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Alison Carroll, Modelo de Tomb Raider Underworld


¿Te gusta la nueva modelo de Lara?  

141 miembros han votado

  1. 1. Alison Carroll

    • Si, me encanta y al ser gimnasta le dara un punto nuevo al papel de Lara Croft.
    • Si, es guapa, aunque deberian haberse trabajado mas el traje.
    • No, me parece horrorosa.
    • No, prefiero a Karima.

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Copyright 2008 www.tombraiderchronicles.com


[ November 28th 2008 ]


The fine folk from Tomb Raider Forums recently sent in a number of questions to Lara Croft model Alison Carroll, ranging from her favourite video-game to her top music picks. The interview was recently recorded by Eidos and is now available to watch online via our official YouTube channel, our Goodness on Demand service or offline in 720p High Definition.


Alison is an elite gymnast who has flown the flag for Great Britain. She has performed across the UK and overseas as part of a team of twenty athletes, wowing Prince Charles when she appeared at a special event at Westminster Abbey. She is also a dedicated coach of younger gymnasts, and recently choreographed the routine for the junior team that won the British National Championships.


Tomb Raider Underworld is out now across North America and Europe. The Lara Croft-helmed adventure blends exploration, grand scale puzzle solving and combat, taking players on an archaeological journey to the ancient netherworlds of the Mediterranean, Thailand, Mexico, the Arctic Sea and more.


Vídeo de YouTube:
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I apologize if these have been posted before or if this is not the exact forum to post. :o








There's also a video and more images. :)




:cln: why don't they use Alley as the in-game Lara model. That's a backside I wouldn't mind staring at for the duration of the game. :tmb: My favorite Lara model yet. This one is a keeper.


Hala hala,despeloteeee xDDD Pues sale bien la jodía :P

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