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LIBRO: Arte Conceptual de Tomb Raider


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  • 1 month later...

Ya llega el libro "The Art of Tomb Raider" este mes de Diciembre (al fin...) acaba de ser desvelada la portada del libro y de los volúmenes que contiene...















Gracias Sermongar por el aviso.


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Aqui está la web: http://dreamsandvisionspress.com/


Erogan, no te preocupes ellos contactarán con nosotros en Diciembre. Todo el mundo que conozco que también reservaron el libro están igual que nosotros, así que tranquila. Contactarán con nosotros cuando empiecen a venderse los primeros ejemplares.



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  • 1 month later...


Esta mañana me encontré un mail de "Dreams and Visions" en mi mail donde básicamente me dicen que lamentan mucho todos los retrasos que ha sufrido el libro, pero la espera valdrá mucho la pena porque la calidad y el contenido será asombroso. Básicamente me anuncian que el libro va a imprenta el día 19 de este mes y que la imprenta acabará de imprimirlos el día 15 de Enero. Será entonces cuando se vuelvan a poner en contacto con nosotros para finalizar el pago por PayPal e inmediatamente enviárnoslo.


Aquí mi pregunta, a los que lo habéis reservado (Erogan, Sermongar...) ¿Os ha llegado a vosotros también este correo?


Aquí está el contenido del mail:


Dear Tomb Raider Customer,


You are receiving this email because you were one of the first to place on order for the new “Art of Tomb Raider” book that will be coming out soon. I want to thank you for your pre-order.


The process in getting this book out has been a long, long road. We have worked hand in hand with Eidos to make sure that everything is right and that every possible piece of art that we could fit into the book is there for you to enjoy.


In the process of working on the book there have been a few deadlines that were not met. We wanted to get this book right and it put us behind in our schedule that we had originally set. I know that once you see the book you will realize that the wait was worth it.


The Good news is that the book is at the printers. Printing begins on November 19th and completion is set for January 15th. We did not make the deadline for a Christmas release and I am sorry. I wanted to see this as a Christmas release as much as anyone.


Emails have come in asking about the balance that is due on your pre-order. We will be sending out final paypal invoices in January when the books are ready to start shipping. We will give you plenty of notice. No need to worry, we have books allocated for all the pre-orders. You wont be left out.


Because you were one of the first few to pre-order the book we are working on an “Apprecation” for you. I do not know what it is right now, but as soon as I do you will be informed.


For all updates on the book you can follow our blog at www.dreamsandvisionspress.blogspot.com


We will keep you as informed as much as possible on the progress of the book and answer any questions that might come up that people are concerned about.


Thank you again for your support of this project.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Erogan, te escribo por aqui porque Sermongar me acaba de informar de que en el blog del libro han dado un nuevo retraso. Esta vez es para FEBRERO pero es debido a que las impresiones no pueden estar para antes porque los imprimen en China y coincide con el año nuevo chino y los trabajadores de la imprenta tienen unas pequeñas vacaciones.


Es para febrero (esperemos que definitivamente porque a este paso deberán incluir tb los bocetos de TR9) jajaja.


Aquí tienes el blog con unas capturas del libro.






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