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Programa Xna Lara - Tema Oficial


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Nice one *Lara Croft*! :tmb:Did you use PhotoShop? :D


I made this mod for the DoppleGanger's Outfit competition. (Link to Thread:D)

Silver Lining




Hope you guyz like it. :D:)



Not Again! for the Hair, Face and Iris which I Coloured and Edited Later. :D


Btw if anyone wants just the textures of the Face, Click Here





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Mmmm...dificil elegir....


Thanks you very much for the link :) I add this mod to my collection :jmp:


So let's continue Lara & Doppel photoshoot at Lara's dressing room:



Edit: @ChingKong: I found the magic setting I wanted: for the bump texture, on the "Map Image" tab, I setted on "Normal Map" button.



P.D. : ¡¡¡COMO MOLA EL LARA SHADOW!!! arfff.

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Me he muerto y estoy en el cielo de Tomb Raider.... ufff.



Hey! I just thought I'd get all my renders in one thread. I probably won't be doing many more since school is starting back up this month, but if I do I'll post them here instead of in the XNA Lara thread. Some of these you might have seen before, but I think most of them are either old or never posted here on the forums. If you like any of them, feel free to use them in your art or on your websites. :D


Click the images for larger sizes. I might see if I still have the transparent .PSD files for any of these and add them later.


Let me know what you think of them :D




This is based on one of Lara's classic poses, and was the first Render of Lara I ever posted here on TRF. We all start somewhere lol.



I'm horrible at designing backgrounds, so I made this one thinking fire would be an easy fix... but then I never released it because I thought it was too corny. I also didn't like how Lara's pose looked in the final render.



I really liked having Lara facing off against a Shark, but I couldn't come up with a background that fit, so I never did a full resolution render. The closest this came to being finished is in this render. But, the full-size image has a transparent background - feel free to mess around with it!



After the two that I didn't feel quite made the cut, I released this in the XNA forum as a WIP. I wanted to go for a really soft feel, and I also wanted to give her a color scheme more like Classic Lara. I think she turned out too plastic looking, but it was a great learning experience for me.



A lot of people seemed to like the previous render, so I did another one with the same color scheme... and the exact same background image. I think I have an issue with backgrounds, lol. I tried to make this one a little more active.



I seem to get ideas that I can never finish. I wanted to build a forest area around Lara here, and have her facing off against two tigers. But I never had time to finish it, so all I have are early test renders.



I also did the render this way, because I thought Lara's features might look better. This would have also shown the second tigers face.



I wanted to do a render that had lots of light, and depicted a tough and adventure hardened Lara. I modified my Classic Lara skin, and added details like sunburns, cuts, and dirt. I originally wanted to have Lara standing on a dead Thrall, with Pyramids behind her. However, with my apparent hatred of backgrounds, I ended up just blowing out the image and keeping it very simple. Check out This Screenshot comparing my two skins to the original TRU Lara. There are also too very early versions you can see Here and Here which include the dead thralls. Also be sure to check out this edit that ChingKong did!



This was a test render I did before "In the Sun." I liked it though, so I posted it in the XNA Lara Thread. The contrasting colors (blue and orange) pick up all the details in her clothes and skin, so that we can see if the normal maps are being drawn properly. For anyone wondering, you should "Swap Red and Green" in the normal map's properties when rendering Lara in 3ds Max. ;)



This is the same test render from above, but I used Lara's Default Textures and desaturated the lights as requested by wdavid for his mod. Be sure to check that out! Doesn't Crystal's Lara look really pale sometimes?



My last render with that pose, I swear! I did this one for fun recently. I still can't decide if the lighting is cool or too much, but I think I like it. It has a lot of contrast and I think Lara looks fierce, haha.



This one is based on one of Allison's poses. I also applied a cloth simulation to Lara's hair, and to my surprise it looks like Crystal designed Lara's hair to separate and bend into sections. Also, while I was working on this one an early render turned out kind of scary - I call her Creepy Croft.




I doubt anyone remembers, but this was actually the first render I ever posted on these forums - way before I tried to render Lara. I extracted Natla from TRA, and set up a comparison between her and the original Natla. I remember thinking how great TRA's graphics were.



I also used Natla's TRA model to practice rendering dynamic hair in 3ds Max.



I actually have tons of these renders because I kept doing little variations. Sadly, TRA Natla will always be ugly, and my hair simulation looks like it needs some conditioner.



TRU Natla! I just realized, I've done a render of every official Natla model, from TR1, TRA, and TRU. I don't think any of them turned out very good though - sorry Natla, maybe I'll do a better one soon!




I really really wanted Amanda to be holding her wraith stone in this image, but it hadn't been released yet for XNA Lara. I also have a version of this with Croft Manor in the background Here.

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