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hay una escena final que muestra los diferentes personajes del juego quiero saber quienes son...


Yo tengo los nombres,si creen que es muy dificil los doy mañana y formulo otra pregunta.


En el final es mostrada un film mostrando a:


Von Croy



Padre Patrick

Y el pequeño que llama a Von Croy


Final Movie.....


A steel door is riddled with bullets. Lara kicks the door open and bursts through onto the roof followed by three VCI goons. She sprints across the rooftop toward the hang glider she left there earlier. Amid a hail of bullets, she flips over the hang glider, grabbing the handles and pulling the glider with her over the edge of the roof. The goons race after her, but she makes a clean getaway to a lower rooftop nearby.


The scene shifts to the Croft Manor. Father Patrick, Winston and Jean-Yves drink a toast to Lara.


Jean-Yves: To absent friends.


Winston: Indeed.


Father Patrick: God rest her soul.


Cut to Von Croy, still in the desert in Egypt. A boy wearing a turban approaches.


Boy: Mister Von Croy! Mister Von Croy! Come quickly!


The boy leads Von Croy through clouds of blowing sand to an entrance in the ruins. The boy picks up a lantern and they proceed down the steps into the darkened interior of the temple. They approach two men digging in the rubble.


Von Croy: What is it, man? What have you found? Pass it to me. Pass it to me!


One of the men hands something to Von Croy. He holds it up to the light and we see that it is Lara's backpack.


Von Croy: We've found her!


Bueno, hace mucho q no formulo ninguna pregunta...


Suponiendo q Lara Croft tiene 38 años (q los tiene), quiero saber cuantos años pasaron desde q ella entro en Las IVC (Industrias Von Croy) y recupero el Iris...

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