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Tonner has announced a deal with Eidos to produce Lara Croft mini mannequins.




Copyright 2008 Tonner Doll Company Press Release


[ June 26th 2008 ]


Tonner today announced an agreement with Eidos Interactive Limited to release Tonner Character Figures (TCF) based on the Lara Croft Tomb Raider Legend video game. Tonner's Lara Croft is the first of its kind.


Leaping from the pixels on the screen into the hands of collectors at a noble 17" tall, Lara Croft features 14 points of articulation, rooted hair, and several different changeable outfits.


"In creating Lara Croft as a TCF, I wanted to capture her essence and spirit in all the detail," Robert Tonner, CEO of Tonner explained. "We worked closely with Eidos to ensure every facet of the figure is completely accurate."


With Lara Croft, Tonner does for figures what Eidos did for gaming by giving the collector and player what their imaginations were asking for; a powerful, independent, determined heroine.


The result is one of gaming's most recognized and well-known characters, a powerfully independent, determined heroine that was honored with a star on the Walk of Game in 2006 and a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records, recognizing her as the "most recognizable female video game character."


"Lara Croft was an opportunity for me to enter a new realm," Tonner said. "As a sculptor, a chance to create an entirely new body is incredibly rewarding. Lara Croft allowed me to express, in the sculpt, both the strength and femininity for which she has become legendary."


Tonner's Lara Croft launched June 26, 2008 at Wizard World Chicago to an audience of 68,000 eager attendees. Wizard World is a four-city tour that brings the world of comics, collectibles, and pop culture to fans and collectors alike. Enthusiasts had the opportunity to purchase a Lara Croft from the first 100 of the introductory production run.


Exclusively available via TONNERDirect, collectors can visit tonnerdirect.com or call 800-794-2107 to purchase Lara Croft, accessories, and outfits.


Author: Staff


Comenta a grandes rasgos, de que Tonner hizo un contrato con Eidos, para la fabricacion de muñecas de Lara Croft, maniquies, etc, para los amantes y coleccionista de la intrepida Lara



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Solo hay 100!! (por ahora) :roll:


la quiero!!! aunque ufff, ultimamente como que estan sacando demasiadas cosas de TR (¿influiría en Eidos lo que le digimos Sermongar y yo de más merchandising?) esque ultimamente sacan bastantes cosas nuevas, pero a que precios... calma calma!!!!


jajajjaa, Dani me mataste con lo de Barbie Malibú jajajajajajajjaajjajajajaja



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La cara es muy bonita pero las articulaciones son un asco..... y esa ropa parecen trapos


ya que se lo curraban haciendo ropa en tela, podian haber usado lycra, bastante más realista que el saco patatas que le han puesto por camiseta, y el pelo.... si no fuera por los mechones pareceria un lego


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Fotos de las primeras Laras vendidas en la Wizard Wold Chicago 2008, donde se presentaba la figura.

Según parece esta siendo todo un éxito y la segunda edición vendrá la tarcera semana de Julio.

Estas primeras 100 vienen con un certificado de autenticidad y firmadas por el diseñador.


Aqui pongo unas fotos que encontré de la figura y en la presentación de Chicago:







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