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Tesis Para El Master - Por Favor Ayuden! (En Inglés)


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Hello everybody, we are 2 students at the Jonkoping International Business School in Sweden and we are currently writing our Master Thesis about factors for the success of a brand extension (sequel) in the video game industry. We are going to use the results for a case study based on the Tomb Raider series and we were hoping you can spare 5 minutes of your time to answer this really simple survey. Thanks in advanced for your help. :)



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You can get a better result if you post this test in English forums.

Like this ones:


- www.tombraiderforums.com

- http://forums.eidosgames.com/forumdisplay.php?f=290



Or in the official blog of Tomb Raider, but you have to contact with the Community Manager of Crystal Dynamics (Meagan Marie) first:



Good luck!



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