues probablemente lo sacan para las otras plataformas, o al menos eso espero.

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So yesterday I went down to London to check out the Eurogamer Expo, first and foremost to play TR:U.

Not only TR:U, but on my behalf I went for Mirror's Edge, Prince of Persia and Fallout 3, too.

The atmosphere there was great, everyone around were grinning like madmen (and madwomen) or sitting zombie-eyed in front of one of the numerous gargantuan tv sets around the floor.


The full list of games demo'd at the Expo can be found Here.


I know some others from TRF attended to, even though I didn't find any of you ( :( ), so feel free to add your own write-ups, and I'll add them to this first post!


Anyway, down to business. I'll give a bit of detail to what it was like!

Naturally, I headed straight for TR:U. Four X360 demos stood against the wall, not a PS3 in sight. Surprisingly.

It was a really great experience. Not only playing TR:U, but being at an Expo and playing TR:U. So many people gathered around the TR stands all either playing, or watching and queuing to play TR:U. 'Twas a great sight - I've never physically seen so many people fussing over TR. :D


Tomb Raider: Underworld - X360 'Thailand' Demo


  • Graphics


Gorgeous graphics! (Unsurprisingly!)

I'd say they were definitely on par with Uncharted, definitely no worse to look at. Very beautiful, so much so that it was great to just stand and look at the environment (much to the dismay of the people queuing behind me :P )


Really nice lighting, and bits and pieces (flies / butterflies / birds) buzzing and flying around - the small details really bring it to life don't they?


There is one thing I'll mention in the graphics dept' though, is the shadows.

Ingame, I have to say I didn't notice what they were like - but in the initial cutscene, yikes. Jagged, flickery mess down one side of Lara's face and under her chin. They needed a lot of work to even begin to look nice.


  • Animations


I was really sceptic about these before playing. However... Fixed! :D I have to say I thought there would be a lot of transition glitches, but I was fortunate enough to barely notice a single one. I was mightily impressed by how smooth her animations were, and how seamlessly they seemed to fit together. Comparing with those older TR:U videos where Lara snapped from one animation to another - I had my doubts. Thankfully they flew out of the window within the first 30 seconds.

They've really been smoothed out a lot. Plus she doesn't actually appear to swim too fast! :eek: That really surprised me.

She still swandives like a speedfreak though, sadly.


However, I did have a few (albeit small) niggles.

1. When wall climbing, her leg-stretch-to-reach-a-far-nook animation looks weird. It's like she's disjointing her leg to reach further. It's slightly offputting to say the least!


2. When Lara dropped from a ledge to grab a pole beneath, her body + legs went through the pillar the pole was attatched to. Led me to think there was some issue with collision detection.


3. Collision detection. Lara smacking into the wall! It brought back that real feeling of Lara being grounded in the levels. But even though I absolutely loved being able to run Lara into walls again, have her stop herself smacking into it and saying 'oof!', it was really inconsistent. She'd do it on some walls, but not others. Sometimes she'd smack into them, other times she'd carry on running on the spot.


  • Camera

Now I understand why the others who have played the demo didn't like the camera. While it's fine when you're out in the open, it really becomes a close problem in narrow corridors when you're trying to look around, and also when Lara engages in combat.


There was one section of the demo when I fought the first lot of tigers that Lara got knocked into a corner - the camera was essentially down on the floor, and I couldn't see around to get out because the tigers kept knocking Lara down as soon as she stood up, and the camera had become dysfuntional.


  • Combat

I had FUN with the combat! :D I genuinely enjoyed it. All Lara's flips and evasive moves, her melee, her slow-mo, all good fun! (Camera issues aside!)


The Spiders were great to stomp on, the sharks were ferocious and I enjoyed the underwater combat a lot.

The Tigers were fierce and persistent. Relentlessly attacking until I climbed up on a high beam and opened up on them. Yes, I cheated, but they were tough!


  • Controls

I think I'm going to enjoy playing more with a PS3 pad than I did with the X360 pad. There seems to be more room to move the Ps3 analog stick than there is to move the X360 one, so hopefully controling Lara will be easier and slightly more managable.


  • Level Design

While this first section was very linear and ledge-filled, the use of space was very good. Comparing to legend and Anniversary, TR:U didn't go OTT on 'wall traversing exploration', and brought the action somewhat back into the middle of the areas. The ledges aren't always/just around the outside walls, there's a fair bit to do in the middle: climbing, vaulting, jumping, balancing - all that TRish stuff, and less 'hoppity-hop-around-the-walls' presented to us in the previous two installments.


I found a few off the track secrets by accident - and by exploring off to the side. That was a very welcome feeling of slight achievement.


I reached the Shiva/Kali room, and left the demo there.


Because I've still only seen pictures of that area, and it looks amazing. I want to experience it for the first time when I've actually got the time to explore it all, and don't feel pressured into rushing through areas so's the next person can have a go.

It may be a basless claim to say 'I had no idea where to go in that room' because I hadn't even properly looked other than a quick run around, but still - it looked big, and a quick scan of the room revealed a fair few different routes to try out - and that was what made me think 'Wow, where do I go, and how do I get over there?'

That was a good feeling. A very good feeling. I've not had that feeling in TR for 5 years.




  • Extra mention

  1. The Sprint Jump - a welcome return - but it didn't seem to be further than a regular jump. Could someone re-test that please?
  2. Spinning around and around and around a pole, then Lara flipping up and standing on it - what a really cool animation!
  3. Mo-cap! Wow! To think Heidi did all those tumbles and flips and rolls in a mo-cap suit, it's fascinating!
  4. Lara can wade in shallow water again! Oh how I've missed that! :hug:
  5. Deaths - seemed to have better ragdoll physics. I noticed another player falling from a high beam - Lara flailed her arms hopelessly as she fell and smacked herself spinning on various platforms on the way down. Shame about the blackouts, though...
  6. Many customisable options - great! My favourite being to remove those ugly reticules. Thank you!
  7. The environments felt really really big. Lots of pickups and I felt like I'd missed a good few of them / secrets along the way.


All in all, I was really impressed.

I can't put this down to the atmosphere of the expo with all the excited background chatter and game fans. I rushed through the demo, and enjoyed it immensely. I can only imagine how much I'm going to like it when I can take my time!

It seemed to be a vast improvement over both TR:A and legend. (I found myself actually trying to comprehend that the same group of people made legend.. I still can't to be honest.) In terms of (obvious graphical improvements), animations, level design and even fun factor.


Nicely done Crystal, nicely done.



Video incoming.


Bieeeen ^^

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El TRU Gold, no justificaria la compra de una consola, con lo cara que estan, XD.





En mi caso, he tenido siempre las PlayStation de cada generación y siempre ha sido únicamente por Tomb Raider, desde Tomb Raider II (El I lo jugué en PC). Esto no quita para que me haya aficionado a otros juegos, pero el motivo por el que siempre he comprado cada consola ha sido por Tomb Raider, así que 6 horas más de juego para mí son suficiente motivo como para comprarme la XBOX

X_D Para un vicio que tengoooo y nos complican tanto la vida... En fins

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En mi caso, he tenido siempre las PlayStation de cada generación y siempre ha sido únicamente por Tomb Raider, desde Tomb Raider II (El I lo jugué en PC). Esto no quita para que me haya aficionado a otros juegos, pero el motivo por el que siempre he comprado cada consola ha sido por Tomb Raider, así que 6 horas más de juego para mí son suficiente motivo como para comprarme la XBOX

X_D Para un vicio que tengoooo y nos complican tanto la vida... En fins


Te comprendo entonces. Ademas, si tenes la posibilidad de comprarte dos maquinas, para despues poder jugar a una variedad de juegos seria alucinante. Pero yo calculo, que por lo menos para PC, tienen que salir los Gold para mas adelante. Ademas la Pc y XBox360 son de Microsoft, con mas razon, XD.


Gracias por informacion Lord_Slaughter ^_^ .



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Me imagino que todos los registrados han recibido este mail de tombraider.com ^^


En él además de avisarte de la disponibilidad de la demo (jaja a buenas horas) y de permitirte encargar el juego,te avisan de una especie de sorteo entre los que encarguen el juego desde el link directo que te dan en el mail y el premio del sorteo es un almuerzo con Alison en Londres xDDD

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Y respecto a la campaña publicitaria...

¿Alguien ha visto algun anuncio del juego en tv?...

Es que ya queda menos de un mes para que salga el juego y aun no he visto nada...

Y ayer ví un anuncio del nuevo Pokémon Ranger para DS que también sale el 21...

Por eso me acordé XD


¿Alguien ha visto algo?...

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http://vivaeljuego.wordpress.com/2008/11/0...erworld-avance/ Este artículo DUELE....


http://www.botonturbo.com/impresiones-tomb...der-underworld/ Jesús...parece que sólo los fans estamos contentos xDDD


http://www.vidaextra.com/2008/11/03-tomb-r...primer-contacto Ains.... parecen todos iguales xDDD



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En mi caso, he tenido siempre las PlayStation de cada generación y siempre ha sido únicamente por Tomb Raider, desde Tomb Raider II (El I lo jugué en PC). Esto no quita para que me haya aficionado a otros juegos, pero el motivo por el que siempre he comprado cada consola ha sido por Tomb Raider, así que 6 horas más de juego para mí son suficiente motivo como para comprarme la XBOX

X_D Para un vicio que tengoooo y nos complican tanto la vida... En fins


Yo he hecho lo mismo, y al igual que tu nunca cambiaria ni por que le pongan cien horas, miles de trajes, 8 niveles más, etc.

a SONY, lo e tienido desde el PS y lo seguire teniendo.

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