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se ha confirmado en teoria ya todo??

es que cada vez se acerca mas y quiero saber en realidad cuando saldran el 18 en EU y el 21 en Europa no?? es lo que yo tengo entendido

pero en America latina todo lo que es Argentina,Mexico que son los que mas preguntan :P

cuando saldrian ?? igual el 18 ?? o unos dias despues como algunos dicen??

m.. estoy perdida :S jeje

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La salida en Europa (21 de Noviembre) y EEUU (18 de Noviembre) está confirmada, el resto ....



EDIT: lo he estado mirando en la web de Eidos y no consta nada. Lo unico interesante las caracteristicas del juego:


Master your surroundings: Reach new heights with the broadest range of acrobatic abilities and utilize objects within the environment to uncover new paths to explore.


Explore epic and unknown worlds: Discover ancient mysteries of the underworld hidden within the coast of Thailand, frozen islands of the Arctic Sea, the jungles of Mexico, and more.


Treacherous and unpredictable challenges: Each level is an elaborate multi-stage puzzle masked within an interactive environmental playground offering more flexibility over how the area is solved.


New range of combat options: Choose to pacify or kill, target multiple enemies at once with the new dual-target system, and shoot with one hand while suspended with the other.


New state-of-the-art gear: Utilize the latest technology in Lara's upgraded inventory to navigate the world including:


-Active Sonar map: A revolutionary new tool that emits an active sonar ping to create a 3D image of Lara's surroundings, perfect for uncovering hidden items and locations.


-Multi-purpose grapple: A claw-like device with a high-tension cable designed for climbing, rappelling, performing wall runs and manipulating objects within the environment.


-All-terrain hybrid motorbike: A unique vehicle design built to drive on everything from mud to snow and ice.


PS2/Wii specific features


Master your surroundings: Reach new heights with the broadest range of acrobatic abilities and utilize objects within the environment to uncover new paths to explore.


Explore epic and unknown worlds: Discover ancient mysteries of the underworld hidden within the coast of Thailand, frozen islands of the Arctic Sea, the jungles of Mexico, and more.


Treacherous and unpredictable challenges: Each level is an elaborate multi-stage puzzle masked within an interactive environmental playground offering more flexibility over how the area is solved.


New state-of-the-art gear: Utilize the latest technology in Lara's upgraded inventory to navigate the world including:


-Multi-purpose grapple: A claw-like device with a high-tension cable designed for climbing, rappelling, performing wall runs and manipulating objects within the environment.


-All-terrain hybrid motorbike: A unique vehicle design built to drive on everything from mud to snow and ice.


Exclusive Wii Features


Built specifically for the Wii: Level design and environmental challenges are designed to take advantage of the unique capabilities of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk.


Exclusive Multi-Tool: Excavate hidden secrets with this modernized and expanded tool kit that includes:


-Compressed Air Gun: A high-powered instrument used to clear away dirt or silt.


-Acetylene Torch: An advanced, multipurpose torch used to weld metal objects, set fire to objects, and melt ice.


-Chisel: Pry apart objects or chip away sediment in order to discover hidden secrets.


-Pliers: Extract elements from ancient devices.


Exclusive Active Aim Combat System: The combat system has been enhanced for more fluid character control and more precise aiming with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk.


Expanded Camera Control: Take more control of the camera using the Wii Remote. If the Wii Remote is not pointed at the screen, the camera will follow Lara automatically. If it is pointed at the screen, the game will enter a “free look” mode.

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Argentina no importa nada para los que hacen los juegos del tomb o de otros,creo q es x ser un país... :@ me lamento el tan solo star aquí :@ ...creo q s xq tiene muxas deudas...y eso q pago mis impuestos xD :rofl: pero eso no basta,y x eso los países externos se lo pagan enviandonos tdo al final...

Aunque puede q sea norteamérica y europa los continentes más desarrollados y x eso compren más allí y les llegue antes xD ^_^

Hace más de un mes salio un juego(no es del tomb)en España y aquí aun no sta :--(

Es para lamentarse... :--( :hello:

PD:Si alguno de aquí o de otro país se entera de cuando sale aquí me lo dice?! :drooler: :D :hello:

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Quejemonos los argentinos, adelante, pero eso si, para que comprar un juego original un mes despues, cuando en cualquier negocio lo peudo conseguir a $15 el mismo dia, e incluso antes? (no es que yo piense eso eh! jaja)


Por pensamientos como esos, estamos como estamos, pero claro, estamos en una sociedad boluda, donde nos interesan un comino las empresas y el dinero que pierden por la pirateria. Se que es dificil mantenerse "legal" en este país, donde la economia roza la estupidez, pero bueno, si seguimos asi, va a ser aun peor.

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No saves cuanta razón tenés :( estamos cada vez en más decadencia... :--(

Mi sueño es dominar bien el inglés e irme a Inglaterra pero no s facil x temas de dinero y al ver q uno viene de Argentina pus no te dejan con facilidad al ser el país más correcto del mundo(y poderoso) :hello:

PD:Allá el tomb de seguro q sale al mismo tiempo q en norteamérica a pesar de q s europa(SE LOS ASEGURO!!!) :hello:



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Copyright 2008 www.tombraiderchronicles.com


[ September 24th 2008 ]


Eidos has confirmed P.V.C European pricing for Tomb Raider Underworld. The Playstation 3 version will cost 69.99 Euros. The Xbox 360 version will be priced 64.99 Euros. Games For Windows and Nintendo Wii versions will be priced 49.99 Euros. Sony PS2 and Nintendo DS versions will be priced 39.99. A special 'Mythical Collectors Edition' will also be launched in Europe.


To support the release of Tomb Raider Underworld, Eidos France will mobilise its biggest and most comprehensive advertising campaign to date. Billboard advertising, Metro and subway posters, national TV and radio spots and an online presence will all beat the drum for Lara Croft's latest adventure.


Tomb Raider Underworld sees Lara undertake her riskiest mission yet, descending to the depths of the underworlds. For generations, stories have been told of the fearsome weapon of the Norse god, Thor.


Legend has it that he who wields the hammer has the power to smash mountains into valleys and the strength to destroy even the gods. For more than a thousand years it has existed only as a myth... until now.


In an ancient ruin on the floor of the Mediterranean Sea, Lara Croft uncovers proof of the Norse underworld and the mythical hammer. As Lara attempts to unravel the secrets behind these myths, her perilous journey leads to a forgotten power that, if unleashed, could lay waste to all civilization.

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18 de Noviembre sale TRU para todas las consolas en USA.


21 de Noviembre sale TRU para todas las consolas en Europa.


que bien pense que primero saldria en europa y despues en USA ....




Pero soy mexicano y tendre que esperar mas :--( en lo que llega a lo mucho unas 2 semanas mas ! ^_^ , pero lo malo que ya habra videos de niveles enteros espero y no me gane la duda y los vea como me arruine el anniversary 8D

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