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http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread.php?t=136342 han colgado LA GUIA de LA DEMO de Tailandia.Supongo que es la mísma que había colgado aquel chico que fue a la convención de Paris si no me equivoco.Por el tamaño que tiene el texto tiene pinta de ser una demo larga ^^
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Pues te puedo asegurar yo que si..., mi hermana sin ir mas lejos... alla x el año 1999 yo tenia 9 años y ella 18 mi edad de ahora y te aseguro que estuvo 2 meses viciada con tr4 y todo con guia TODO y lo se porque yo se la leia y ella lo hacia, jajjajajaj. Luego claro me ponia yo a jugar desde el principio y sabia hacerlo todo, jajjajajja.

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Yo tengo mucho mono xDDD Había borrado todos los videos para no ver más..... xDD y me he vuelto a descargar el BTS4 xDDD


Necesito información!!!!!!!!!!! y a la vez no la quiero xDDDD Yo en cuanto tenga la demo creo que no me paso más por el foro de TRU jajajaja y si me paso será para contar mis experiencias con la demo xDD pero NADA más xD


He estado curioseando pero no hay nada nuevo interesante.Si me entero de algo aviso :)


Volviendo al tema de la demo y la guia... Voy a copiar la guia aqui NO para que la lean sino para que vean lo que ocupa y yo así a ojo le calculo entre 3/4 de hora y una hora en pasar todo esto:


Coastal Thailand


Move to the rear of the yacht and gracefully perform a dive into the clear blue water. Swim towards the cliff and explore the bottom of the lagoon. Two sharks are circling, so you can either avoid them or kill them with your pistols. For added amusement, detonate them with a sticky grenade. To perform this action you have to wait until they come close enough then launch a grenade.


Swim to the cliff and locate the small ledge where you can climb out. Climb on it, then walk towards the wall and start climbing. Head up and right until you reach the crevice. Press Jump while holding Right to reach the next wall. Grab the ledge running along the wall and shimmy right. When you reach the end, jump right to the next ledge and shimmy to the right. There's a small outcrop you can climb so pull up and enter the alcove to collect a pickup. There are three spiders running around, so take care of them. If they jump on Lara, you can dispense with them by using the Interact button.


Go back (or dive and swim) to the small ledge near the cliff and start climbing again. Head up and left to the edge of a stone structure, then jump to reach the next one. Press Jump to pull up and go left, hugging the wall. Locate the outcrop and the entrance in the cliff and jump forward to reach it.


The Remnants


Follow the path and collect a pickup in the left corner then head right. Slide down the slope, jump and grab the pole. You can either swing or pull up. Stand on the pole for a few seconds to find your balance then jump forward and grab the crevice. Jump up to grab the next ledge and pull up. Follow the passage and take care of two spiders. Locate a ledge on your left, grab it and jump up to reach the narrow ledge above. Pull up and notice another ledge in front of you. Press jump to reach it, then jump again to grab the upper ledge and pull up.


Find your way between the plants and the rocks and follow the path on the left until you reach a small pit. Use the Grapple to catch the golden ring above (you can also launch the grapple while you’re standing on the ground and start climbing up the rope). Swing and jump forward, then follow the narrow passage on the left. Crawl under the rock to reach a room with an architectural structure and four pillars.


Explore the area between the pillars, where you can collect two pickups. Go between the second left pillar and the wall and perform a wall-jump. To perform this, jump towards the wall and immediately press Jump when you hit it. Keep repeating this to climb up to the space between the walls and grab the ledge on the pillar. Traverse to the left and jump left to reach the next pillar’s ledge. Jump up to grab the upper ledge, then look behind and locate a crevice running along the wall.


Jump and grab the crevice. Shimmy to the right until the end and jump to reach the crevice on the pillar behind you. Traverse to the right and jump up, then left to grab the ledge and shimmy to the left until the end. Jump up and shimmy to the right. Pull up. Run towards the temple and make a mental note of the stairs and the doorway in front of you. Watch the six pillars in front of the temple and jump to grab the ledge on the left one. Jump up and shimmy right, then jump backwards and grab the ledge on the right pillar. Traverse to the left, drop down and grab the horizontal pole.


Move to the right and face the next pole. Press forward to swing towards it and jump to grab it. If Lara loses her grip, you have to immediately press the Interact button. Swing again and jump forward to grab the ledge running around the wall. Shimmy to the right end. Look behind to locate a crevice on the pillar and jump to grab it. Turn around the pillar and manuevre to the left. Jump while pressing left to catch the horizontal pole. Traverse to the left pillar and drop down to grab the crevice, then drop down again to land on a block. Grab a pickup and follow the river to the right.


Take care of three tigers attacking from the bushes. If you want to shoot them from a safe place, don’t try to step on the lower blocks, where they can follow you. The best bet is to reach the architectural structure on the left and to jump on the beam. Grab a pickup on the floor between the columns, get on the beam and traverse to the right. If Lara loses her balance, you have to completely stop moving to regain it. Jump up to grab the ledge and shimmy to the left. Turn around the corner, then look behind to locate a small ledge and jump to reach it. Walk towards the pillar and jump up to grab the ledge. Shimmy to the right and turn around the corner.


The next move can be frustrating: you have to reach the upper ledge on this same pillar by using the wall-jump. Jump to the pillar behind you, then press Jump as soon as you hit it, and keep repeating this to climb up (you have to jump four times to reach the upper ledge). Turn around the pillar and drop down to the beam. Traverse it, then jump forward to reach the next pillar. Jump from it to grab the edge. Don’t go up the steps yet. Instead, shimmy to the right, pull up and collect a pickup.


Get back to the steps and head forward, then crawl under the giant root on the left. Hang from the edge and shimmy to the left. Jump over the plant blocking the way, pull up and crawl again under the root. Dispense with three tigers and head to the doorway.


The Temple


Follow the hallway until you reach a deep pit. Walk carefully to the edge and take care of four bats attacking you. Jump on the small beam and walk towards the end. Locate the ledge on the wall and jump forward to grab it. Traverse to the right and, once on the pillar, look behind and jump to grab the ledge in front of you. Move to the left, drop down to grab the lower ledge, then grab the beam and pull up. Walk until you reach the end and jump forward to reach the next beam. Jump left, grab the edge and pull up to crawl under the small stone structure.


Follow the corridor, go up the stairs and drop into a small pit. Run forward, kill the six spiders that will eventually jump on you and turn left. Vault on the small block and grab the beam. Pull up and collect a pickup near the wall. Walk on the beam, then jump to the right on the narrow ledge. Jump forward twice, then grab the horizontal pole, swing and jump. Take the stairs.


As the cut scene unfolds, Lara enters the courtyard of the temple of Shiva. Taking out her camera, she deciphers some Sanskrit inscriptions on a pillar and understands that the place is related to Bhogavati, one of the Hindu underworlds. According to the legend, the place is guarded by the Nagas, the Snake-Men.


The Courtyard


Pad across the wooden platform and pull the lever. The two ropes holding the platform will appear jammed. Take the left corridor, crawl under a stone structure and hang from an edge. Climb down to the ground and collect a pickup hidden behind the plants. Locate the ledge running along the right wall and grab it. Shimmy to the right until the end, then jump right to grab the ledge and shimmy to the right. Turn around the corner, then start climbing the wall to pass the broken ledge. Go to the right, then hang from the edge again and shimmy to the right. After the corner, pull up and stand on the narrow ledge. Hugging the wall, jump forward and immediately jump again. Grab the edge and pull up. On the platform, locate the golden ring on the mechanism and use your Grapple to catch it. Pull the grapple to untie the rope to free one side of the wooden platform.


Go the the right, hang from the edge and drop down on the platform where you find a pickup from earlier. Follow the path and locate the golden ring on the ceiling. Use the Grapple to catch it and traverse to the other side. Collect a pickup behind the pillars. Then take the pole on the floor and locate the pillar with a vacant hole. Put the pole in it, then pull up and stand on the pole. Notice the ledge on the nearby pillar and jump to grab it. Shimmy to the right and jump right to catch the next one, then jump again to grab the ledge on the wall. Start climbing and reach the upper ledge.


Look behind and jump to land on top of the pillar. Jump forward to reach the next pillar, then turn left and locate a small beam coming from the pillar. Jump on it and hang from the beam to reach the ledge on the pillar. Turn around the corner and jump to reach the platform. On the right, collect a pickup. On the left, jump up and grab the horizontal pole. Move near the wall. Use the Interact button to pull the pole from the wall and free the second side of the wooden platform.


To get back to the wooden platform, jump back to the ledge on the pillar you came from, turn around the corner and step on the beam. Jump to reach the top of the pillar and locate the ledge on the wall in front of you. Jump forward and grab it. Then pull up, crawl under the stone structure and follow the hallway until the wooden platform.


Pull the lever. This triggers an adrenaline moment and ends the level.


¿No les parece que tranquilamente hacer todas estas cosas puede llevar cerca de una hora de juego? Y es sólo una demo... no creo yo que lancen una demo con un nivel entero ¿no? ^^

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Yo la guia me la comprare porque es de Piggyback, como la de Legend, pero no la miraré hasta que me pase el juego. La compraré mas que nada por las páginas de extras en las que los desarrolladores hablan de curiosidades del juego y claro está, por las fotos jejejejeje!!

Además, con esa portadita tan bonita... no me resisto vamos!

Si no me la comprara luego me pasaría como con Kingdom Hearts, con la coña de que quieres pasarte el juego por tu cuenta luego las guias se agotan y las descatalogan :_(

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Al fin se puso EIDOS de nuevo en contacto, y nos da los siguientes detalles planeados para estas semanas.


Nuevos renders de personajes de TRU en los próximos días.

Información y disponibilidad de la edición coleccionista de TRU muy pronto.

Mañana miercoles los requisitos de PC.

Noticias de la demo, dice que inminentes. Y que cosas interesantes, principalmente screenshots para el miércoles.

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