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Lara Croft: El Guardián de la Luz

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No creo que le den mucho bombo a las expansiones, y aunque puede que tengas razón, yo mantengo esa esperanza. Hasta ahora no han dicho nada por no eclipsar demasiado el lanzamiento de GoL. Las expansiones no creo que tengan tanta importancia como el juego en sí, así que sigo con la esperanza de que algo digan XD



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Otra review con notaza... nada más y nada menos que un 5 DE 5,osea UN 10!!! (en puntuación normal jaja).


Yet another great review and a perfect 5 of 5 stars score for GoL' date=' I'm so exited. [img']http://www.tombraiderforums.com/images/smilies/tease.gif[/img]


full review here


5/5 holy moly mama. clown.gif jumper.gif hug.gif

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A dos días de la salida en 360 y ya van 3 reviews y entrevistas xDDDD madre mía la que nos espera hasta septiembre xDDDD


I finally made it back home from Florida' date=' yes I traveled over [b']3,000[/b] miles, and it was worth every single one of them! I was so excited and pumped I actually lost my voice, well.. it came back, but I still had enough to express how much I loved this game - and everyone could tell I was enjoying it.




First I'd like to start out by giving a big thank you to none other then Keir, without his kind efforts none of this would have been possible.


(A big thumbs up for Keir!)



Secondly, I'd like to thank the guys at Crystal for their warm heartedness and time they dedicated on Friday, as well as Monday I'm sure they'll have another big line up.




Thank you so much for everything you all, you've surely made me the happiest Tomb Raider fan out there, and I feel so fortunate to have this truly amazing experience.


Guardian of Light - Hands on Review




Right, so now onward to the game review. Well, all I can say is "amazing"! Naw, I could say quite a bit more, and I will. This game has it all, well all but white ledges of course! Puzzles, co-op, single player, heck everyone should be happy, and there's no doubt about it!


(A closer look at the main menu)





The graphics resemble Underworld quite a bit, and that's no surprise since it does use the same engine. Crisp, bright, with a heavy Tomb Raider touch to them, the graphics do great justice, especially for an arcade game at that! I am very impressed. Those pixely images we saw at first are definitely not the end result, I assure you that!


Gameplay & Physics


Physicals no doubt play a big role in The Guardian of Light. Wrap your grapple around an object and have Totec balance upon it, or maybe have Lara jump on his shield and have him walk her across the room. Would you fancy spear throwing? There are multiple ways to solve the hundreds of little puzzles throughout the game, which no doubt adds to replayablity! The game seriously never gets old.


Gameplay is very classic orientated, no doubt. Linear rooms are gone, backtracking is back. You can solve a side puzzle in one room, and go back to the main room and solve another, and repeat. Oh yeah, did I mention repeat? It had me stumped, and I grew up playing the classics. It's just an awesome experience, and it's so good to see Lara Croft back in a game that's actually very, very challenging. Expect to be stumped quite a few times!






Yes, there are a number of things that reminded me of the classic games, several I've mentioned, but there are a few things I really like. To start brown medipacks are back, and they are exactly as such from Anniversary. Her teal top of course did justice and brought some nestologicness to her overall look. The only thing missing was the braid - and boy did the developers hear me out on that. Other than that, as mentioned before the rooms are less linear and darker, with much, much more exploration!




As many of you already know, the music and sound effects in this game are 100% recycled from Legend, Anniversary, and Underworld - but hey no skin off my back. It's a great nod towards previous titles and the music kind of rocked anyway! For an arcade game the music does a lot of justice!





The dual pistols are back as usual with unlimited amo, but I remember much more. I won't spoil too much fun, but I must say I had a blast from the past with that flamethrower. I never knew Lara was so fond of her food being well done.


There are artifacts you find along the way that you can use as weapons and power-ups. I didn't play with them a whole lot but it's really different and adds a lot of depth to the game.




Again, not spoiling too much, but as I even mentioned it to the guys themselves, one thing I really like about the enemies is the lack of humans. Dinosaurs, spiders, and oh wait rhere's more.


Overall I am so happy with this game I'm definitely going to enjoy it in the meantime as I wait for TR9. Yes it's in the works, and that's all they'd really tell me.. believe me I tried to get more out of them!


I had a blast and I'm looking froward to the game's release this week, Keir you did an amazing job setting things up - kudos! The food was great, no pizza.. but they had tons of fancy shancy good stuff.


MattTR over and out.


P.S. - I did make an attempt for them to consider bringing Larson back, who knows.. maybe we'll see his children or something?


I had to take a picture of this sign, bragging rights, puh-lease?



Feel free to ask me anything, and I'll tell you what I know.

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Primeros 10 minutos del juego, outfits, niveles y main menu. El gameplay es en single player.



A mi me encantan los trajes que hay desbloqueables, son mis favoritos de la saga. Buenop, sin contar el clasico, que es mas o menos el de GoL XD

Aunque los extras van a lo grande, 1900 puntos por el Biker (de Legend)


Cosas en las que me he fijado:


- Al menos con el traje Jungla Ligero, Lara lleva mochila.

- Las bombas hay que detonarlas, y sirven para algunos puzzles. (Me voy a divertir: ¡¿A que te detono la bomba que te he pegado, eh?!)

- Los trajes son de otros juegos.

- El main theme es de Underworld.

- Cuando algo explota, te deja puntos.

- En single, Lara no tiene lanzas desde el principio, se las da luego Totec.


Iré añadiendo mas. Postead tambien cosas que os hayan llamado la atencion.

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xDDDDDDDDDD déjame que tengo gripe y estoy atontado xDDDDDDDDD

Que leí desbloqueables y se me metió en la cabeza que hablabas de los trajecitos de la 360 xDDD y lo que dices son desbloqueables para el juego xDDDD


Es que no he querido ver el video xDDD para lo que me queda me parece tontería,porque gane el concurso o no (que no lo voy a ganar) yo mi juego lo voy a tener como sea y nada más estar disponible jum xDD

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Que recuerdos.. esto de esperar una descarga me hace recordar a cuando esperaba ansioso la llegada del Lost in Nightmare (RE5) me puse loco cuando llegé a casa y vi que ya estaba en el Bazar. Y estaba todo saturado, estaría todo petado descargandoselo toda la gente que iba lento con ganas, aunque de todas formas hasta por la noche no iba a probarlo. Madre mia, que ilusión.


Ya nunca volverá a pasarme nada igual en el mundo de los videojuegos.

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IGN ha publicado su review del juego.


El comentario de conlusión:

"Lara Croft y el Guardián de la Luz es una gran aventura, especialmente si estás jugando en el modo cooperativo. A pesar de la historia y diálogo tontos, me pasé mejor con él que cualquier Tomb Raider reciente. Con una magnífica nueva apariencia, puzzlez inteligentes, y un montón de divertidas cosas para recoger, ésta es una transformación de Lara la cual seguramente aprobarás."


Nota: 8,5/10




IGN no suele dar números altos así que la nota está más que bien. Veremos si se refleja en las ventas y en la crítica de los fans.

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