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No me resulta raro por parte de Square. La cantidad de FF que estan saliendo de atroz. Se nota que le da dividendos la franquicia.




Fuente: http://www.meristation.com/v3/des_noticia....a1f&pic=GEN


Final Fantasy I y II llegarán al iPhone

Square Enix lo anunció ayer con cuatro imágenes que lo demuestran.


Por: Joan Isern Meix


Breve en palabras, pero sólidos por las imágenes que las acompañan. Así se mostró ayer Square Enix al anunciar que Final Fantasy I y II llegarán al iPhone y al iPod Touch. No hay fecha de lanzamiento prevista ni más detalles de estas nuevas versiones, pero sí podemos admirar dos imágenes de cada título. Salta a la vista que no son los gráficos de las versiones originales, sino que se han mejorado.




Final Fantasy I para iPhone




Final Fantasy II para iPhone





Final Fantasy XIII : l'édition collector confirmée Nous étions en attente de confirmation et c'est maintenant chose faite : l'édition collector de Final Fantasy XIII arrivera bien chez nous. Nous pouvons donc en rappeler le contenu :


- le jeu

- une compilation de l'OST

- le livre The World of Final Fantasy XIII

- 3 lithographies collector

- un sticker collector


Le prix de la chose est de 79€, pour une sortie toujours prévue pour le 9 mars.

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plus de médias




- El juego

- Banda sonora

- El libro de "El Mundo de Final Fantasy XIII"

- 3 ¿Dibujos? xDD supongo que serán 3 imágenes exclusivas impresas.

- ¿Un Tattoo? xDD Un Sticker que es esto "¿Qué es un sticker? Es un adhesivo decorativo de vinilo, con los contornos totamente precortados, lo que le confiere un aspecto fundido con el color de la superficie donde va a pegarse."


Final Fantasy XIII EU Collector's Edition Detailed

Date: 22 Jan 2010 Author: Shuyu Views: 108

News Category: Final Fantasy XIII 80x15-n4g-tips-blk.gif The collector's edition of Final Fantasy XIII has finally been announced and detailed formally on the EU PlayStation Blog. So what's in it?


# FINAL FANTASY XIII Original Sound Selection: a soundtrack CD including a selection of tunes from the game, especially chosen for this Limited Collector’s Edition by composer Masashi Hamauzu. The CD is presented inside a slipcase featuring artwork from FINAL FANTASY XIII, with liner notes written by the composer himself.

# The World of FINAL FANTASY XIII: an exclusive hardback book featuring characters artwork, CG rendered images and environments from across the game production.

# Exclusive Art Prints: 3 highly collectable art prints showing artwork of the Eidolons, powerful summoned allies of the lead playable characters of FINAL FANTASY XIII.

# Unique 'Brand of the l'Cie' decal: Collectible decal featuring this most iconic symbol from the game storyline.


Oh well, they can't all be winners.




PlayStation Blog entry

Noticia contrastada xD


Revelada la edición coleccionista de Final Fantasy XIII

(Actualidad, PS3, X360)


El próximo título de la saga desembarcará en Europa el próximo 9 de Marzo



La decimotercera entrega de la conocida saga "Final Fantasy" va ultimando sus días previos al lanzamiento. En estos días previos Square-Enix ha confirmado el contenido de la edición coleccionista que se lanzará al mercado al mismo tiempo que la versión normal.


Esta versión cuenta con extractos de la banda sonora compuesta por Masashi Hamauzu, quien se ha encargado personalmente de seleccionar los temas presentes en dicha versión, un libro de ilustraciones basado en el universo de "Final Fantasy XIII" que estará compuestos por diseños realizados a mano y mediante ordenadores y por último, tres pequeñas postales basadas en el título y una pegatina denominada "Brand of the lCie", representación de uno de los símbolos aparecidos en la historia del título y una portada para todo el paquete al estilo de todas las entregas anteriores aparecidas en nuestro continente, es decir, el logo de la entrega sobre un fondo blanco.


Por ahora se desconoce el precio oficial al que será lanzada esta versión, aunque diversas tiendas online ya permiten la reserva de esta a un precio de 79,99€....

Y en español también xD


La verdad es que no está mal por 79 €, pero prefiero comprarme el juego y la guía oficial, que si es como el X-2 y me tengo que pasar el juego un montón de veces para conseguir el 100%, lo tengo claro xDD


Fuente: http://www.meristation.com/v3/des_noticia....c23&pic=GEN


No habrá remake de Final Fantasy VII, al menos, a corto plazo

Lo ha afirmado Tetsuya Nomura, diseñador de personajes de la serie Final Fantasy.


Por: J. Javier Martín


No hay planes para una nueva versión de Final Fantasy VII a corto plazo. Es lo que ha declarado el diseñador de personajes de Final Fantasy, Tetsuya Nomura, a la revista japonesa Famitsu, aunque no descartó que el personaje aparezca en otros juegos. "Los fans están esperando el rumoreado remake de FFVII, pero no creo que esto ocurra en estos momentos. Sin embargo, es posible que aparezca en otros títulos como personaje invitado", declaró Nomura a la revista japonesa.


El próximo mes de marzo tendrá lugar el lanzamiento europeo de Final Fantasy XIII en PS3 y Xbox 360.




Ya empiezan sacandonos los cuartos ...

Final Fantasy XIII podría tener contenido descargable

El productor del juego afirma que lo han preparado pero que llegaría a occidente más tarde.


A pesar de que Square Enix había afirmado que el exitoso Final Fantasy XIII no contaría con contenido adicional descargable el productor del juego, Yoshinori Kitase, ha sugerido en una reciente entrevista con el portal OPM que esto no sería así. Al parecer muchos de los planes iníciales de la compañía, como realizar un lanzamiento a nivel global, no han podido cumplirse, siendo uno de ellos la ausencia de DLC.



Final Fantasy XIII (PlayStation 3)


"En principio teníamos planeado lanzar el juego a nivel mundial simultáneamente, así como presentar una versión idéntica en todas las regiones" –narra Kitase "Cuando nos dijeron que esto no era posible, intentamos lanzar el juego en occidente lo más rápidamente posible".


"Inicialmente tenía dudas sobre añadir contenido adicional a la versión occidental, pero habría hecho que dicha edición internacional se retrasase unos meses más. Hemos preparado un DLC pero éste llegará un poco más tarde a occidente".


DLC= Dame Los Cuartos xDDD


Por el bien de Square, espero que tenga mucho éxito el FFXIII a pesar de todos los prejuicios que tengo hacia los JRPGs xDD.


De seguro va a ser un éxito, como fueron todos sus FF. Es que este juego tiene algo especial. Realmente en historia siempre FF llevó un paso adelante con respecto a otros juegos del mismo genero. Tal vez me defraudo un poco el FFXII pero le tengo fe a esta versión.





Ufff, ayer mi chico se volvio a pasar de nuevo el FF-X (yo estoy en ello) y menuda llorera me pille (pobre Yunaaa :--( ). Menos mal que luego lo arreglaron (un poco) en el X-2


Si es que Square a mi sabe como sacarme la lagrimilla ( y el dinero XDDD )


Saturación xDD no me pidan que traduzca todo....


This is what Final Fantasy XIII Looked Like on PS2

Date: 30 Jan 2010 Author: Kitmitsu Views: 7708

News Category: Final Fantasy XIII

Square Enix has released two extremely thick books including everything relating to Final Fantasy XIII inside them. Scans from the Scenario and Battle Ultimania are beginning to appear on the internet and with them some very interesting artwork and test footage of the game from before E3 2006.


The screenshots are actually from the Playstation 2 version of the game and it looks like they went in two completely different artistic directions before both of them were scrapped. The characters used in the screenshots are Yuna and Rikku heavily stylized and wearing completely different outfits. You can also see how the battle UI resembles what was used in the final game but with additions such as MP. See the screenshots below.


Source: FFSky

Dutch OPM Final Fantasy XIII Feature and Interview Scans

Date: 30 Jan 2010 Author: Kitmitsu Views: 7265

News Category: Final Fantasy XIII

The Dutch version of Official Playstation Magazine has conducted an interview with Final Fantasy XIII producer Yoshinori Kitase as we mentioned a few days ago. Thankfully our new best friend, Shlizar Axis, has scanned the entire feature as well as translating the interview. Inside it, Kitase confirms the DLC rumour was true as well as revealing a few other interesting facts such as the PS3 and 360 versions of the game using different engines apparently. This seems odd as Square said Crystal Tools was developed to work with both the PS3 and 360 as well as other platforms but whatever he says. See the scans as well as the fully translated interview below.


Interview with Yoshinori Kitase:

From director of Chrono Trigger to scenario writer of Final Fantasy VII; Kitase has had a hand into all major Square-Enix productions during the past two decades. And also his task as senior producer of the biggest RPG of the past decade is almost at its end...


How does it feel now that Final Fantasy XIII is completed?

YOSHINORI KITASE: It's a big sigh of relief. It has taken a long time before it was completed. It's good to see that Final Fantasy lives brightly within the people when you are walking down the streets in Tokyo. This is what it makes it worthwhile.


This is the first Final Fantasy on the PS3. In what way was the development different then with the previous instalments?

KITASE: This time we needed to work extra hard. Final Fantasy XIII was originally meant to be a PS2 title, but we had to switch systems due to the arrival of the PS3. That cost us about one and a half years and was constantly a case of trial and error. However, because we worked so hard at the beginning, we got to a cruising speed much faster then anticipated and therefore could start on the translation and international voice recording process at an early stage of the development. It's because of this that we can release both the European as well as the American version barely three months after the Japanese release.


Are the European and Japanese versions identical, or do the western gamers get extra content in exchange for the long wait?

KITASE: At first we wanted a simultaneous release for all markets, so therefore it was intended that we would create identical versions. When we noticed that we couldn't make it, we decided that we wanted to keep the period between the Japanese and the Western release as short as possible. We had a moment where we considered to add extra content to the western version, but then the release date of the international version would have been pushed back for a couple of months. We did prepare DLC, but it will also be available in the West in the future.


The Western fans aren't unhappy that they didn't have to wait realise months this time...

KITASE: It's because of the fans that we wanted to do a simultaneous release. A while ago, during my vacation, I went to Europe and talked to many European fans. With each conversation this particular frustration came to order. I didn't know that it weighted so heavenly with you, so i made sure that the localization process could start early. We didn't have to take the different television standards into account. No NTSC and PAL anymore, in every livingroom stands a digital television nowadays, so we didn't have to spend an extra month in development for it.


Didn't the simultaneous development on both the PS3 and the XBOX360 cause difficulties?

KITASE: We have made it our top priority to deliver the same quality on both consoles. It was self-evident that it brought some difficulties with it. Both consoles require a different approach. Especially on the graphics section. We had to build a different engine for both versions. We needed a year of tinkering on each engine in order to get the same level of graphics.


How do the side missions come together?

KITASE: As you know, the in-game world consists of two parts: Cocoon and Pulse. In Cocoon you will get a strong story-driven RPG. Pulse on the other hand is mostly a wilderness where the game switches to explorations and numerous side missions become available. Without the side missions, the game will be 60 hours long. If you visit the Grand Pulse in order to clear side missions, then you will be busy for a long time. You can keep playing these missions in order to earn Cystarium-points, so basically the length of the game is endless.


We found Lightning didn't really fit within the line of Final Fantasy-Protagonists. First and foremost, she is a woman and no androgen youngster. Second, she's the toughest lady we have ever encountered. She doesn't flinch when it comes to hitting the macho Snow several times in the face.

KITASE: "Change" played a part when selecting Lightning. It has been a while since we had a female protagonist, but gender didn't really matter actually. We just wanted to create a strong personality.


Has lightning been designed to be the female version of Cloud Strife, or did we discover another fault on Wikipedia?

KITASE: It's indeed incorrect. The only thing Cloud and Lightning have in common is their background as a soldier. Lightning does come across as cold and tough, but further along the story you will notice that she has a fragile side to her. Cloud didn't have that. We surely didn't try to copy Cloud's success.


You have been working at Square Enix for quite a while now. How do you see Final Fantasy XII in comparison with its illustrious predecessors?

KITASE: I consider this Final Fantasy as the most evolved instalment of the series. On the area of setting, it looks a lot like Final Fantasy VII, but we went beyond that. Much more futuristic then you can imagine. I'm mostly proud of the battle system. It's one of the most advanced system you've ever played. If you experience it for the first time, you will immediately be reminded of Final Fantasy XII, especially because you participate in a battle as a group. But, basically we have taken the best from the previous Final Fantasy instalments and put it into this one.


Why did you choose to replace the original theme song with a song from Leona Lewis within the European version? Wouldn't have translating the original song been a better solution?

KITASE: We have tried to translate the original theme song, but the singer had difficulties with that. This is a new type of tactic, an experiment if you will. Why not use a different artist for every region? If both the content and atmosphere of the song would match with the game, then we would expect it will score better within that particular region. Square Enix as a company is thinking more and more internationally and localization plays an important part within that strategy.


Is that the reason why the Japanese language option with European subtitles isn't available within the International version? That's something the fans would really want...

KITASE: It's because of the storage capacity. The Blu-ray disc has already been filled to the max due to the countless CGI-movies, so a version with both Japanese as well as English voices was impossible to realise.


Date: 29 Jan 2010 Author: Kitmitsu Views: 723

News Category: Final Fantasy XIII

Square Enix has announced today that they're planning to release a Vinyl record featuring eight tracks from Final Fantasy XIII's soundtrack. The 12 inch record will be released on the 26th February for the price of 2,800 yen. It will only be available to buy through Square's own E-store. Here is the list of tracks and a promotional picture of the album.




Side A:


Fang’s Theme

Sunleth Waterscape

Daddy’s Got the Blues


Side B:

Pulse de Chocobo

World Without Color


Ragnarok -Sans Pipe Organ-


W/F: Music from Final Fantasy XIII | Square Enix E-Store


Thanks to our staff member Cagalli and her site for finding this.


Source: NovaCrystallis


Básicamente el aspecto que iba a tener FF13 en ps2,una entrevista a Yoshinori Kitase y un vinilo con la banda sonora de FF13.... que vale,dicen que el vinilo tiene más calidad de sonido que lo digital pero... no sé...


Edito: Esta gente o es subnormal o se les va la pelota.... las imágenes de ps2 son claramente Yuna y Rikku y además lo pone en los enlaces... no sé de qué van pero vale.... serán ganas de crear expectación,supongo. Y yo de pringado voy y caigo pero malo como un perro que estoy me he dado cuenta así que supongo que más gente se habrá coscao.


Asco de página y protecciones absurdas... se supone que las web existen precisamente para compartir información,no para conseguir el mayor número de visitas y obligar a la gente a ir a un determinado sitio para ver información....me tocan mucho los webs esta gente,aparte de la ridiculez del ff13 para ps2 que fijo que lo han publicado para crear expectación y recibir más visitas.... fuerte panda de.....


Fuente: http://www.meristation.com/v3/des_noticia....2e6&pic=GEN


Final Fantasy XIII llegará a Xbox 360 en 3 discos

El portal de venta GameFly se adelantó al anuncio oficial de Square Enix.


Por: J. Guzmán


La edición para Xbox 360 del esperado JRPG de Square Enix Final Fantasy XIII constará de tres discos, según detalla la web de venta online GameFly. Debido a que la compañía nipona no ha ofrecido oficialmente el dato podría tratarse de una especulación o bien de la obtención de una versión provisional por parte del portal.




El lanzamiento de este juego se ha visto envuelto en la polémica desde el mismo día de su anuncio. Tras la pérdida de exclusividad de la franquicia por parte de Sony y la no comercialización del juego para Xbox 360 en tierras del Sol Naciente, ayer se acrecentó dicha sensación al ser confirmado por su desarrolladora que no existiría ninguna versión asiática del juego para la sobremesa de Microsoft.



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