Erogan Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 HE PUESTO UN ENLACE EN EL PRIMER POST PARA DESCARGAR TODAS LAS IMAGENES.
Vi Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 como rodrims yo tambien me gaste los seis euros que cuesta la revista, tengo las imagenes desde el primer momento y creo que si que puedo quejarme, primero por las protecciones de la revista, para empezar en ingles, que para traducir o bien vas copiando poco a poco o sabes ingles y traduces a lectura y escribes, y luego las capturas, echas con paint y pegando y guardando e intentando mejorar la calidad en lo posible... y porque no voy a quejarme?, si no me quejo seguro que dicen, ah bien, asi les gusta y asi lo dejo, se decia que seria igual que ver una pelicula, pues yo no veo ese avance en la grafica del juego por ninguna parte. vale, de acuerdo, son capturas de paint de una revista, que la merma en calidad se tiene que notar, pero tengo las imagenes de la revista y la merma no es tanta.... gracias rodrims por colgarlas
Luciano Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 mis impresiones: el gancho: si ven esta imagen, curiosa imagen, veran q al parecer EL CABLE EMPUJA EL BLOQUE Y ESE BLOQUE CAE A LA BALDOSA , esta seguramente se rompe y deja al descubierto algo. me parece buena idea lo del gancho, como q mas real, mas fisico. y al parecer no es magenitoc, porque si se fijan, es un anillo, como en anniversary. magnetico o gancho escalador? acrobacias: la verdad no se si esto sera una escena o una acrobacia q podremos hacer en el juego. pero molaria hacer la vertical ^^ objetivos: como dijo vince, podremos apuntar a dos objetivos a la vez! como el annuversary de core. ademas de q ya no se ven lasreticulas rojas, grises, etc. ^^ espero q los enemigos sean mas inteligentes. nuevos movimientos: aqui vemos a lara subiendose a una barra horizontal. como en el POP3. espero q haya otros movimientos nuevos. Lara: no me gusta la cara, todo lo demas esta bien, pero prefiero un tipo de lara parecido al TRlegend. esta cara es muy larga, los ojos muy achinados, la boca chiquita y unos ojos asesimos. pero me gusta lo sucia q esta. combate: me gusta q lara trepe y pueda disparar al mismo tiempo, es un movimiento q lo llevo soñando mucho tiempo. y al fin esta hecho realidad. es magnifico. puzzles: ese tipo de puzzles me gustan mucho. en los q hay algun tipo de codificacion o codigo. aqui es en en el calendario maya (supongo) boceto aqui el puzzle hecho realidad. y enc auto a los graficos, los noto muy next-gen pero mas sosos, y muy oscuros. creo q eso habra q cambiarlo un poco.
Erogan Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Cita Tomb Raider UnderworldFacts and Features Developer - Crystal Dynamics Publisher - Eidos Release Date - 2008 Platforms - Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC Story TRU will take place after the events of Tomb Raider Legend. Lara's new adventure will take her around the world, exploring ancient underworlds and battling unearthly foes. TRU is set around the Mayan calendar, specifically the six lost days which open the gates to the Underworld. Characters Lara Croft Lara is an adventurer, world traveller and archaeologist who seeks out relics and tombs, fuelled by an obsession to uncover the secrets of the great, ancient civilizations. She is a superb athlete, fluent in a dozen languages, and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. She has been hailed both as an Archaeological Wunderkind and a glorified Treasure Hunter. There are thousands of rumors surrounding Lady Croft's exploits, invariably involving the unexplained or outright unbelievable. Lady Croft continues to be the focus of wild speculation and intense debate. Idealized and vilified in equal measure, she is perhaps one of the fascinating and enigmatic figures of our times. Zip Zip is the tech guy of Lara's team, responsible for providing technical and logistical support for Lara's endeavors worldwide - he's the guy in the van or the server room at Lara's mansion, and Lara's constant remote companion via radio headset. A wisecracking guy who's part ultra-techno-geek and part street savvy. He used to be over-the-top, but a few years in prison toned him down a notch and increased his resentment toward all things established. A former computer hacker, he works with Lara for the challenge and the thrill of it. He's personally loyal to Lara, and it really is the most fun he can have without getting arrested. Alister Alister is Lara's research assistant, providing another mind filled with arcane historical information, someone to bounce ideas off of, and provide quick additional research while Lara's in the field. He's in this to test his theories, uncover secrets noone else can, and because it's the only place his eccentric knowledge is really useful. Alister is tense and takes himself much too seriously. Locations Southern Mexico Lara explores ancient Mayan tombs. Graphics Engine and Environments Lara Croft Model * Lara's body reacts to the weather and environment - if it is hot, she will sweat. If it is raining, the water will trickle down her body. If it is muddy, dirt will cling to her and gradually wash off due to the rainfall. Her clothes will also react to changing environmental conditions. Lara interacts with environmental foliage, sweeping it away as she passes through it. * Crystal Dynamics have introduced motion capture for the first time in a Tomb Raider game. Motion capture brings increased realism and fluidity to Lara's movements. * Lara will have high quality facial animations and lip-sytch. Environments * TRU uses a realistic and dynamic weather system including torrential rainpour, thunderclouds and lightning. * An improved physics engine means that the whole world is reacts to Lara's presence and has memory. Lara leaves footprints in the mud. Debris and bodies will no longer vanish, providing valuable markers of where the player has been in the game world. * An innovative lighting system moves beyond simple dynamic lighting to create stunning and realistic environments. * The game is more open-ended than ever before, giving players the choice of how to tackle situations. * Crystal Dynamics travelled on location to photograph the Mayan tombs ensuring a realistic look to the ruins. Moveset, Acrobatics and Combat Combat *Lara can now perform close quarters combat and melee moves. Weapons and Gear Weapons * Dual Pistols * Grenades * Shotgun Gear * Lara will have numerous costume changes throughout the game with more available as unlockables. * Environmental objects can be used in a variety of different ways, both as weapons and tools to aid climbing. Vehicles * Lara's motorbike is the only confirmed vehicle in the game so far. It will have a greater role in puzzle solving. Info de TRForums:
Invitado Angelina Jolie Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Vi dijo: como rodrims yo tambien me gaste los seis euros que cuesta la revista, tengo las imagenes desde el primer momento y creo que si que puedo quejarme, primero por las protecciones de la revista, para empezar en ingles, que para traducir o bien vas copiando poco a poco o sabes ingles y traduces a lectura y escribes, y luego las capturas, echas con paint y pegando y guardando e intentando mejorar la calidad en lo posible... y porque no voy a quejarme?, si no me quejo seguro que dicen, ah bien, asi les gusta y asi lo dejo, se decia que seria igual que ver una pelicula, pues yo no veo ese avance en la grafica del juego por ninguna parte. vale, de acuerdo, son capturas de paint de una revista, que la merma en calidad se tiene que notar, pero tengo las imagenes de la revista y la merma no es tanta.... gracias rodrims por colgarlas Vi nos traduces con calma y cuando puedas despues lo que dice el articulo que compraste que estoy loca por leerlo completico completico.Gracias de antemano.
Paburo Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Erogan dijo: Tomb Raider UnderworldFacts and Features Developer - Crystal Dynamics Publisher - Eidos Release Date - 2008 Platforms - Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC Story TRU will take place after the events of Tomb Raider Legend. Lara's new adventure will take her around the world, exploring ancient underworlds and battling unearthly foes. TRU is set around the Mayan calendar, specifically the six lost days which open the gates to the Underworld. Characters Lara Croft Lara is an adventurer, world traveller and archaeologist who seeks out relics and tombs, fuelled by an obsession to uncover the secrets of the great, ancient civilizations. She is a superb athlete, fluent in a dozen languages, and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. She has been hailed both as an Archaeological Wunderkind and a glorified Treasure Hunter. There are thousands of rumors surrounding Lady Croft's exploits, invariably involving the unexplained or outright unbelievable. Lady Croft continues to be the focus of wild speculation and intense debate. Idealized and vilified in equal measure, she is perhaps one of the fascinating and enigmatic figures of our times. Zip Zip is the tech guy of Lara's team, responsible for providing technical and logistical support for Lara's endeavors worldwide - he's the guy in the van or the server room at Lara's mansion, and Lara's constant remote companion via radio headset. A wisecracking guy who's part ultra-techno-geek and part street savvy. He used to be over-the-top, but a few years in prison toned him down a notch and increased his resentment toward all things established. A former computer hacker, he works with Lara for the challenge and the thrill of it. He's personally loyal to Lara, and it really is the most fun he can have without getting arrested. Alister Alister is Lara's research assistant, providing another mind filled with arcane historical information, someone to bounce ideas off of, and provide quick additional research while Lara's in the field. He's in this to test his theories, uncover secrets noone else can, and because it's the only place his eccentric knowledge is really useful. Alister is tense and takes himself much too seriously. Locations Southern Mexico Lara explores ancient Mayan tombs. Graphics Engine and Environments Lara Croft Model * Lara's body reacts to the weather and environment - if it is hot, she will sweat. If it is raining, the water will trickle down her body. If it is muddy, dirt will cling to her and gradually wash off due to the rainfall. Her clothes will also react to changing environmental conditions. Lara interacts with environmental foliage, sweeping it away as she passes through it. * Crystal Dynamics have introduced motion capture for the first time in a Tomb Raider game. Motion capture brings increased realism and fluidity to Lara's movements. * Lara will have high quality facial animations and lip-sytch. Environments * TRU uses a realistic and dynamic weather system including torrential rainpour, thunderclouds and lightning. * An improved physics engine means that the whole world is reacts to Lara's presence and has memory. Lara leaves footprints in the mud. Debris and bodies will no longer vanish, providing valuable markers of where the player has been in the game world. * An innovative lighting system moves beyond simple dynamic lighting to create stunning and realistic environments. * The game is more open-ended than ever before, giving players the choice of how to tackle situations. * Crystal Dynamics travelled on location to photograph the Mayan tombs ensuring a realistic look to the ruins. Moveset, Acrobatics and Combat Combat *Lara can now perform close quarters combat and melee moves. Weapons and Gear Weapons * Dual Pistols * Grenades * Shotgun Gear * Lara will have numerous costume changes throughout the game with more available as unlockables. * Environmental objects can be used in a variety of different ways, both as weapons and tools to aid climbing. Vehicles * Lara's motorbike is the only confirmed vehicle in the game so far. It will have a greater role in puzzle solving. Info de TRForums: Muchisimas gracias Erogan! dice mas o menos lo mismo, solo que esta todo organizado. Eso si, por lo que se ve Zip y Alister estaran, y por lo que se ve por el pinganillo también... Y otra cosa, que solo vayamos a Mexico... no se, me encanta, pero ojala que agreguen muchas mas localizaciones Feliz Navidad!
requiemsoul Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Hmmm Lara esta sucia, Lara esta húmeda, Lara explora las esquinas del escenario en busca del premio... parece que Lara se ha cambiado a una profesión muy antigua, la más antigua ja ja. Sólo falta que el titulo no sea Tomb Raider Underworld sino Underwear ja ja!
Invitado Angelina Jolie Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 jajajajajajajajajajajaj
Chitocs Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Si hace Calor Lara suda??? O.o jajaja... que sexy... XD
Paburo Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD que warro requiemsoul
Invitado Angelina Jolie Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 dios te oiga! Perdon no dios los de Crystal.
Christian Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Jajajajajajaja Que bueno requiemsoul!! xDDD Y tu Pablo no te hagas el loco que sabes demasiao...xDDD Saludos!!
Chitocs Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Han notado que lara no lleva su headset?? significara eso q ya no tendremos tanto contacto con zip o alister??
Invitado Angelina Jolie Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Si que bueno.
Harukii Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 Publicado 14 de Diciembre del 2007 AHHHH como he podido perderme esto!!! ya hay fotos de tomb raider 8!!! lara se ve guapisima, la amo "creo que me estoy volviendo a enamorar" lara es la mejor lo de los movimientos increible... que sude, bkn la moto, me encanta que zip y alister hablen poco mejor todavia no puedo esperar a que el juego salga al mercado Lo quiero!!!1 no salgo nunca mas a una fiesta, que por culpa de ella me vengo enterando de esto recien!!!
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