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TRA tb estara para mobile phones


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Eidos Interactive Ltd., one of the world’s leading publishers and developers of entertainment software, today confirms that Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Anniversary is set for release on mobile phones from December 2007.


To celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the Tomb Raider franchise, Lara Croft will star in a new adventure taking in familiar locations from her past. Inspired by the first three Tomb Raider mobile phone games, LARA CROFT TOMB RAIDER: ANNIVERSARY faithfully preserves the elements which made the original mobile games some of the best available on the mobile platform.


"We wanted to take the very best bits of the original trilogy and deliver a new and improved version, whilst still retaining that familiar blend of puzzles, exploration and action that the series is famous for," Simon Protheroe, New Media and IT Director at Eidos commented. "With completely revamped graphics, the Peruvian sections of the mobile game are now more akin to the latest console version of Anniversary, so mobile gamers are in for a treat."


The game is being developed by FinBlade, a new British Development Studio. "I can think of no better game to be working on as the debut title for our new studio" said John Chasey, President of FinBlade, "I’m looking forward to Tomb Raider: Anniversary being a huge hit just like the original titles were."


The game boasts fifteen levels of action; featuring spike traps, walls of flame, devious puzzles and deadly foes – plus there will be four game modes available on selected handsets

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