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¡Sorpresa! Nuevos materiales de Tomb Raider: Anniversary


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Buenas noticias! :hello:


en trforums han puesto este post: http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread.php?t=89212


dice de Games Radar tendra exclusivas del juego esta semana!!!! incluyendo el first look de Egipto!, una entrevista e imagenes nuevas :P


hasta ahora, Games Radar ha puesto un post nomas: http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/ps2/game/feat...601301244784300


ya en la semana van a ir aumentando con mas post. mañana pondran la parte 2 del post, que tendra una comparacion del Annversary con el TR1 (parte por parte), una entrevista con Jason Botta (de CD), que nos habla del Lost Valley y del encuantro con el T-Rex.

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Buenas noticias! :hello:


en trforums han puesto este post: http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread.php?t=89212


dice de Games Radar tendra exclusivas del juego esta semana!!!! incluyendo el first look de Egipto! y una entrevista :P


hasta ahora, Games Radar ha puesto un post nomas: http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/ps2/game/feat...601301244784300


ya en la semana van a ir aumentando con mas post. mañana pondran la parte 2 del post, que tendra una comparacion del Annversary con el TR1 (parte por parte), una entrevista con Jason Botta (de CD), que nos habla del Lost Valley y del encuantro con el T-Rex.


De momento han publicado una entrevista... pero no creo que nos vayan a dar nada interesante de verdad.

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aqui la entrevista sobre el Lost Valley, si alguien la traduce:


How has the Lost Valley changed from the original game?


Actually in the original game it didn't really work - it was actually supposed to be a valley with the open sky above but, because of the limitations of the hardware, lots of that part was in a cave. So the first thing we did, we opened it up to the sky - it changed the whole feel of the environment. But overall, the feeling of the space when you came in and the floor of this valley that was lush and green in contrast to the rest of what you'd been in before - you know, up until that point with caves and grey and a little bit of running water and what-not - and er the fact is all still there.


We've sort of condensed some of the gameplay in the outlying sort of caves around there - we still have caves and little areas off of the main valley, but we've put more gameplay into the actual structure of the valley itself, so you go in, you fight the T-Rex, you get to the temple at the end and go through it all and what-not - there's more pathing and exploration of the space itself within the main complex of the valley. So you're never... believing this interesting-looking, lush, open environment and then just going off into side caves - we wanted to bring more of the gameplay into the more visually interesting area.


You mentioned the T-Rex. The level demo we saw ended with the T-Rex's foot stomping into the screen. Are we going to be amazed when we actually see it? What's it like?


Yeah, I mean the T-Rex is actually really fun - we spent a lot of time on the T-Rex in general. I mean, all of the bosses, but especially the T-Rex, because it is such a memorable moment from the original so... he's back and he's actually humungous now. We had originally created the T-Rex sort of the same size as the T-Rex in TR1 and then when people played at they were like 'well, he's kinda small', so we actually made him about 50% bigger or even more - I can't remember exactly how much bigger.


But you know, we made him bigger, he's higher speed, higher fidelity, he's got all sorts of groovy, great texturing on him, particle effects for spin, when he runs around and everything... his sound is terrific, he shakes the ground and everything. I think it fulfils everyone's expectations of what battling a T-Rex on foot would be like. I think everyone at the studio is really happy with the way that he turned out - it's a really fun experience fighting him.


Looking through the new Lost Valley it seems there's a lot more detail in it - with the addition of houses. What was the thinking behind that?


It was part of our goal to not only redo what was in the original but also to expand the story and believability of the spaces - one of the main parts of the first chapter of the original game, Peru, was the City of Vilcabamba, which was sort of only seen in very small areas and then there were a lot of just caves and then a little bit more area later on once you get into Qualopec's tomb - there wasn't really the sense that a civilisation had really inhabited this entire underground cave system and really built up a civilisation here. So we went back and we remade it.


We really wanted to convey the feeling that there was this civilisation and it's grown up and developed around the Scion piece that was contained there and sort of created a more believable environment for the player so it didn't just seem like there were isolated pockets of human habitation within this giant cave system so and there was all of that, so you'd see more small bits of human sort of development in various spots throughout the level.


You mentioned earlier that the T-Rex was scaled up - we were looking at the waterfall today and how much bigger it's got. Was everything small in Tomb Raider one?


It wasn't that everything was small but the really memorable pieces, people seem to remember as being larger than they were. Almost the exact same thing happened with the waterfall, like we made it the same size as the original one but everybody was like "oh, there's this dinky little waterfall". So part of what we wanted to do when we were recreating everything was to increase the scale and the epicness of the environment.


So in very memorable spots or really very visually interesting spots like the waterfall and the valley with the T-Rex and what-not, they feel as epic and cool and interesting and exciting as both people remember from the original who are familiar with it, but also to people who have never played it before and are experiencing it for the first time - we wanted it to be as dramatic as possible.


Be sure to check back tomorrow when Jason talks about the new Egypt level and the bonus features in this special edition of Tomb Raider and we show you some exclusive concept art before walking you through the new level on Thursday and Friday. See you there.

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Aqui podeis bajar un video:




Es de la conferencia que Eidos hizo en Amsterdam el dia 8 de Marzo. Supongo que por peticion de Eidos en el video no se ve mucho del juego, solo se muestra una Lara quieta haciendo varios movimientos (algunos nuevos) como cuando dejabamos a Lara quieta en el Legend. Tambien se aprecia como el mecanismo de la catarata va girando, esta genial.


Lo he sacado de TRFORUMS. También viene una especie de resumen de todo lo que les contaron. Lo mas importante es:


- Este juego lleva en desarrollo 2 años, más de lo pensado.

- No sera igual de largo que TR1, pero si mucho más que Legend, más dificil y desafiante.

- La fecha de salida actual es para el 25 de Mayo (jaja, justo con los examenes....).

- Se pretende lanzar además una edición coleccionista (bien!).

- No saldra en Xbox360. La razón que dan es que tardarían unos 6 meses en hacerlo y ya se pasaría de largo de lo que es la fecha del aniversario (noviembre del 96). Mejor esperar a un next generation en condiciones cuando salga el TR8.


Si me dejo algo podeis ponerlo vosotros


Entrevista entera:




Tomb Raider Inc released pictures of a convention and information.



Tomb Raider: Anniversary - Press Introduction: the report

It's been almost 11 years since the release of the original Tomb Raider game, but to understand your present you must first go back to your past - and this time things will be different!


It is not until you are presented with all the raw facts that you then begin to realise the journey Lara has taken. With 7 episodes (and 1.5 billion dollars generated in sales), 2 theatrical movies, and a whopping 300 magazine covers - only a small boast on Tomb Raider's list of triumphs. Add to that the 2,500 sites worldwide dedicated to Lara Croft and Tomb Raider - now that is impressive!


Tomb Raider 1: The Atlantean Scion sold 7 million copies and was a huge contribution to the success of the original Playstation. Tomb Raider: Anniversary is being released to pay homage to both Lara Croft and Playstation - a celebration of 10 years of video games.

And now the big question on everyone's lips... When is the release date? Currently, it is set at: 25/05/07. Anniversary is now rated 16+, raised from the previous 12+ because Tomb Raider's target audience has changed.


Using the same game engine as Legend, your manual dexterity will be challenged like no other Tomb Raider before. With a choice of expert level you lose any chance of automated help if your jump isn't 'spot on' and our Eidos demonstrator cringed at the very thought of even going there. They've listened and learned from the fans that they wanted a challenge and hopefully Eidos has fulfilled their mission. Anniversary contains NO clues from camera angles, NO 'Zip' hints and definitely NO HAND ICONS!

The game looks absolutely beautiful. There are huge environments to investigate and sub-sections to explore. You will come across all the TR1 Puzzles, but with the use of modern physics, the solutions all differ from the past. This is not like buying a game you've already had for 10 years - it's a whole new concept!


Wearing her infamous old outfit (updated to make her top turn dark blue when wet), Lara is a sight to behold. You will also be able to unlock bonus outfits along the way. Although the same model was used as in Legend, she's wearing less make up and we also have the return of her beloved ponytail plait. Please be advised that she looks nothing like the first images released (thanks Toby). Gone is her personal light source, but she retains her grapple hook, which is essential to one of her 2 new moves:


1. Perch

2. Wall grapple run

Anniversary also brings us back to the well-loved old style inventory and a meeting of old friends too. Do you remember those wolves, bears, jaguars and… BATS! Not only have they increased in age, but in size too! And let us not forget those loveable raptors, attacking in packs. This all takes you back to the times when your heart was in your mouth as you only dared to imagine what was waiting for you around the next corner, provoked by well appointed sound effects and music.


With the return of TR1's sound effects, Crystal Dynamics has really listened to the fans this time around. The designers have revisited previous games and there is no doubt this one was on the cards with over 300000 requests to make this game.

So what else is in store?

Well, as in TR1 you will follow the story as it was in the beginning. You'll visit Peru, Greece and of course Egypt, which is tipped to be the level of levels. Eidos is very excited about that one and are keeping information tightly wrapped. Toby Gard (a.k.a. 'Lara's Guardian') has been completely hands-on as far as Lara's look is concerned and like any protective father, if Toby doesn't like it – well – it just doesn't happen. That's something that makes me very happy to hear.

Anything else? Yes loads!

You'll be happy to hear you'll still be able to jump around in Croft Manor and all Lara's arch enemies will be in-game too. Cinematics stay, as does slow-motion replay, both adding to enhanced gameplay. Although it is not as long as Tomb Raider 1, Anniversary is still longer than Legend. We could not pin Eidos down to an actual time figure. We can tell you that there will be a Collectors Edition released. It is hoped to feature a documentary relaying the saga of Tomb Raider and also include articles about the game's creators.

The game is only being released exclusively on PC, PS2, and PSP. No format for PS3 or Xbox 360 is expected. This project was started 2 years ago and artwork for the Xbox360 would add another 6 months. This isn't an option if they still want to release the game during the anniversary year.

And finally, a last piece of exciting news... Recently all the old Lara Croft models were brought together for an anniversary photo shoot - so watch out for those images! As for Karima, our most recent iconic symbol of Lara, Eidos are said to have invested heavily in her transformation! With S.A.S training, elocution lessons and a personal trainer - this girl is staying!

In conclusion


A mixture of old meets new, east meets we... However you want to look at it, it's just geography... For to understand the present we must first understand the past, and from what I've just seen, this time will defiantly be different. So don't miss it!




On March 8th, a press introduction of Tomb Raider: Anniversary took place in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), and our website team was also there! Below you can find the compilation video of the meeting. We have also written down the Q&A session with Emily Britt, European PR Manager of Eidos.








Q&A session with Emily Britt, European PR Manager


Question: We have a lot of cinematics in Legend. Are they still going to be there in Anniversary?


Emily: Yeah, there are still going to be cinematics telling the story. The story is the exact story as Tomb Raider 1 so that's the main source of inspiration for this game, so those cinematics will tell the story of why she goes from place to place and what she's looking for, and who her key enemies are and why. But you haven't got the same kind of interaction with - there's no interaction with Zip and Allister. She does not have someone on her side like she did before. And you can still go into Croft Manor as well and jump around.


Question: How did Crystal Dynamics approach this game. Did they play the first one over and over again?


Emily: Yeah, that's exactly what they did. I think kind of two years ago when the designers decided to start to really revisit the first one for inspiration. And then we did a lot of research. I think we had almost 300,000 requests over the last ten years to remake the first game, so there was a lot of naturally-done market research by our community asking for bits that they liked and so we used those. And of course they've got Toby back on board, so Toby's been very - in fact Toby's job is to look at Lara - he's like the Lara guardian.


Question: So if this game turns to be very good, are there any plans of remaking the other ones?


Emily: Well there will definitely be other iterations of Tomb Raider, but no we definitely have not talked about doing some of other ones. Some of them definitely could be redone and improved on, but maybe they are better left how they are - like Angel of Darkness.


Question: The difference between Tomb Raider 1 and Legend is that the gameplay is very short. What about the remake? Did you eliminate a lot of levels?


Emily: Well, no the first one was 40 hours worth of gameplay and in a way when I was doing the summary and finding out why this game was really popular alot of people would say, 'It was 40 hours long - it was brilliant.' But a lot of those 40 hours was that you found a piece and then you'd have to run back through the various environments and that kind of thing we think modern-day gamers wouldn't tolerate as much, so it won't be 40 hours long, but it is definitely harder, more challenging, and longer than Legend was. It is really rewarding to play this one. You feel rewarded for making the difficult journeys and in a way that Legend didn't quite let you feel because it was a little bit too easy.


Question: So you had a deal with Sony Playstation. Is there also a version coming out for the PS3?


Emily: No, not of Anniversary, but when we take the next Tomb Raider 8 to, when that all gets mapped that's very much the next gen.


Question: Will there be any connectivity between the PSP version and the PS2 version? For example you collect a picture and you can share them?


Emily: Unfortunately not. A shame, but that kind of thing is quite technologically time-consuming and the turnaround time has been quite quick for this so it wasn't possible.


Question: What about time trials. Do they come back?


Emily: I need to check. I'm almost certain you can but you are the first person that asked me that so I'll have to check on that.


Question: A question about Karima and Keeley Hawes (who does the voice of Lara Croft). Why have you chosen to pick the same girls again to do it? Well, maybe not for the voice, but why Karima again?


Emily: Karima is the first one that we taught to speak. That sounds utterly patronizing and ridiculous. She's actually had elocution lessons, and she's had SAS training, and she's had a personal trainer to get her body to look like Lara. So that's an enormous level of investment in terms of making her into the person that she is, so it would've been a bit silly to only employ her for the 9 months of the Legend campaign, so we'll definitely keep her.




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Menuda Mierd*! A ver... no entiendo como es posible que un juego de PS2 sea mas corto que uno de PS1!! no lo entiendo! Crystal no saben hacer juegos largos y con grandes espacios con un motor de PS2 o que? Buff, me pongo malo


Eso lo han comentado ya; CD dice q probó la Lara del Legend en ls escenarios de TR1 y q les costaba menos de la mitad de tiempo recorrerlos, debido a la agilidad del modelo actual, así q si va a ser mucho más largo q el Legend yo me doy por contento, seguro q lo han aprovechado bien

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