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Nuevas imagenes y video!

Evan Croft

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I recently got a message of a friend on our homepage, and he said that PC Games has the exclusive rights for the video. It's with German subtitles, sorry for that. Friday Goodness! :D


"Here we go" (my favourite slogan):



Antes de acostarme... ;)

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I'm gonna start off by saying I don't have any sort of proof of this, sorry. I live in Belgium and just saw Gunktv, a videogameshow on tv (VT4, for people that live in Belgium). They did a preview on TRU (ps3 version) and showed some new footage (only of Thailand and Meditteranean though).


They also showed part of the cut-scene with Natla! I don't remember exactly what they said, but they were talking about Lara's mother, Hellheim and Niffelheim. Natla looked great, so did everything else.


I know you have no reason to believe me, but maybe someone with digital tv can watch the episode again and upload it? Or at least confirm I'm telling the truth :)


Parece ser que en una web han puesto un video en el que se puede ver la escena de Lara con Natla,la página es gunktv y parece que van a intentar colgarlo en youtube.



A ver si algún investigador localiza el video :P

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Mmmm por lo visto han descubierto en los archivos de la demo una lista con los nombres de los trajes de todo el juego.... no sé si andan mirando como desbloquearlos o si ya lo han conseguido pero voy a curiosear un poco más xDDD


WARNING: BIG HUGE EFFIN' SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INSIDE!!!!!!!!!


I know it's a delicate subject that often ruins the fun of it, but think of it as this way - you finish the game once, no cheats, then decide you want to replay it and find all missing or hidden secrets ;-) So you're in a hurry and want to go fast, therefore.. the title.. Apparently, Crystal didn't disappoint me. They used the same engine as TRA/TRL did.


From my findings, there are a few suits available ;-)














"Skip all puppets show" is still there, therefore we'll be able to play cutscenes levels ;-) Oh, and I am already flying :-)


Posting tool in a bit..

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