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¡Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered anunciado!
tema responde a Mariana-SkullBull de rock3r en Tomb Raider IV • V • VI Remastered
¡Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered anunciado!
tema responde a Mariana-SkullBull de rock3r en Tomb Raider IV • V • VI Remastered
La lista de los trofeos, no los he visto por aquí Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation On Your Head Be It, Von Croy! – Finish Cambodia chapter Time to Put Things Right! – Finish Valley of the Kings chapter Take Me to Von Croy! – Finish Karnak chapter Do Not Take Too Long Thinking It Over – Finish Alexandria chapter Barking Mad! – Finish Cairo chapter Good to See You Again, Werner –Finish Giza chapter Time to Finish What Carter Started! –Finish The Times Exclusive level Codex of Angkor Wat – Collect all secrets in Cambodia levels Codex of Kings – Collect all secrets in Valley of the Kings levels Codex of Karnak – Collect all secrets in Karnak levels Codex of Alexandria – Collect all secrets in Alexandria levels Codex of Cairo – Collect all secrets in Cairo levels Codex of Giza – Collect all secrets in Giza levels Codex of Tutankhamun – Collect all secrets in The Times Exclusive level What’s Up, Doc? – Lie down beside your predecessor A Regular Virtuoso – Get to the Iris in 1:30 or less using the route of the virtuous I’m up for a Little Heresy – Get to the Iris in 1:55 or less using the path of the heretical Self-Defense Guide – Make three jackals and three scorpions be defeated by fire in the Tomb of Seth Average Tea Party – Defuse the blade trap by yourself in the Tomb of Seth Croft Tomb Racing – Drive ahead of guide’s jeep both into the gate and into the last tunnel Get Over There! – Without preparations or healing, be stung near the obelisk and then move Canopic Jar 1 into place Gotcha! – Defeat red assassin with Lara’s pistols and don’t let him fend off any bullets Six Out of Zero – You’ve made your own luck Croft Gambit – Finish Tomb of Semerkhet by winning the senet game Femme Elementale – Eliminate the ice wraith without fire wraith’s help or taking any damage Blade Outrunner – Do not take damage from any of pedestal blades A Muleta Woman – Once the guardian breaks through the door, make him smash all three panels in 50 seconds or less This Is Fine – Get all three secret items despite the fire traps and finish the level Inspector Wadjet – Get all the clues you can from Jean-Yves I Hate It When These Things Do That! –Open the sarcophagus with the terrifying mummy Godspeed – Deactivate the trap by hitting all targets with only normal crossbow arrows Dead Shot – Blow the skeleton’s skull off when it is in a jump Three Stones With One Bird – Destroy three wraiths with the power of a single statue Hypatia Would Be Proud – Find all the clues to the puzzles Re-lion Yourself – Don’t flip the switch in the room with the lion heads Cooler than Henry – Blind the three red assassins, poison them and then one-shot them in a row using single Lara’s gun Prop With No Purpose – Obtain Von Croy’s glasses Jason’s Apprentice – Drown five royal guard skeletons in the water De-eskullation – Decapitate a skeleton before it wakes up Octavian’s Legacy – Defeat both Cleopatra’s guardians using only Lara’s pistols and without taking any damage Double Trouble – Do not get hurt through your replica statue Security Breach – Destroy all the turrets Ghost Raider – Get to the Cairo secret on a non-tuned motorcycle A Plague Postponed – Release the ice wraith without releasing the locusts Scarabicide – Hit the scarab with your motorcycle Minimal Damage – Do not destroy the helicopter on the roof That’s a Knife! – Defeat two crocodiles while being in the same tight space with them With Khepri’s Help – Sneak past the steam pipes without taking any damage Swiper, No Swiping! – Don’t let anyone steal your medipack in the Sphinx Complex Olly Olly Oxen Free – Lock both guardians in their cages IAQ – Pass through the corridors of traps without taking any damage Beep Beep! – Send the scarabs to the grave in the room of Ra Serket Saved – Make sure all the soldiers in Giza survive Scorpion King – Defeat three giant scorpions with one normal grenade High Five to Maahes – Defeat five enemies with one super grenade Three Wise Monkeys – Try out all three levers Surrey Commando – Break the gems using all types of weapons with normal ammo and no lasersight Devourer of the Devourer – Defeat Ammit Seth Timer – After sealing the temple, reach the exit in 40 seconds or less Blowing off Some Steam – Break 9 objects in less than 10 seconds without using explosives Theomachist – Do a handstand within sight of all the great statues Bury It With Me – Take every collectable item in a single walkthrough Oops! – Break every vessel in a single walkthrough Welcome to Duat – Beat the game on New Game+ Tomb Raider Chronicles And So Ended the First of Many –Finish Rome chapter Man Could Never Again Misuse It –Finish Russian Submarine chapter A Few Valuable Lessons – Finish Ireland chapter To Absent Friends – Finish VCI Headquarters chapter Codex of Rome – Collect all secrets in Rome levels Codex of Zapadnaya Litsa – Collect all secrets in Russian Submarine levels Codex of Ireland – Collect all secrets in Ireland levels Codex of VCI – Collect all secrets in VCI Headquarters levels Dress Rehearsal – Finish the Opera Backstage What a Horrid Idea! – After using the Mouth of Truth, use another one in 16 seconds or less Not Ram Us – Hang from the ledge on the ram side without being hurt Bark Square – Defeat five dogs near the fountain To the Envy of Venus – Do a handstand over the portal gate Mars Is Attacked! – Defeat the Guardian Head by firing only two shots in a row using the lasersight Long Live the King! – Defeat all the lions using Uzis Feet of Clay – Defeat the last soldier statue in the Colosseum using only Lara’s pistols and without taking damage I’ll Get You Next Time! – Dodge the falling claw three times in a row at the highest point of the warehouse Crane Game – Pick up all the items in the warehouse before the claw drops down at least once Double Down – Defeat both snipers without being hurt Damn, You’re Not Good! – Get back at this poser for all his bullying I Am Invincible! – Do not use any medipacks in the Submarine level Peculiarities of the National Fishing –Use all ten chaff flares to divert torpedoes Silent Raider – Make a torpedo crash into the submarine Stress Level Zero – Don’t make Lara nervous before she takes the secret and finds the Spear of Destiny Hell and High Water – Do not get fire burns or electric shocks in the Sinking Submarine level Nekrasov Woman – Get the nitrogen canister without taking any damage before turning off the power Impatiens – Don’t let the little imps hurt you in the Gallows Tree level Well Done – Perform a clean somersault dive into the well Torchdown – Check if the demon has been exorcised Fail Compilation – Watch all the scenes of young Lara’s failures Skeleton Prance – Avoid being hit by the ghost skeletons in the chapel Amaze Runner – Run through the final labyrinth in 25 seconds or less Animal Instinct – Make the little imps run in panic Roses Are Gold, Lara Got Burned –Before visiting the mill, pick up the secret behind the fires and survive Sleepy Merrow – Once you’re in the water, get rid of the creature in 25 seconds or less The Trap Is Set – Pick up all the secrets on the 13th floor, avoiding the lasers Nailed It! – Use a hammer to take a shortcut Mission Impossible – Get through the 13th Floor level unnoticed Dodge This! – One-shot five VCI guards in 20 seconds or less VCI! Open Up! – Get the teleport disk before the guards cut the door open Waterminator – Defeat the first cyborg Miss Croft – Run past the panoramic windows without taking damage from the helicopter Gassassin – Defeat the second cyborg 30/10 – Perform a full triple somersault dive You Remembered! – Happy birthday, Lara! Sweet Dreams – Get the unreachable medipack Tail Innocence – Don’t let the rat packs bite you through the whole walkthrough Hoarding Order – Take every collectable item in a single walkthrough Pаst Mortem – Beat the game on New Game+ Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness I Feel Stronger Now – Finish Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness Room Service – Defeat the cleaner Great Flood – Defeat Proto-Nephilim Took Care – Defeat Boaz Shut Him Up – Defeat Eckhardt Parkour! – Finish your training in the back alleys Crime Spree – Be rude to Mlle Carvier and clean out her apartment before the police show up on the floor Bet Girl – Obtain the Gold Watch Player Three Connected – Surprise the boxers Coup de Grâce – Open fire on an enemy and finish him off in melee combat Hit the Floor – Drop the metal structure on the dance floor before security is aware of your presence Cartophile – Examine all the Parisian Ghetto maps Pluie Noir – Learn the password Kleptomaniac – Obtain the Sports Watch Spendthrift – Enter the graveyard without giving the trinket box to either Pierre or Bernard Death-Defying – Get V-Packer ammo in St. Aicard’s Graveyard Good Boys – Do not kill any of the dogs or take any damage from them through the whole walkthrough Let Pit Be – In the Bouchard’s Hideout do not fall in the pits Super Lario – After opening the first valve in Louvre Storm Drains open all others in 5 minutes or less Ghost of the Louvre – Don’t trigger the alarm in the Louvre Galleries Croft of the Blue – Stealthly defeat the guard at the bottom of the Archaeological Dig Jackpot! – Unlock the gate in the Archaeological Dig with no blocked rings on your last turn Fast and Curious – Get to the bottom of the Tomb of the Ancients in 3 minutes or less High-Flying – Pass through the trap corridor in the Tomb of the Ancients with one swan dive and no damage taken Live Dangerously – Do not use the right ledge in the Wrath of the Beast Two Steps a Hades – Use only two pillars to take all the items in the Breath of Hades Rocket Woman – Take off on five different blocks without taking damage in the Sanctuary of Flame Play with Fire – Cross the Sanctuary of Flame before it is completely engulfed in flame and stay alive Be Like Water – Do not get any damage in the Neptune’s Hall Ghost in a Nutshell – Get Brother Obscura’s painting in 1 minute or less without being hurt More Gas, More Mess – Escape the Louvre without using a respirator, healing or leaving any Gunderson’s men alive Automatic From Luddick – Buy the Scorpion X gun Silent as a Mouse – Don’t draw too much attention to yourself in the Strahov Fortress warehouses Snake Eater – Why are you still here? Just to suffer? Reel Deal – Bypass the laser trap in the Strahov Fortress without jumping or crawling Unnatural Selection – Defeat all the mutants in the Bio-Research Facility Perfect Mimicry – Do a handstand in front of the big flower in the main botanical greenhouse Into the Hellmouth – Swan dive into the Leviathan’s reservoir Short Ration – Finish the Aquatic Research Area without feeding the Leviathan You’re Just a Monkey – Defeat Proto-Nephilim using only melee and without taking a hit Won’t Catch a Breath – Get the aqua-lung and hold your breath until the end of the Vault of Trophies without losing health Dodgeboaz – Evade all of Boaz’s projectiles without attacking her during the shelling phase Great Work – Defeat Eckhardt without going to the ground or taking damage Darwin Awards – Find all the silliest ways to die Cash Overload – Earn more than 3500 euros Two of Every Kind – Find a pair both for Vector R35 and for Scorpion X guns Tactical Medicine – Collect all medipacks in a single walkthrough Chocollection – Get all the chocolates in a single walkthrough, but do not eat any of them Memento Mori – Collect and read all the notes in Werner’s notebook Electrocuties – Defeat two different non-human enemies by tasing them Corner Frag – Defeat an enemy by shooting around the corner This Is Lara! – Send all undead knights into the pits Never Again – Beat the game on New Game+ Nehushtan – Buy an antidote from the herbalist Pawn Promotion – Buy all the gun accessories at a pawn shopDe -
¡Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered anunciado!
tema responde a Mariana-SkullBull de rock3r en Tomb Raider IV • V • VI Remastered
Nuevas capturas e información sobre el modo foto (que ya conocemos) https://blog.playstation.com/2024/11/15/photo-mode-returns-in-tomb-raider-iv-vi-remastered-launching-february-14/ -
Tomb Raider I - II - III Remastered anunciado
tema responde a Ren Spyro de rock3r en Tomb Raider I • II • III Remastered
Hola, Pues estoy en proceso de platinar el juego y solo me faltan los niveles de puntuación, pero quisiera leer sus trucos, he visto que se ocupan cartas y todo un show; la verdad no soy nada fan de esto, pero todo sea por el platino, y básicamente son 7 trofeos por estas actividades. Cuales son sus recomendaciones para este tipo de niveles ?? Saludos!
Bueno, no es parte del aniversario, pero para todos los coleccionistas saldrá una edición del soundtrack de la primera película en vinyl color plata con un triángulo dorado, el próximo 12 de junio en el Récord Store Day limitado a 2,500 copias aquí más detalles: Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (Music from the Motion Picture) (20th Anniversary Golden Triangle Vinyl Edition) https://recordstoreday.com/SpecialRelease/13487 SIDE ONE 1. U2: Elevation (Tomb Raider Mix) 2. Nine Inch Nails: Deep 3. The Chemical Brothers (featuring Nelly Furtado): Galaxy Bounce 4. Missy Elliott: Get Ur Freak On SIDE TWO 1. Outkast: Speedballin' 2. Moby: Ain't Never Learned 3. BT: The Revolution 4. Delerium (featuring Aude): Terra Firma (Lara's Mix) SIDE THREE 1. Basement Jaxx: Where's Your Head At 2. Fatboy Slim (featuring Bootsy Collins): Illuminati 3. Fluke: Absurd (Whitewash Edit) 4. Leftfield: Song of Life SIDE FOUR 1. Groove Armada: Edge Hill 2. Bosco: Satellite 3. Oxide & Neutrino: Devil's Nightmare
rock3r ha cambiado su foto de perfil
Hubiera estado genial presentar un nuevo titulo en alguna de las conferencias de las nuevas consolas.
Warner Bros y MGM anuncian secuela de Tomb Raider (2018)
tema responde a Ray de rock3r en Películas y Series de Tomb Raider
Wow, había leído sobre la secuela hace varios meses; y después de todo este tema de la pandemia lo había olvidado , gracias por la información que han publicado; ahora estoy actualizado en el tema y sin duda esperaré la secuela; aún no olvido la primera; ya que me gane un par de boletos para la premier en Mexico espero que la trama esté mejor trabajada y Si es adaptación de los juegos, pues se haga correctamente y no sea tan rápida y pierda realmente el enfoque. -
Es correcto el día de hoy salió la actualización para PS4 y XBOX ONE En este momento la estoy descargando ya les contaré mis resultados Shadow of the Tomb Raider Update Version 1.05 Patch Notes For Ps4 And Xbox One This update is already available on the PC and while we are currently working on getting the patch notes for the consoles specific fixes, you can view the PC patch notes below. Fixes related to some players not being able to achieve 100% completion, including: Problems related to the Champion’s Bow quest. Problems related to the ‘Dr Croft’ and ‘That’s a Knife’ achievements. Problems with monoliths. And various others. Fixes a problem where some items would not carry over into New Game+. Fixes for a progression blocker some players experienced in Kuwaq Yaku. Fixes for a progression blocker some players experienced in the Peruvian Jungle. Fixes for a progression blocker some players experienced in Manko’s Tomb. Fixed a problem where some in-game hints would still trigger even if the player had them disabled. Updates to VO and localization in various languages.
Espero que lo arreglen pronto, por el momento he empezado una nueva partida. :/ Y estoy recolectando todo de nuevo.
Bueno pues desagradablemente me acabo de topar con un BUG, ya que he recolectado todos los artefactos pero no me los reconoce Ejemplo: Cozumel Ya he recogido todos los artefactos (dos en especial) en el mapa aparecen en gris y bueno al buscarlos de nuevo las cajas ya están abiertas y se muestra un avance del 85% Les ha pasado algo parecido???
Nuestras reseñas de Shadow of the Tomb Raider
tema responde a PabloTorres de rock3r en Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Hola, Pues he terminado el juego y simplemente me pareció sensacional el giro del argumento y localizaciones, pero esto es como fan de pan franquicia; sin embargo, me he topado con comentarios donde lo califican muy mal, es cierto? Las revistas y páginas lo están calificando con promedios malos ? -
Lista oficial de actrices de doblaje para Lara
tema responde a Ren Spyro de rock3r en Prelanzamiento
Y aquí Marisol Romero, muy buen doblaje en ROTTR https://youtu.be/elk0XcP36QQ