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Buenas, os pego un artículo que fue sacado de laracroftonline y una screenshots de la revista XBOX, atención en Lara! parece ser que se ensucio bastante, es increible!




Tomb Raider Legend "Don't Call it a Comeback"

Official XBox Magazine : Hoilday 2005 Issue #52


Back in the day it was gamers common knowledge that where there was a Tomb there was Lara Croft

ready ready to plumb it's depths,fight off the T-Rexs, and returnwith treasure in hand. But somewhere

along the way Eidos and developer Core lost the plot and turned Lara into a annual non event with

creaky graphics and a control scheme that showed it's age, even if Miss Croft didn't. Now with

Crystal Dynamics responsible for most of the Soul Reaver series at the helm, Tomb Raider Legend

is on it's way to whip Lara back in shape. First on the makeover is Lara's controls. The development

team is quick to point out that they want to take Lara off the rails she use to handle like a semi-truck

in the past Tomb Raider games, Senior producer Morgan Gray told us and make her more responsive.

With our hands on the controller we were able to check out her moves first hand-jumpind and rolling

in all directions is a fluid treat, while utilizing Lara's new grapple hook to swing from certain surfaces,

stun enemies or grab and pull certain objects adds a gameplay dynamic that highlights her new

gymnastic talents, and exploration taking a front seat to the gunplay-oriented action though they'll be

plenty of combat interspersed throughout, Lara is also able to speed up for brief periods of time to

punctuate all her moves. For instance, she can quicken her pace when swimming or climbing by

pressing and holding a button on the controller. This way, if you're underwater, you can spur Lara on

to grab that air pocket. And in other areas, you'll be promted to enter certain button presses that pop

up on screen like in Shenmue or God of War in order to survive certain scripted situations. To

scramble out of the way of a crumbling floor in one area we played, we had to press a timed sequence

of buttons. All of this points to Legend offering up a new level of variety and a deeper experience for

Lara fans, old and new. We've got our grapple hook ready.


Our Lips Are Sealed


With all the new fangled moves and a new re-tooled look, The one thing you can't count on for Tomb

Raider Legend's Lara is a storyline at least not before it's time. Senior Morgan Gray specifically calls

out, "You won't hear us talk about storyline now,not ever. Probably not even until the game ships.

It's too important, and we don't want to spoil it." It'll be new to you....and to us.




WOW!! Look how dirty Lara is!



Tomb Raider Legend: Everything Is New Again


PSM Holiday 2005 Issue # 105



Whether or not you know it to be a popular videogame franchise, a movie starring Angelina Jolie, or


Or that it's dual pistol-wielding heroine is scantly clad and overly top heavy, you know Tomb Raider.


If you're a gamer, you also know that the series has been on an unstoppable downward spiral since


The first sequel or second sequel, if you're an optimist we can't deny that the first game forever


Changed gaming-it truly did. But in a twist of fatal irony, the series has remained so stagnant, the


Black cloud of flies hovering above its borders on opaque. Thankfully the powers that be have had


The blinding veils lifted from their eyes and have taken the first true step to reviving the series;


Handing the development duties over to crystal dynamics. The almost veteran developer's experience


With games shines through immediately upon setting eyes on the game. Sporting an updated look


That’s at once refreshing and familiar, Tomb Raider Legend: at the very least looks the part it's been


Destined to play. Vast catacombs and lush jungles make their triumphant return, only this time


Adorned with up to date effects and features. Then there's Lara. Sticking with the caricature art style


That’s become a staple for the series, the woman who brought girl power to the world of gaming has


Never looked better or truer to form. Taking a cue from perhaps Prince of Persia which in turn owes


Its own debt to the Tomb Raider series, Lara now animates with a natural fluidity and controls just


As well. Gone is that invisible grid you wish would just crumble up and die. In it's place... nothing.


You can just run and flip and swing in any direction with ease. In the two levels we were privy to,


One was focused primarily on shooting. Taking place in a ghost town inspired environment, the


Firefight featured numerous enemies onscreen with Lara auto-targeting each and taking them down


With her, yes, dual pistols. An additional over the shoulder view allows for free aiming, the catch being


You’re stuck in place with cement feet. A grappling hook device can also be shot out and used to stun


Opponents before going in for the final kill. But hey, Tomb Raider is more about exploration and crafty


Puzzles than action and the developers know it. In one level we played we couldn't help but feel a giddy


Sense of nostalgia as we performed precision jumps, death defying rope swings, and completed a rather


Simple pressure plate puzzle. We'll admit, it wasn't entirely new, but some hands on game play time


Revealed a few game play details that help flesh out the experience. First off, your little grappling hook


Is more than just a portable rope though it's good at that too. We used it to pull down a large boulder


Set atop a high rock cliff that was needed to finish the puzzle. If that sounds like it might be a bit obtuse


While playing, it's not any objects that you can interact with have a conspicuous sheen to them. Also


Because 3D jumping has yet to be perfected Lara can, if you're fast enough, grab onto a ledge as a last


Ditch effort to save herself. Just press a button at the right time and voila!, no cumbersome death to deal


With. Convenience must actually be a high priority for the game, because you can even make Lara move


Up ladders and the like more quickly by repeatedly pushing a button. Perhaps the most intriguing new


Feature we got to play was a timed sequence that pays homage to the glory days of Dragon's Lair or for


All you new school gamers Indigo Prophecy. It all plays out like a scripted cut scene, only you're required


To press a corresponding button direction that's displayed at exactly the right time. Foul up and you're a


Goner. Succeed, and be witness to Lara really flexing her gymnastic abilities with a set of moves that


Would be just impossible to implement otherwise. It's all good fun really, and breaks up the game play


While adding some cinematic flair to the game. Lastly we couldn't end this without talking about the swimming.


When it comes to most games, water levels become the bane of our existence. It's relaxing, beautiful, and


Faithful to the franchise. We didn't see any crocodiles this time "No Comment" was the phrase of the day


Especially when it came to T-Rexes, but we'd be shocked if they didn't find their way into the game. While


The story is a mystery; we've been told its web is sure to ensnare some faces of yore. In fact the overlying


Theme that seems to bleed out from every open corner of the game is nostalgia. Not the dreaded memories


Most recently burned into your minds by The Angel of Darkness. No, we're talking about those memories


That you hold dear to your heart; the ones created the first time you played the game that changed an Industry;


The begot the first time you played Tomb Raider.



The articles and picture are from www.laracroftonline.com. Special thanks to them for this information



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Tomb Raider Legend:"No lo llamen un regreso"

Revista oficial de Xbox:Navidad 2005 edicion Nº52


Volviendo a los dias en que los jugadores sabian que donde habia una tumba alli estaba Lara Croft,lista para adentrarse en las profundidades,luchar contra T-rexs y volver con un tesoro en su mano.Pero en alguna parte a lo largo del camino de Eidos y la distribuidora Core perdieron la base y combirtieron a Lara en un evento anual que mostraba unos graficos chirriantes y unos esquemas de controles que demostraban la edad se la Srta Croft,aunque esta no los tenia.Ahora con Crystal Dynamics responsable,creadores de Soul Reaver,Tomb Raider Legend esta en camino para traaer de nuevo a Lara totalmente en forma.Lo primero que fue "hecho de cero" fueron los controles de Lara.El equipo de desarrollo es rápido en señalar que querian sacar a Lara fuera de los carriles que ella usaba para maniobrar un semi-camion en los pasados juegos,el jefe productor Morgan Grey nos dijo,y hacer de ella mas responsable.Con el control en nuestras manos estabamos dispuestos para chequear sus primeros movimientos-saltando y girando en todas las direcciones su fluido balanceo,utilizando el nuevo gancho magnetico para agarrarnos de ciertas superficies,golpear enemigos o agarrar y tirar de ciertos objetos adhieren al juego una dinamica que ilumina al juego con sus nuevos talentos gimnasticos,y la exploracion para ver que esta plagado de inesperados combates,Lara tambien puede aumentar la velocidad para berificar periodos de tiempos para apuntar todos sus movimientos.Por ejemplo, ella puede acelerar su paso cuando nada o sube presionando y sosteniendo un botón en el control. De sta manera, si usted esta debajo del agua,podemos apresurarnos para salir a tomar aire.En otras areas,estara obligado a apretar ciertos botones que aparecen en la pantalla,como en Shemue o God of War,para poder sobrevivir en determinadas situaciones.Para poder escapar de un piso que estaba derrumbandose,tuvimos que apretar una secuencia de botones para poder escapar.Todos estos puntos le ofrecen a Tomb Raider Legend una nueva variedad y una experiencia profunda para los fans de Lara,los de antaño y los nuevos.Tenemos nuestro gancho magnetico listo.



Bueno,esta es la primera parte,que me ha tomado bastante tiempo traducirla,asi que espero que la lean...jejje.Esta traducida hsta donde dice "Our lips are sealed",que despues traducire o si alguien lo hace,los amare por siempre,....Saludos!!!

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2da parte de la traduccion:

"Nuestros labios estan cellados"


Con todos los nuevos movimientos,una imagen renovada lo unico que no puedes contar con Tomb Raider Legend es que Lara no seguira un storyline,al menos no en este.Morgan Gray especificamente dice en voz alta,"usted no nos oirá ahora hablar de storyline, no siempre.Probablemente ni siquiera incluso en que el juego este "a bordo".Es demasiado importante, y no deseamos estropearlo."Será nuevo para usted....y para nosotros.


Bueno,hasta aqui traduzco yo,es donde dice"Wow,look how is Lara dirty"

Que eso pertenece al titulo del articulo de la revista de Play Station.


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MUXISIMAS GRACIAS EVAN CROFT !! wow esta clarisimo q este TR será la bomba pero con tu traduccion en esta parte:''En otras areas,estara obligado a apretar ciertos botones que aparecen en la pantalla,como en Shemue o God of War,para poder sobrevivir en determinadas situaciones.Para poder escapar de un piso que estaba derrumbandose''...es decir , q esta confirmado que habrá peliculas con secuencias que tendremos que pulsar en ocasions como en RE4 ...no?¡:thumb:

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