Oraculo Publicado 26 de Septiembre del 2008 Publicado 26 de Septiembre del 2008 Muchas gracias por la informacion Tana, siempre ahi con la informacion. Saludos.
Tanausulord Publicado 26 de Septiembre del 2008 Publicado 26 de Septiembre del 2008 http://laracroft.blip.tv/#1301567 en estos SÍ que está bien sincronizado el audio xDDD que ya me cansaba de escuchar a Lara "gemir" y los ruiditos de los gadgets cuando no tocaba xDDD
Erogan Publicado 26 de Septiembre del 2008 Publicado 26 de Septiembre del 2008 Se ven y se escuchan bastante bien, gracias por el enlace Tana
Tanausulord Publicado 26 de Septiembre del 2008 Publicado 26 de Septiembre del 2008 http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread.php?t=134813 No sé si es sarcasmo o qué xDDD pero bueno ahi queda el artículo
Danielinhoni Publicado 26 de Septiembre del 2008 Publicado 26 de Septiembre del 2008 Gracias por el enlace tambien Tana. La verdad es que tienes razon. Ya decia yo que oia el palo clavarse cuando ya estaba encima de el XD. Pero bueno. Gracias Tana
Erogan Publicado 26 de Septiembre del 2008 Publicado 26 de Septiembre del 2008 Tanausulord dijo: http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread.php?t=134813 No sé si es sarcasmo o qué xDDD pero bueno ahi queda el artículo Dan a entender que incluso lo puedes modificar para hacerlo super fácil (para niños) o super chungo (pa'mi), creo que ya se hablo de esto ¿no?
Tanausulord Publicado 26 de Septiembre del 2008 Publicado 26 de Septiembre del 2008 Sip el TAILOR noséqué ese xDDD TAILORING OPTIONS xDDD Como curiosidad quería poner esto http://www.google.es/search?as_q=tomb+raid...amp;safe=images una búsqueda cuyos resultados muestran una gran cantidad de webs que han colgado los recientes vignette 3 y 4. Incluso Ign que tenía muy olvidado este nuevo TR ha puesto a disposición de sus miembros y visitantes los últimos videos de TRU. Pienso,sinceramente,que es una gran noticia que TRU esté teniendo tanta aceptación y expectación global ^^ Me siento orgulloso de ser fan de toda la vida http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread.php?t=134839 ¿Ya pusieron esto? Un video de la demo de Tailandia de ps3 SUPUESTAMENTE nuevo xD http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/tombrai...tag=tabs;videos O han colgado los vignettes dos veces por error y encima no se ven los "nuevos" o bien están preparando algo nuevo..... aunque pienso que es más un error que otra cosa...
Tomb andres Publicado 28 de Septiembre del 2008 Publicado 28 de Septiembre del 2008 Aqui os dejo dos imagenes de como será el Mapa Sonar, agregadas por MyRaider4life de TRforums: Y una imagen de como será el Menú de los accesorios de Lara llamado Croft VX: Tambien en Gamersyde han colocado un video In-game de e Mediterraneo: http://www.gamersyde.com/stream_8843_en.html
Erogan Publicado 28 de Septiembre del 2008 Publicado 28 de Septiembre del 2008 Las imagenes que has puesto corresponden al enlace que puso Tana en el otro tema: http://foro.tombraiderfans.es/index.php?s=...st&p=336709
Tanausulord Publicado 28 de Septiembre del 2008 Publicado 28 de Septiembre del 2008 http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread.php?t=134919 qUE GUAY... lo que no sé es donde demonios ha visto esas imágenes xDD porque yo sólo veo lo de siempre xD
Majestic Publicado 28 de Septiembre del 2008 Publicado 28 de Septiembre del 2008 Cita Page 1 XBOX 360 Also on : PC, Playstation 3, Playstation 2, Wii, Nintendo DS Developer : Crystal Dynamics Publisher : Eidos Releasedate : 21 November MYTHOLOGICAL MEGAMIX Archaeologist Lara Croft from Tomb Raider is back : prettier, stronger and more agile than ever before. The heroine travels this time around the globe while fighting the dark powers of the underworld. Only then she’ll find the answer to the sudden disappearing of her mother. The sun is shining and the waves are calm when Lara stands on the after-deck of her boat, looking at the Mediterranean Sea. She’s wearing her diving suit, two loaded pistols on her thighs and a harpoon attached to her back. Up here it might look peaceful, but down below hungry sharks and dark caves await our trained brunette. Archaeologist Lara Croft is on the edge of starting her new mission, but to understand that mission we will have to return to the story of the previous game made by publisher Crystal Dynamics : Tomb Raider:Legend. There, Lara found out that the mother who she thought was dead might actually still be alive, and no top of that on the legendary isle Avalon. Tomb Raider:Underworld begins when she looks for clues for the existence of Avalon in the caves of the Mediterranean Sea. According to Eric Lindstrom, creative director of Crystal Dynamics, the new game will bring back the feeling of being isolated. And you’ll notice that in the first level immediately. Zip, the technical assistant, and right-hand Alister still give her instructions through her laptop, but the headset she used in Legend to communicate with them is gone. So this means you’ll dive alone in the depths of the Mediterranean Sea. While you’re swimming down the underwater world slowly starts appearing. Shadows of sharks glide over the earth when you reach the first cave. Lara’s pistols are useable against those aggressive sea creatures but they don’t have the same strength as on dry land. So you’ll have to use your harpoon or grenades the kill them swiftly. The huge view underwater gives you a great feeling of freedom, but Tomb Raider isn’t Grand theft Auto IV, so you can’t... Page 2 - Top left Image : Lara can now shoot those irritating bats when hanging from a ledge. ...keep swimming forever. When you reach the invisible barrier Lara will nicely turn around. The underwater world is truly huge, big enough to get lost. That’s why Lara has a new gadget : a PDA which can make a 3D map of the environment using sonar. That makes it a lot easier to navigate in the under seas caves. New Tricks Tomb Raider: Underworld is specially rebuilt from the ground up for the Next Gen consoles and it’s clearly visible. The water’s bright, plants move in the wind, birds fly away when you walk past by them and Lara looks better than ever before. The new elements in the game truly get going when our heroine travels to Thailand. IN the about 15 hours you’ll need to complete the game, according to Crystal Dynamics, you’ll spend most time here. Lara’s first goal in Thailand is to reach shore. IN front of her boat there’s a pointy rock which she can use to climb up. It’s immediately obvious that there are multiple routes in this game that lead to the same destination. It’s up to you which route you’ll take, but depending on your choice it’ll be harder or easier. It doesn’t matter how you do it, as long as you get there. Here, you’ll also get to meet Lara’s new set of moves. If you’re in front of a tomb and see a ledge you can use to get in you know you’ll have to use her new jump technique. Lara is stronger and more agile than ever before, and that gives her the possibility to jump between >>> ---- Underworld / Top World What the exact course of the story in Underworld is, isn’t quite known yet. We do know that in her new search she’ll continue the long search of her father who was looking for her mother, and that it’ll spend most of the time in the underworlds of Norse myths and the Mayas. The prologue begins in Crofts Mansion after Lara, as you can see in trailer, blows it up. The story begins a week earlier in the Mediterranean Sea. After that she travels to Thailand, Mexico and the North Pole. There’ll be six levels with each it’s own mission. Smile at the camera De sexy archaeologist always carries a camera. You can take pictures of tigers, or newly discovered graves. The camera also has a timer so you can put Lara in the picture too. In the preview it didn’t work to get Lara to face the camera, hence why she was with her butt facing us all the time. Isn’t that bad anyway. You can also send the snapshots to friends who also have the game using Xbox Live or PSN. - Underwater Image : If you shoot enough, you can even kill those sharks. - Bottom Right Image : She knows how to jump, but she has never heard of hiding before. ---- Page 3 ---- Top Left Image : Kraken, the mystical sea monster, awaits you in the caves of the Mediterranean Sea. Thee myths of Tomb Raider Underworld Thor’s Hammer (hammah!) The bearded god of thunder possesses immense powers. His favourite thing to do is killing giants. Enemies fear him, not only because of his strength, but also because of Mjölnir, a magical hammer made by dwarfs. De Mjölnir always hits its target and always returns to the hands of the god of thunder. With the hammer, Thor can also revive the dead. To use the Mjölnir in battle, he needs an iron glove. In a heavy battle the god wraps a powerbelt around his body, which makes him twice as strong. Whoever finds Thor’s hammer unleashes Ragnarok, the final battle between the gods and the end of the world. Avalon A foggy hidden isle in the British waters. According to the sage, this is the isle where King Athur rest after his injuries, by Mordred in de battle for Camlann. Avalon is a deterioration of the Brythonic word Anwfyn, the Underworld. King Arthur would rest here until he wakes up the save England. According to the legend, the legendary sword Excalibur was made here, de magical sword that Uther smashed in a rock on the battlefield. His lasts were “no man but a true king would be able to withdraw it.” Helheim Helheim or Helgard is in the Norse mythology the underworld where the daughter of the god Loki ( friends with Thor ), Hel, stays. The world is described as a space filled with the shadows of the dead. It’s not clear of it is far from Niflheim, the empire of fog. Here too is not much to find for the living. It is connected to Yggdrasil, de Worldtree or tree of life in the Norse cosmogony. It reaches from the underworld, to the human world and to the world of the gods. Xibalba The ”place of fear”. The underworld of the Mayan mythology, ruled by the dead. In august Mexican archaeologists discovered a maze of stone temples in underground caves. In some they found human bones, others where flooded. The Mayans believed that it was the entrance for the dead souls to the underworld. ---- <<< two pillars and while zigzagging going up. Furthermore she can also climb onto the top of a pillar and balance on it, in the previous game she could only stand on them. The poles on which she could only swing, can now also be used to climb up and jump. The improved techniques open up alternative routes passed, over and through ancient temples. But despite the new engine Crystal Dynamics couldn’t solve the one of the major weaknesses, he camera. The camera which you control with the analogue stick, sometimes flies everywhere when climbing. Besides that Underworld is a really dark game. However, Lara always carries a flashlight to enlighten her path, but the combination of a bad camera and dark tombs sometimes makes it hard to follow all of the action. Even more annoying is when you’re about to jump from ledge to ledge and you just can’t turn the camera around enough to see the other side. Huge iguanas For the first time in the history of Tomb Raider they’ve used motion capture to record all of Lara’s movements, but you can’t see much of that in-game. It looks fabulous when Lara jumps from a ledge or performs a handstand when she reaches a platform, but that’s it. The game plays and feels exactly like the previous Tomb Raiders. Also counting the gunfights. If you met a bat or bear in Tomb Raider Legend or Tomb Raider Anniversary, then you’ll meet 10 at the same time in Underworld. Lara can use her twin pistols separately from each other to kill her opponents, but she’ll still have to jump around a lot. Uncharted’s Nathan Drake had already learned to find cover and aim for himself, but with Lara you can, while shooting as much as possible, still only run backwads and jump away, hoping that you won’t get caught. You know how to kill tigers, bats and spiders, but it gets annoying when you get attacked by huge iguanas. Tigers stay on the ground of you shoot them between the eyes from a level, but iguanas follow you everywhere. Luckily Crystal Dynamics did choose to replace the quick time events. In Legend or Anniversary you got to see a clip where you had to press button at given times to defeat a creature. Underworld gives with adrenaline moments the control back to the player. Lara’s heart start beating faster which makes time slow down and giving you the opportunity to save yourself from nasty situations. Superstrenght After Lara found clues in Thailand about the existence of Mjölnir, the hammer of the thundergod Thor, she goes to the south of Mexico. While she drives through the jungle on her bike, she discovers... ---- Bottom Left Image : Lara can get poles out of walls and stick them back in somewhere else. ---- Page 4 ---- Storyboard Tomb Raider is a very filmic game, that’s why it has it’s won storyboard, and collection of drawn shots of every level. The complete game is drawn this way. According to Eric Lindstrom it shows real nicely how the story in Underworld developed. If you finish the game on highest difficulty, you can watch them all. Top Left Image : The Indiana Jones vibe is never far away in Tomb Raider Underworld. Top Right Image : Never look down when climbing ! ---- the remains of a grave-mound. One of the most important puzzles awaits you here. That puzzle has to do with the extensive Mayan calendar. The sun calendar consists out of 18 months, each containing 20 days. Because of this there are always 5 nameless days in each year of 365 days. People feared these days because they believed that during this period the gates to the underworld would be opened. Discover the solution to the puzzle and get access to Xibalba, the hell of the Mayans. In the galleries she’ll find one of Thor’s iron gloves. The Mjölnir, strong enough to wipe mountains away, was so heavy that Thor needed the special gloves to carry the hammer. Now that Lara has the glove, she has super strength with which she can move whole rocks. Massive doors are no longer an obstacle and she turns bridges around like they’re matchsticks. She even says what she’s planning on doing with the glove in one of the trailers “I need Thor’s belt to get the hammer, and I need the hammer to kill a god.” Revenge In the four hour preview we could play, a lot became clear about the newest instalment in the Tomb Raider-series. First of all the preview version is dying of bugs. Sometimes the game refused to load or the soundtrack stopped playing for no reason. Lara also seemed to be able to swing through walls very often, or hanging on poles who were on the floor. Many bugs are known, so there’s a big chance they’ll be removed before the official release. Besides the bugs the game plays like it used to be, looks graphically very good and is unbelievably exciting. This is the type of adventure of which you just want you just want to know how it ends. But even after four hours of playing there still are a lot of question left. It’s still not clear how the rest of the story will continue (see frame) and Crystal Dynamics won’t budge either. That Zip, Alister, Amanda and Natla will return is certain. What their role will be and of your companions will stay on your side is the question. En why does Lara blow Croft Manor up ? Has she discovered something that should remain secret forever ? Or is she out on revenge ? We’ll have to wait until november to get the answers. <Peter Keizer ---- Dressed to kill During our preview session you could choose different outfits for Lara. She has a light jungle outfit and a medium jungle outfit. The advantages of those two outfits aren’t obvious yet. Same goes for if you can choose them immediately or buy them as an extra online. - Bottom Left Image : The tigers look way better in UNderworld, but they still are stupid. ---- Fuente : http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showpost.p...mp;postcount=77 No hay casi nada nuevo. Se menciona que hay bastantes bugs, y eso que es una versión reciente!! Espero que este TR no sea un AOD-2: buena trama, buenos gráficos ... infinitos bugs. Muchos movimientos siguen sin convencer, y parece que la cámara no enfoca muy bien.
ivaneirox Publicado 28 de Septiembre del 2008 Publicado 28 de Septiembre del 2008 ivaneirox dijo: disculpen el doble post En el nuevo video repitiendolo varias veces la "momia" o "zombie" como decian algunos a mi parecer es un guerrero de thor si se fijan bien es como de piedra y tienen unos cachos en la cabeza o como le digan bueno solo les digo que miren el video y veran bye Ven yo tenia razon! pero nadie lee mis posts
Tomb andres Publicado 29 de Septiembre del 2008 Publicado 29 de Septiembre del 2008 En Gamersyde, ha salido la segunda parte de un video posteado anteriormente: http://gamersyde.com/stream_8858_en.html Y lo mejor, es de PS3
Ray Publicado 29 de Septiembre del 2008 Publicado 29 de Septiembre del 2008 He hecho una promesa que que pienso cumplir, y es que no voy a ver ningún otro video de TRU, así que solo espero que el video esté bien, pero lo siento, no lo voy a ver... ¡¡Se acabaron Spoilers de todo tipo para Ray!! xDDD
Tanausulord Publicado 29 de Septiembre del 2008 Publicado 29 de Septiembre del 2008 http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread.php?t=134965 Joé que envidiaaaaaaaaaaa xDD Otro que ha probado la demo y dice lo que le ha parecido xD ColdCaseDetK;3076928 dijo: Alright guys, so the recently released gameplay footages of Thailand and the Med. are just PURE gorgeous. The environment, Lara's moves, everything. Which is here as we all know http://www.gamersyde.com/leech_8830_en.html But, also, Lara's model looks a heck of alot more real now. I mean, compare the Med vid to this old shot of Lara a while back, and it looks so much better. I can't wait to see what the actual final will look like. It looks like CD are definently listening to the whole Lara more realisitic thing. And wow, does it show. What do you guys think? http://www.gamersyde.com/leech_8843_en.html Old image New image AL FINA LA COMPARACIÓN QUE BUSCABA ^^
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