Tanausulord Publicado 6 de Mayo del 2009 Autor Publicado 6 de Mayo del 2009 Para Ero ^^ grotesque;3633593 dijo: Final Fantasy Dissidia Models!!! Here are 26 models directly from Final Fantasy Dissidia for PSP! Some models have textures with black parts, I don't know how to correct the problem. I hope you like it! Final Fantasy Dissidia Models
Erogan Publicado 6 de Mayo del 2009 Publicado 6 de Mayo del 2009 Gracias cari, ¿ya hablaste con tu amigo? es para crear un tema aparte
Tanausulord Publicado 6 de Mayo del 2009 Autor Publicado 6 de Mayo del 2009 De momento no sé nada xDDD parece que el chico está muy ocupado ¬¬ ' dijo: {eith;3635593']Wow! Such fabulous stuff here! :tmb: Larger Version Oh the minute I put them on I knew I had done something wrong All her gifts for the dance had gone It's the red shoes, they can't stop dancing, dancing! Phlip;3635544 dijo: Love2Raid;3635513 dijo: Hey all, I have tried to remake the cover of TR-5. I hope you like it! Link to a bigger version if anyone is interested: http://i40.tinypic.com/e0odp0.jpg F_tr;3635401 dijo: These are my renders TR love;3635851 dijo: "Jar of doom" when i tilted the kar the light decided to stay put, so i couldnt do anything about them XD lildark7;3635349 dijo: Omg you people are awesome!! Great pictures everyone!! Here one of my newest. Hope you like it!! The pose looks familiar, doesn't it? And again I wasn't able to get the right expression on Natla's face... Algunos Increíbles xDDD
PipeFontE Publicado 7 de Mayo del 2009 Publicado 7 de Mayo del 2009 Wow...que avanzado va el programa, como que actualiza todos los dias, de aqui al 2010 tendremos la version 69.9 del XNA. Todos los trabajos estan muy buenos :D:D Saludos!
Danielinhoni Publicado 8 de Mayo del 2009 Publicado 8 de Mayo del 2009 Sí se incluye, en todas despues de que se hiciese.
Tanausulord Publicado 10 de Mayo del 2009 Autor Publicado 10 de Mayo del 2009 download the main program (mediafire.com) download the main program (fileqube.com) download data packs (mediafire.com) download data packs (fileqube.com) download ALL data packs as of v5.2 (two self-extracting archives, fileqube.com) ^ Unzip these into the XNALara\data folder, for example: XNALara\data\lara_jungle_shorts. And also: XNALara Manual written by LaraRules81. Recapitulative thread of additional user-made objects for XNALara Update: version 5.85 - toggle-able back face culling (menu Options) - extended debug info when the folder Content or the BoneSelector font cannot be found Update: version 5.8 - new models: albino spider (at the bottom of this post), TRU mirror/fan statues from Thailand - enabled back face culling
X34 Publicado 10 de Mayo del 2009 Publicado 10 de Mayo del 2009 La vi hace rato, la actualización. La iba a poner pero me dije: ya lo hará tanausulord XD De esta tambien paso. EDIT: DANIELINHONI!!!!!! ¿Conservas el mod de Faith? Si es que si, me lo puedes pasar??? Es por una cosa jejejej
Tanausulord Publicado 12 de Mayo del 2009 Autor Publicado 12 de Mayo del 2009 DIOS MIO.... LLORARÍA!!!!!!!!! Si pensaba que era una muñeca o algo.... ***** si es que es.... es... PERFECTA!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scia;3648086 dijo: Here is a WIP render of a classic-current hybrid Lara, lol. (Full Size) This is the first time I've done texture edits on Lara, so I figured I would keep it simple and just do a classic color scheme. I took the colors right from her Tomb Raider 2 texture, so her clothes are exactly the same color as they were in the classic games. I actually don't like the pose, but I'm trying to put Lara in a different lighting situation that is more "photoshoot." If I don't change the pose completely, then I want to try and tweak it so that she looks more comfortable. I really think I'm gonna change it to be something more "Tomb Raider" though. Aside from the sand, the background is just a photograph for now. Later I'll have some fake trees back there to give it more depth. I also had a WIP Render of Lara on her yacht in this pose, but I don't think I'll finish that one. Suggestions are welcome since it isn't finished
kaworu Publicado 12 de Mayo del 2009 Publicado 12 de Mayo del 2009 Dioxxx pero como hacen esooooo, yo kierooooooo :_____________ Alguien lo sabe??
Escorpio Publicado 13 de Mayo del 2009 Publicado 13 de Mayo del 2009 No esta nada mal aunque los colores clasicos no me gustan ese outfit pero esta super currado, que envidia mas sana...
Oraculo Publicado 13 de Mayo del 2009 Publicado 13 de Mayo del 2009 Que manera de avanzar el programa. Algunos estan muy bien hechos. Saludos
Ray Publicado 13 de Mayo del 2009 Publicado 13 de Mayo del 2009 La postura es bastante simple y poco trabajada, pero el efecto dado la hace impresionante. A mí el programita me aburrió hace un tiempo, ya cansan tantas versiones de lo mismo.
Harukii Publicado 14 de Mayo del 2009 Publicado 14 de Mayo del 2009 wow! los efectos de iluminacion son exelentes lo amee!
Tanausulord Publicado 14 de Mayo del 2009 Autor Publicado 14 de Mayo del 2009 Scia;3650555 dijo: (click for larger) I've included wallpaper sizes for this one: 1280x1024 1920x1200 and also for the last one: 1280x1024 1920x1200 I still consider this a WIP, mostly due to Lara's gun, but I'm liking this pose better than the original one. When I crop the gun out like above she looks like she is exploring. I'm going to try and work in more 3d elements to the background to keep adding more depth. You might notice that Lara is much sharper in this one... I think I prefer the detail in this one to the softness of the other render, but I'm not really sure. What do you think? I think I might do another render in this environment and then move on to something else - any suggestions? The mod is also uploaded in the XNA Modding Thread Enjoy JO-DER
Paburo Publicado 14 de Mayo del 2009 Publicado 14 de Mayo del 2009 Me encantaaaaaaaaaaaa! Me recuerda mucho a la Lara de siempre!! =OO
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