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The Action Adventure: calentamos motores


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;) WAOOOOOO!! Ya quisieramos todos tener con 38 años ese careto!! :lol: M pregunto k anti-arrugas usara... :hello:


Esta super-real! K pena no poder verla asi en el juego... Haber en el 8 con que nos sorprenden... ;)


Muchas gracias por la foto! Como dice mi mami, eres el p.amo!


Besos :wub:

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hola, realmente he visto fotos y el video del tr6 y da pena. Agradezco a los de core por haver creado este maravillosos juego que es Tomb Raider, pero eso no justificaba la basura que huicieron con el tr6. Por ello perdieron (cedieron) la franquicia/licencia (no conozco el derecho industrial ingles). Si bien el TR7 se quedo corto (por la escasa duración y la falta de FMVS), demostró ser una reividnicación de lara. espero que el tr8 siga con esos rumbos. el tr6 a mi como fanatico de tr y amante de lara me desilusiono. Saluods

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Hombre, habria q respetar a los q nos gusto el TR 6 (pese a sus fallos, q todos los juegos los tienen).



ya no me atrevo a decir nada, que luego se montan polémicas artificiales, pero si Erogan, además de respetar, se puede decir lo mismo de otra manera.

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Copyright 2006 www.tombraiderchronicles.com


[ October 23rd 2006 ]


British aristocrat Lara Croft has never been more interactive than with the upcoming release of Tomb Raider: The Action Adventure from Bright plc. Our fearless heroine, however, has a long history of tube adventures, dating back to 2002 and an exclusive partnership between Eidos and BSkyB.


In 2002, Sky Gamestar announced an ongoing partnership with Eidos to produce a series of interactive adventures for subscribers of its television service. Tomb Raider Apocalypse was born. A special commercial was produced by Animal Magic and aired on British TV, and viewers clicked in their thousands to experience first-hand the world according to Lara Croft.


According to figures obtained from Sky Gamestar, Tomb Raider Apocalypse was played around 800,000 times shortly after launch in December 2002, and Sky Gamestar claims they succeeded in delivering the gaming experience to a predominantly female mainstream audience; a demographic notoriously hard to reach for the traditional video games industry.


2005 saw the release of Tomb Raider: The Reckoning, a new interactive adventure through Bell ExpressVu in Canada. The game offered players a quest for the mysterious and powerful 'numinous stones', and Lara Croft once again traversed the globe in an exciting skin-of-the-teeth exploration through tombs riddled with ancient traps and evil.


In 2006, Bright Entertainment announced an Interactive DVD game called Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Action Adventure. The iDVD enables the player to control Lara with the simple up, down, left, right and enter command buttons of a standard DVD remote control and is aimed squarely at the Xmas non-gamer mainstream market.


Based on Lara's Angel of Darkness adventure, the new release sees Lara framed for a crime she did not commit and players will help her struggle to clear her name and solve an exciting mystery of betrayal and vengeance.


To celebrate four years of interactive entertainment with Lara Croft, Tomb Raider Chronicles - the internet's number one destination for media and intelligence on the Tomb Raider franchise, has rolled out six new micro-sites packed with exclusive media, screenshots and information on all Lara Croft's interactive adventures.


Follow the fetching orange hyperlink below to immerse yourself in the interactive world of telly-Lara Croft


Y el enlace: http://www.tombraiderchronicles.com/interactive/index.html

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Copyright 2006 www.tombraiderchronicles.com


[ October 23rd 2006 ]


British aristocrat Lara Croft has never been more interactive than with the upcoming release of Tomb Raider: The Action Adventure from Bright plc. Our fearless heroine, however, has a long history of tube adventures, dating back to 2002 and an exclusive partnership between Eidos and BSkyB.


In 2002, Sky Gamestar announced an ongoing partnership with Eidos to produce a series of interactive adventures for subscribers of its television service. Tomb Raider Apocalypse was born. A special commercial was produced by Animal Magic and aired on British TV, and viewers clicked in their thousands to experience first-hand the world according to Lara Croft.


According to figures obtained from Sky Gamestar, Tomb Raider Apocalypse was played around 800,000 times shortly after launch in December 2002, and Sky Gamestar claims they succeeded in delivering the gaming experience to a predominantly female mainstream audience; a demographic notoriously hard to reach for the traditional video games industry.


2005 saw the release of Tomb Raider: The Reckoning, a new interactive adventure through Bell ExpressVu in Canada. The game offered players a quest for the mysterious and powerful 'numinous stones', and Lara Croft once again traversed the globe in an exciting skin-of-the-teeth exploration through tombs riddled with ancient traps and evil.


In 2006, Bright Entertainment announced an Interactive DVD game called Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Action Adventure. The iDVD enables the player to control Lara with the simple up, down, left, right and enter command buttons of a standard DVD remote control and is aimed squarely at the Xmas non-gamer mainstream market.


Based on Lara's Angel of Darkness adventure, the new release sees Lara framed for a crime she did not commit and players will help her struggle to clear her name and solve an exciting mystery of betrayal and vengeance.


To celebrate four years of interactive entertainment with Lara Croft, Tomb Raider Chronicles - the internet's number one destination for media and intelligence on the Tomb Raider franchise, has rolled out six new micro-sites packed with exclusive media, screenshots and information on all Lara Croft's interactive adventures.


Follow the fetching orange hyperlink below to immerse yourself in the interactive world of telly-Lara Croft


Y el enlace: http://www.tombraiderchronicles.com/interactive/index.html


Alguien q lo traduzca o diga lo mas importante, please.

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