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No me gusta nada esa Lara en el render de la explosión de la mansión. Da un poco de grima tan blanca,tan sucia, esa cara de loca....y parece poco femenina. Se pasaron...




Quizás porque realmente no es Lara, sino la que explota la mansión desde afuera :wink: cuando Lara está dentro intentando escapar, por lo que esa loca es la doble xD. Esa misma imagen se ve en otra scan, y en su mano derecha lleva el detonador.

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Hombre sale blanca porque está iluminada a lo bestia por la explosión xDDD

Diossss me desespera el chico que ha puesto esa portada y nos tiene esperando por los scans xDDDD


En cuanto estén los añado al post anterior....


Edito: Qué estrés de hombre,aún no hay scans xDD pero mientras:



Click to see them...




There's nothing new or spoilerish inside, it's just a positive preview that resume the main points of the game.

I dunno if the screenshots are new, for me yes but it's because I'm not following the new medias... :P


Just thought I could post it... :wve:


This is the first Italian review of TRU... There's no new screens (only screens of the Thailand and Mediterranean levels, because they don't want to reveal too much) and, unfortunately, the article is not so positive.. They say that some puzzles are too difficult because there's not a logic way to solve them (for me it's a positive point :D ) and they compare it to Uncharted ( :cen::cen:)..












The score is 8.5


Graphic: 8.5

Music: 8.5

Controls: 8.0

Technique: 8.5

Longevity: 8.0



+ Lara's first adventure on PS3

+ Exploration

+ Beautiful locations


- Action parts

- Some puzzles are not so logic

- Same gameplay of Legend/Anniversary



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Hello everyone! :)


Play3 is the first German magazine that has the right to test TRU! They testest TRU in fully. And they were really excited by Lara's brand new adventure. That's why they already confirmed the top-ranking of 90 percent. On some pagey, you can read exactly what the Play3 team wanted and got!. Of course the whole article include a lot of new screens!!






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Translation soon!

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I don´t know if this already hab been posted, but the german Gamepro - Magazine has the test of Tomb Raider Underworld inside. So I give you the bad points from the test. :) Not the good points, because there are many good points in the game, so I give you only the bad points, which only scratch the surface of Underworld. I also put a spoiler tag in the thread - name. :)


Sorry for my bad english. :(



- Just perfect, Gamepro has no negative point for the graphics in the game.



Soundmix could be better.

- There are not many background noises in the game.



- sometimes the controlls are really bad.

- Camera is catastrophic! You will make a lot of blind jumps.



- The motorcycle ride is bad. It´s more catastropic than in Legend, because the controlls are bad to handle.



- No bad points. The story is quite good in Underworld.



- Too short. Only 11 hours.

- No feeling to play it again after finished it.


It´s a good game, but the controlls are really bad. The motorcycle rides are really bad und bad to handle and there are a lot of bugs in the Xbox 360 - version.


At the end I give you the scans of the magazine. :) Maybe someone can translate the complete text. :)

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20081108.f9a5a4b7dbc01a959f0ba145c.jpg 20081108.235844694d3d64c1876d04d7e.jpg


....jum ¬¬

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  • 2 weeks later...
Tomb Raider Underworld review Officieel Playstation Magazine.


Graphics: Af en toe een onnauwkeurigheid, maar over het algemeen is alles grootser en mooier dan tevoren. O ja, en Lara mag er ook zijn.


Music & Sound: Sfeervolle soundtrack en geluidseffecten die perfect passen bij de omgevingen. Ook de voice acting van Lara is wederom top.


Gameplay: Tegenvallende actie door soms erg matige AI, maar het klassieke adventuregedeelte waar de game om draait, maakt het goed.


Speelduur: Zo'n tien uur en nadien een 'treasure hunt' als je dat wil voor allerlei 'concept art'.


Eind score: 8.4


Magazine scans:









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