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Imagenes de TRU - Tema Oficial

Invitado Vince

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Eidos Interactive, creator of some of the world's leading videogame properties, today announces the November 18th, 2008 ship date for the highly anticipated, upcoming entry to the illustrious Tomb Raider franchise, Tomb Raider: Underworld, throughout North America with the European ship date following on November 21st, 2008.


The game will ship to retailers simultaneously for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system, PLAYSTATION 3 computer entertainment system, Wii, PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS, and PC Games for Windows platforms. With development led by Crystal Dynamics, developers of the recent Tomb Raider blockbusters, Tomb Raider: Legend and Tomb Raider: Anniversary, Tomb Raider: Underworld takes players on an epic adventure, where they will face greater challenges and choices than ever before.


Tomb Raider: Underworld marks the first game in this flagship series that is designed specifically for next generation consoles. Lara Croft uncovers proof of the existence of the mythical hammer of the Norse God Thor, a weapon rumored to have the power to smash mountains into valleys and destroy the Gods themselves.


Setting an epic journey around the globe in motion, Lara visits the ruins of ancient civilizations, collecting clues that lead her to a forgotten power that could lay waste to all civilization. Exploiting the power and capabilities of next generation consoles, Lara must hunt for clues across larger than life environments, seen with exquisite, detailed clarity. Solving multifaceted puzzles, facing foes both animal and supernatural, players have the aid of enhanced weapons and abilities, as they explore the secrets of the past.


Also coming to the Wii and Nintendo DS consoles, Tomb Raider: Underworld for these systems features exclusive additions not included on other platforms. The Wii version includes an archaeological toolkit exclusive to this console that allows players to excavate hidden areas and secrets with the aid of a compressed air gun, acetylene torch, chisel and pliers.


"Tomb Raider: Underworld takes the franchise to places it has not yet been, in terms of action, visual fidelity, technical achievement, and overall fun," commented Robert Lindsey, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Eidos Inc. "Tomb Raider has never looked, acted or played so life-like before; built for next generation systems, and next generation gamers, Lara Croft will traverse massive, detailed, environments, with all the skills and abilities she would have in real life."


Pone ahí lo que creo que pone? xDD Es decir, ¿la fecha de salida de TRU?


P.D: Han subido los Concept Art en HQ y alta resolución:



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Bien, hay 2 fechas, 18 de Noviembre y 21 de Noviembre.

Me ha parecido leer que en Norte América sale el 18 y en Europa el 21.

Eso no se lo creen ni ellos... Tanto Legend como Anniversary han salido antes en Europa que en Norte América.

Edito: Me parece que sí que sale antes en Norte América :_(



P.D: Vaya concep arts mas raros xDD Parece que han cogido recortes y han hecho un collage xD



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Bien, hay 2 fechas, 18 de Noviembre y 21 de Noviembre.

Me ha parecido leer que en Norte América sale el 18 y en Europa el 21.

Eso no se lo creen ni ellos... Tanto Legend como Anniversary han salido antes en Europa que en Norte América.


P.D: Vaya concep arts mas raros xDD Parece que han cogido recortes y han hecho un collage xD



De nada.


Tranquil@s que seguro que se acabará atrasando, como siempre, es un clásico de Tomb Raider xD


Además, mucha prisa se están dando, ¿tantas ganas tienen de quitárselo de encima?


Yo más bien esperaría a que los fans viesen algún gameplay o trailer, y dependiendo de las críticas dar una fecha de salida o mejorarlo.

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Si llevamos desde 2006 esperando para saber que narices pasa con la madre de Lara xDD


Cristian, seguro que lo han dicho así a la ligera porque en el trailer pondrá la fecha de salida. Pero recordad el primer trailer de Anniversary xD que lo anunciaban para Primavera... y salió en Junio :)

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