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Designed specifically to take advantage of the latest technologies Tomb Raider: Underworld represents a new advancement in exploration-based gameplay. As fearless adventurer Lara Croft explore exotic locations around the world, each designed with an incredible attention to detail resulting in breathtaking high-definition visual fidelity that creates a truly believable world and delivers a new level of challenge and choice.




For generations, stories have been told of the fearsome weapon of the Norse god Thor. Legend holds that he who wields the hammer has the power to smash mountains into valleys and the strength to destroy even the gods. For more than a thousand years it has existed only as a myth…until now.

In an ancient ruin on the floor of the Mediterranean Sea, Lara Croft uncovers proof of the Norse underworld and the mythical hammer. As she attempts to unravel the secrets behind these myths, Lara’s perilous journey leads her toward a forgotten power that, if unleashed, could lay waste to all civilization.




• Master your surroundings: Reach new heights with the broadest range of acrobatic abilities and utilize objects within the environment to uncover new paths to explore.

• Explore epic and unknown worlds: Discover ancient mysteries of the underworld hidden within the coast of Thailand, frozen islands of the Arctic Sea, the jungles of Mexico, and more.

• Treacherous and unpredictable challenges: Each level is an elaborate multi-stage puzzle masked within an interactive environmental playground offering more flexibility over how the area is solved.

• New range of combat options: Choose to pacify or kill, target multiple enemies at once with the new dual-target system, and shoot with one hand while suspended with the other.

• New state-of-the-art gear: Utilize the latest technology in Lara’s upgraded inventory to navigate the world including:

• Active Sonar map: A revolutionary new tool that emits an active sonar ping to create a 3D image of Lara’s surroundings, perfect for uncovering hidden items and locations.

• Multi-purpose grapple: A claw-like device with a high-tension cable designed for climbing, rappelling, performing wall runs and manipulating objects within the environment.

• All-terrain hybrid motorbike: A unique vehicle design built to drive on everything from mud to snow and ice.


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I’m happy to report that after spending years in the shadows, I can finally answer the question I’m asked most often: “What’s the story about?”


Well, no one really wants to know too much – that would spoil it – but here’s what we call the log line:


For generations, stories have been told of the fearsome weapon of Thor, the Norse god of thunder. Legend holds that Thor’s hammer had the power to smash mountains into valleys and to destroy even the gods. For more than a thousand years it has existed only as a myth...until now.


In an ancient ruin on the floor of the Mediterranean Sea, Lara Croft uncovers proof of the Norse underworld and the mythical hammer. As she attempts to unravel the secrets behind these myths, Lara’s perilous journey leads her toward a forgotten power that, if unleashed, could lay waste to all civilization.


Hero or antihero? Fans of Tomb Raider games are well aware that Lara Croft is not in the business of saving the world. Occasionally we all benefit from her expeditions – like when she defeated the plans of Natla , the immortal queen of Atlantis, in the original Tomb Raider – but altruism is not what motivates her. She is driven to solve archeological mysteries by uncovering the primordial truths that evolved over time to become mythology. Often this relates to extremely ancient artifacts with inexplicable powers that inspired myths in later cultures.


In Tomb Raider: Underworld, the danger to the world comes from Lara herself, because the answers she’s looking for are locked in a ruin that also contains a dormant force which, if disturbed, could destroy everything. Knowing this, Lara stubbornly continues her quest anyway, dragging the world toward the abyss with her because she is willing to risk everything and everyone to solve the mysteries that vex her.


Crazy? Absolutely. But we’ve always known that Lara Croft is a little bit crazy. You’d have to be to do what she does. We wouldn’t want it any other way.


I hope that answers that question. Watch this space for updates of all sorts in the coming weeks.





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