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¿heavenly Sword 2 En El E3?


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Missions will be replayable within an interactive environment, and you will have to earn the famous sword in the game by mastering various different disciplines of martial arts.


The magazine suggests players will start out with basic hand-to-hand combat before moving onto more intense physical combat learnings before being able to wield the Heavenly Sword.


More information at E3 is expected according to the article.


Last year, Ninja Theory boss Tameem Antoniades said he had thought about putting Nariko in Hell should a sequel be created, and Kai would be playable "in the real world and would communicate with Nariko and try and help rescue her soul," and that Kai would transform from a "teenage girl to old woman."


This was just an idea though, and not confirmation of a sequel or anything else.


Ninja Theory has since released Enslaved,and is currently at work on a Devil May Cry reboot for Capcom something we have not heard about in a bloody age or three.




No es el primer rumor que aparece, espero que sea cierto! quiero volver a ver a Nariko y a Kai :--( Santa Mónica se supone que está con 2 proyectos, espero que uno de ellos sea el HS2 (el otro supongo que será GoW4, aunque sinceramente no sé qué más se puede sacar de ahí :rofl:)

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