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TRU tambien para Mobile & PSP!


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hey a todos, encontre este articulo donde anuncian a TRU tb para mobile, nos presentan algunas nuevas screenshots y alguna info sobre el juego.


la primera son yetis?:S


el juego se baja de internet o se compra?Esque para mi movil me bajé juegos de tr, eran ''Roms'' o algo de eso en croftgeneration y era gratis.

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EA Mobile announces Tomb Raider: Underworld for N-Gage

Copyright: tombnews.com | Story by: Newsdesk Staff

Date: October 27th, 2008



EA Mobile, a division of Electronic Arts Inc, today announced support for Nokia N-Gage and releasing Tomb Raider: Underworld on this game platform in the near future.


"Nokia is thrilled to be bringing a tremendous roster of titles from EA Mobile to N-Gage customers around the world," commented Gregg Sauter, Director of Third Party Publishing, Nokia."The breadth and quality of this new games line-up is testament to the strong relationship between Nokia and EA Mobile. As N-Gage accelerates its growth through 2009 and beyond we look forward to continuing our close relationship with EA Mobile to deliver even more innovative and exciting games to the global N-Gage community."


Peter Parmenter, Director, Worldwide OEM at EA Mobile, added: "We're delighted to extend our support for Nokia with a superb games line-up from EA Mobile for N-Gage. We're committed to exploring methods to make the experience of finding, buying and playing mobile games easier and more compelling and N-Gage gives us a robust ecosystem to bring to market some of EA's most popular franchises as well as those of one of our key partners, Eidos, with Tomb Raider: Underworld and Pandemonium."


Tomb Raider Underworld puts Lara Croft in Southern Mexico where she must unravel the mystery surrounding the five missing days of the Mayan calendar, an apocalyptic time when the portals between the mortal realm and the Underworld dissolve, allowing ill-intending deities to causing disaster and mayhem.


Tomb Raider: Underworld is currently in development at Crystal Dynamics and will be published by Eidos Interactive on PC, PS3, Xbox 360, NDS, Wii and PS2

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Que manera de quemar un juego :mrgreen:

Sería la respuesta tonta, pero en el fondo, yo lo veo perfecto. Esta gente se lo está currando, haciendo de este TRU algo más que un juego multiplataformas. Realmente, lo admiro. No como a Capcom, que son unos patateros y como no saben hacer juegos, el RE5 lo dejan solo para la Xbox y Ps3. Pues que aprendan estos incomprendidos, que el resultado de TRU Wii es perfecto.

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