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Todo lo publicado por marta_arien
mmm si, suele pasar.. jejjejeje ( a mi con todos los bichos...)
ya está en el escritorio...!!
uy!! más informacion, aunque ya sabida, pero weno: Camera, Action ! Accomplished gymnast, Lara ? She didn't have two left feet, yet now she's surpassing herself. Used to grand circles on horizontal bars, from now on she can also stand on these or roll on a beam, and she's been improving the independance of her limbs too. Hanging from a pole or climbing, she'll be able to hold a gun in one hand and ensure her grip with the other. And since we're talking gear, she's got a quality choice : multi-task grapple, spear-gun, sticky grenades, camera and PDA with a 3D engine will complete an already substantial equipment. On her skin Soberly called CDC, the new graphic engine of Tomb Raider offers lots of possibilities to make the environment more convincing and realistic. The wind in the trees, the moves of the seaweed under the waves of the flippers are good examples of the techniques used to blow life into the levels. Lights changing according to the hour and weather effects make the feeling even stronger. Of course, they don't forget to highlight the superstar with a skin catching the light and the color atmosphere of the place she's in. And we can't even describe you decently the textures of her new swimsuit ! Pics - The Kraken will only bow before your ingeniosity, not your srength. - Watching attentively the environment is essential to progress. - Some levels could be entirely underwater. - The legend of the Kraken takes place in the medieval Scandinavian folklore. - Wide, high rooms with intricated puzzles. Think ! - Two times puzzle : collecting objects and triggering mechanisms. - Ambidextrous, Lara can now shoot in every situation, even tense. - You can distinctively see the water pouring naturally along the walls. - Aim at one target or two, it's your choice. - Showing off much, Lara ? Turning a cartwheel can be a way to avoid bullets though. - Who says new engine says new (generous) modelling for our adventurer. - Lara's atheltic abilities will be pushed more than once. - Against fierce sharks, there's more than one option, like grenades or spear-gun. esto no se entiende tan bien pro weno... GRACIAS A CLARA [CA] DE TRFORUMS http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread...8202&page=9 No descarto que haya más info (pero básicamente ya sabida....)
EL JUEGO TEORICAMENTE NO IBA a salir para finales de noviembre???
bah! a mi solo me queda un año para ser mayor de edad asi k...... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, K VEN MIS OJOOOOOOOOOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JAJAJJAJAJAJJAJAJAJAJAJJAJAJAJAJJA k arte tana!!!!1
eeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! el martillo de thor servirá para matar a NATLA!!!!! ella es un dios y es inmortal!! pero con el martillo podrÁ matarla!!! (perdonarme si alguien ya lo descubrió con anterioridad pero yo acabo de llegar a esta conclusión.....)
http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread...8202&page=3 que fuerte!! piensan que el yate del wallpaper de anacroft forma parte del render oficial!! ayy, normal que luego justin les meta todas esas bolas de que tiene la demo y no se que historias... Traduccion de tomb raider forums sobre la revista francesa. GRACIAS A CLARA [CA]http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread.php?t=128202&page=7 For an adventure that is about to launch her to the top of her career, Lara is taking a dive into evolution. More than a symbol, an icon. To the entire world, Lara Croft has been the very first face of a videogame, an avatar finally realistic. Beyond the generous silhouette that marked the spirit of thousands of young and less young gamers, Miss Croft is part of an endangered specie. Flawless guardian of a flame about to go off, the adventure at its most exotic sense, strong and supple action, the beauty can also use her neurons. With well-balanced puzzles implying exploration, observation as well as pure reflection, Tomb Raider is one of the rare titles where simple things as opening a door or triggering a mechanism can fill the gamer with a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment. Going through time and generations of consoles without getting wrinkles, becoming even better as time went by (excepting a few mishaps), Lara arouses jealousy and covetousness : few franchises grew old that good. And although it's already her third appearance on 360, she's taking a definitive visual step. A foot into the old-gen and one into the next - as it was the case for Legend and Anniversary - it's really over now. The beauty chose her side, the one of the visual excellence, level with the most ambitious games of the moment. An evolution that touches the game structure itself : environments, that in the past were already impressive, have gained a lot in volume and complexity, adapting to Lara's new abilities. More flexibility, more possibilities, the exploration can be easier thanks to the various paths and tools. Traditional metallic poles around which Lara swings can now be freely put in place. Profesionals of the adjusted-to-the-millimeter jumps will find a worthy challenge, while the less experimented gamers will chose a less perilous path. A choice that you'll also find in the action : between pacify and eliminate her enemies, it's the gamer's choice. To be continued The will of Crystal Dynamics teams is to close the trilogy with coherence. Still on the track of her roots and her identity since the Legend episode, the explorer keeps searching her mother. It's an ancient legend about a mythic weapon, Thor's Hammer, which will be the start of this new adventure. This ancient and forgotten power could destroy civilizations as well as distort space-time. Will Lara finally spot some light on her past ? Will she find the answers to all the interrogations left unsolved in the previous episodes ? The adventure begins when we discover the raider dressed in a brand new swimsuit, standing on the deck of a small yacht. You barely have the time to admire the postcard view, then you have to explore the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, in search of the famous Hammer and the underworld. Deep in the Big Blue, then. Lara has never been affraid of getting wet, but this time the aquatic element is an integral part of some levels. Forget the smalls pools, the next stop is the abyss. The underwater relief progressively appears, revealing a huge amount of visual details. Rocks, coral reefs, aquatic fauna and flora, everything is there, including sharks. It's difficult to take your eyes off of the adventurer though, not for her plastic qualities, but for the whole set of animations highlighting the submarine atmosphere. The move of her flippers to stay on a level, the trickle of bubbles going upto the surface... everything is making your immersion deeper and deeper ! Just for the record, Lara has now a set of 1,700 different moves. For the occasion, the team used the motion capture technique with the help of a professional gymnast. HAY mas pero aun no la han traducido del todo. Supongo que no dirá nada nuevo, peor por si a alguien le interesa... SEGUNDA PARTE: Brain-teaser This visit of the submarine bottom is also the occasion to work hard on the puzzles; faithful to the series traditions, they imply collecting key-objects as well as manipulating complex mechanisms; some have more than one solution, others are closely intricated. In case of a dead-end, the gamer isn't left alone anymore, thanks to a two level help option allowing you to get a hintor the entire solution to the puzzle. And despite the recurrent presence of these brain-teaser phases, the general orientation of the title aims at a more present and more epic action. We will of course find new abilities for combat (see the box below), but also memorable moments like boss fights. Besides, the slightly old process of the Interactive Cutscenes has been replaced by sequences called "Adrenaline Moments" : the action happens in slow motion and Lara has only a few seconds to get pout of the immediate danger, whether it is environmental or more organic, wild animals and corrupted treasure hunters being a little bit clingy to the explorer's boots. Besides, some old enemies, almost intimate with the damsel, will be back. Above all of this, everything is new, including the visited places which will all be original. Mediterranean Sea and Mexico were part of the presented levels, but Eidos isn't lifting the veil on the rest. Even if our money is on locations charged with history and mythology, and that the famous Croft Manor will be an obligatory stage. Another unknown factor is the presence of motorbike phases, like in Legend. Levels, wide and with ruins related to each other by different paths could benefit from the presence of a vehicule. Many unknown factors whose answers will be slowly distilled as time goes by. Because Lara's ability to make the atmosphere warmer by the second isn't a surprise anymore. TARDUCCION AL ESPAÑOL-INDIO DE GOOGLE (SE ENTIENDE BASTANTE BIEN...)
la verdad es que dibujas muy bien!! es increible el efecto de la cuerda trenzada: parece real, se ven sus detalles y las sombras y la luz, muy bien conseguido! y el mejro para mi fue el último que hiciste de Lara!! muy bueno!
la chica esta mejor con peluca.... ajjajajjajajaj
la verdad es que esta xulisimo este render nuevo... wowwww espero que nos den un render de mejor calidad y asi hacetr nuestros wallpapers...
Lara es una asesina por que los creadores de los juegos no le dejan más remedio y el juego sería muy aburrido... Lara siempre mata por defensa propia, sino nuca pasaríamos de nivel. Además, los animales que mata no estan en peligro de extinción...
ya los tengo de fondo de pantalla... XD. luego en el juego será una caquita comparado con estos renders, nada que ver con la realidad del juego. OJALÁ ME EQUIVOQUE!!
losermid!! eres un crak!! me encantan las firmas que haces!! PD: tengo gana de ver el resultado del wallpaper del tiburon..
jajaj, parecen los murcielagos momia!! el que si ocurre mucho es el de lara "bailando una jota" en el suelo medio hundida pero si que es cierto que la mayoria de "bugs" son causados por la modificacion original del jueog como ya ha dicho bestman, sobretodo cuando utilizas un traje descargado hecho por fans... de eso ya no se puede culpar a crystal
¿Y tú qué Arien eres? Yo Arien BRanco Totá,Po sho soy Arien Básico,Arza!! que hay que ahorrá pa comprá una ecalera nueba a la cavra.Ele y ele con la pandereta,ay como sube María Antonieta!! Ele y ele y ele y ya,Baja María Antoni etá!! xDDD
Me acabo de despertar de una siesta... me sientan fatal xDDD por eso no las uso jajaja prefiero el 50x15 50 Cafés en 15 minutos xDD
lo del modo adrenalina es cuestion de práctica (con los centauros acabé por ser una experta en la adrenalina!! jajaja) al bicho que estas enfureciéndo, cuando llegue a la adrenalina máxima dará una especie de grito con una especie de parentesis o hondas naranjas, vendrá corriendo hacia ti, la cámara se te pondrá borrosa y con el simbolito de las teclas de dirección a una esquina. ahi es cuando (mientras estas apuntando) le das a una flecha de dirección ( preferentemente con los centauros no le des a la flecha de aldelante) y a la tecla de agacharse o voltereta. Cuando las dianas aparezcan y se te pongan rojas a disparar. si tienes ordenador te aconsejo que cambies la tecla de agacharse (mayuscula) por la F (antiguo boton del legend en el que uno se agachaba) ya que es más fácil de manejar ya que las teclas apuntar, disparar y (ahora) agachar están juntas...
el logo no muy innovador, cierto, pero xulo, porque no pone lara croft???
of course!1 y lo de tailandia?? en las costas de tailandia?? lo de angor wat (como se escriba)??
Caratula Oficial de Tomb Raider Underworld !
tema responde a Erogan de marta_arien en Prelanzamiento
como alguien ya ha dicho, es la aventura más petrsonal de Lara: su padre, su madre, su antigua mejor amiga y Natla. Solo falta el perro... -
Índice de Scans de Revistas y Revistas on-line (oficiales)
tema responde a Vi de marta_arien en Prelanzamiento
no creo k sea tan dificil matar al kraken si es el primer nivel... -
Caratula Oficial de Tomb Raider Underworld !
tema responde a Erogan de marta_arien en Prelanzamiento
es que lo de que no se le vean los ojos y que las pistolas esten como llenas de barro o derritiendose es lo que hace INCREIBLE esta caratula, GENIAL!! -
Caratula Oficial de Tomb Raider Underworld !
tema responde a Erogan de marta_arien en Prelanzamiento
uyuyuuyuy, que guay, pero me gustaríia que dieran mas informacion sobre el argumneto, creo yo vaya!!! -
a mi el nona nonani al principio no me ha gustado, pero luego, a medida que avanza la cancion la piel de gallina, de verdad!!
qué dirá el tercer podcast?? muy chulo el tema!! al principio algo sosin, pero a medida que avanza!! la piel de gallina!!