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Nueva review de la demo con informacion


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en tranniversary.com han visto la demo y han hecho su review. se la pongo aqui, esta en ingles, pero tiene informaciones:


02 March 2007

We demo Tomb Raider Anniversary at Eidos Offices. Wimbledon.


We're back from a visit to Eidos in Wimbledon, and what a visit it was. After a long train ride, we finally made it to the offices (and we’ve even taken a few photographs for you lucky people). We met up with, and spoke to four of the key players on the Tomb Raider team – Mr Keir Edmonds (Aka, Nike Keir), Mr Gareth Ramsey, Ms Kathryn Clements and Mr Chris Glover. Before our visit we were given a list of questions from our loyal forum members. We managed to squeeze some answers from the guys at Eidos, so read carefully to discover it all.




Above: The Eidos offices are very nice. I must point out, the police car is nothing to do with us... And we didn't give anyone a chance to arrange their desks!


"You've played this game before..."


The demo of Tomb Raider Anniversary was one of the highlights of the day, everything you can imagine and more is what it proved to be. Fluid, smooth motion as Lara makes her way through the caves inside the Lost Valley. Lara moves in very much the same way she did in Legend, something that will add realism and enjoyment to the game, not to mention put a few smiles on people’s faces.


Ambient sounds fill the room, rather than the constant stream of music that we heard in Legend. This helps to create the feeling of loneliness that was ever-present in the original Tomb Raider game. We carefully walk down the rocky stairs towards the base of the stunningly large waterfall and all of a sudden the peaceful ambient sounds are replaced with a familiar re-worked score from Tomb Raider 1 indicating danger ahead. Guns out quick as two ravenous wolves go for the kill. The suspense music quickly fades once the two wolves have been taken out.


"Hardcore fans will be pleased that Auto-Grab WILL be optional."


On with the rest of the tour… We start to move up to the top of the waterfall, which is considerably larger than the one that appeared in Tomb Raider 1. Swift, fluid motion all the way, giving the feeling that Lara is able to do just about anything. We jump for a ledge and Lara almost misses, not to worry, the trusty ‘auto-grab’ is back. A quick tap of the triangle button and she’s back in action. This popular function that first appeared in Legend will please a lot of fans, however for the more hard-core Raiders among you, you’ll be pleased to know that this feature is actually optional and the option will be in the final version of the game.



Lara packs an impressive array of weapons...


As it has been said before, there are multiple ways to move to the same areas within the environments. The environments are also a lot more interactive than in previous games. Dropping down from a ledge onto a wooden platform causes a very unstable bridge to collapse and break leaving a swing-pole for Lara to use later on. As we make our way through the environment to collect more cogs we are faced with a large drop into a river below, which we all know, if fallen into will ultimately end up in Lara being at the bottom of the waterfall. Fortunately for us, Lara is equipped with her reliable grappling hook, but where to aim it…? Unlike Legend, the Anniversary demo did not have shiny surfaces that indicate a place for you to fire your grapple. We assume this will be the case for the finished version of the game.



"Crystal stay true to the original with the return of the Bottomless backpack."


What weapons does Lara have in Tomb Raider Anniversary we hear you cry? Well, from the inventory of the demo we saw all of the original weapons with the exception of one, the shotgun, which has been spotted in the second official trailer. So we can safely assume that all the weapons from the original game will be there. These include Lara’s signature weapon – Twin pistols, the ever-popular Uzis, the automatic pistols and of course the shotgun. We have also been informed that this time around Lara is not limited to how many medi-packs she can carry in her backpack. We also assume that she is able to carry all of the weapons with her. Unlike her over-armed days of Tomb Raider 3, Lara won’t be carrying in excess of 10 or so weapons, so she’s packed light for this adventure. Bottomless backpack all the way!


Ambient tracks that you'll remember...


During the course of the demo we heard a series of recognisable tracks from the original Tomb Raider game, each only being introduced to the player when something important is happening. This really gave a sense of the game being a real ‘back to the tombs’ kind of game, and shaped the feel of the overall experience. We heard only three of the original re-worked scores in this demo, but be sure to look out for the rest of them when you play the game as we have been informed that a lot of the original re-worked tunes have made it back into the game. One of the most recognisable being the classic chime when a secret is discovered, amazing!



"Unlockable commentary will take you behind the scenes of Anniversary."



All of the environments that were in Tomb Raider 1 will be in Tomb Raider Anniversary. Unlike Tomb Raider 1, the Anniversary game doesn’t consist of levels as such, instead each environment is streamed one after the other. Although we cannot be sure that every single level from the original Tomb Raider game will be present in this special edition title we have been assured that each memorable event and location from Tomb Raider will be in this game. This bodes well for the return of golden Lara and maybe even bacon Lara… We’ll have to play the finished product to find out for sure!


Another interesting fact that we unearthed was that players will be able to enable commentary for the levels. So as Lara makes her way through the levels, key points in the game will trigger commentary about the surroundings, voiced by various key members of the Crystal Dynamics team, including Mr Toby Gard.




Our final verdict?


A final confirmation for all you loyal fans out there, you will be pleased to know that Croft Manor will be making a return for Tomb Raider Anniversary. In fact I believe the phrase used was ‘c’mon, can we really make an anniversary game and not include the manor?!’ From what we’ve seen Anniversary is going to be one amazing game, set to rekindle the flame in hearts of Lara fans around the world. So gather your raiding gear and get ready to celebrate 10 years of Lara Croft and Tomb Raider with one hell of an Anniversary game!







"Tomb Raider Anniversary is set to hit stores in May 2007!"




Nuevas Informaciones:


-El numero de botiquines que Lara podra cargar sera infinito. o_O

-Las armas en el arsenal de Lara seran las pistolas, escopeta, uzis y las pistolas automaticas (magnums)

-Lara podra cargar una cantidad de armas no exceso de 10.

-La Mansion queda confirmada en este juego.

-El gameplay del juego sera realista como el del Legend.

-En el PS2, tendremos que presionar el boton triangulo para que Lara se agarre de un borde, al igual que el Legend.

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Gracias por la información Luis Andres!


Hay una cosa que no entendí bien, lo de que Lara se agarrará al borde presionando triangulo como en Legend, se agarraba sola, solamente cuando no se agarraba bien del todo había que darle a triangulo para no caernos...y si en este TRA se dijo que se podía activar o desactivar la opción de autoagarre...en los anteriores TR el botón que había que pulsar para agarrase a un saliente era la X, a lo mejor ahora lo han cambiado, no sé... o_O

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Muchas gracias Luis Andres! :D

Yo creo que lo que dicen del triangulo, el cuando Lara en Legend, no se agarraba bien y tenias que darle al triangulo para que no se cayera, pero lo que dijero que se podria activar y desactivar era de presionar el boton de agarre para saltar a una cornisa, igual que en los primeros tomb raiders (hasta el aod)

Saludos! ;)

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Muchas gracias Luis Andres por poner la noticia y avisar. :D


Pues si hay botiquines a mares, sera por que nos van hacer falta, espero que ahora no se hayan pasado de difícil, ;)


Me alegro de que si pongan la mansión, algo esencial en un TR, y lo del agarre esta bien que podamos elegir, espero que cuando juguemos nos sorprendan con muchas cosas mas nuevas. :)


No entiendo esto, ("Lara podra cargar una cantidad de armas no exceso de 10."). Si solo tendrá las Uzis, Mágnum, Escopeta, Pistolas?? O se refiere a cargadores por arma??

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Gracias por la info ;):D me gusta mucho lo de los botiquines infinitos... y las magnums estan cornfirmadas !! al igual que la mansion :D espero que la hagan mucho mas grande que en Legend...


Lo de exceso de 10 con las armas sera como tu dices Ana... supongo que seran 10 cargadores.


Salu2 y gracias de nuevo :)

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No me conecto durante 3 o 4 días por culpa de no tener internet y ahora me encuentro con cositas nuevas :D mencanta, aunque toy desbordada. Gracias por la info!!Me hace ilusion lo de la mansión, y me parece bien que el nº de armas esté limitado.

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