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guaooooooooooooooooooo ES FANTASTICO, GRACIAS RODRI !!!!!! ^^ A TODO COLOR !!

  • 2 weeks later...

En verdad que a esta Lara la veo un tanto diferende de la usada en el AOD, creo que (contradiciendome de lo que dije hace un tiempo) voy a comprar el Action Adventure, puede que sea interesante tenerlo entre la colección.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hola, ha salido informacion sobre el DVD, puede alguien traducir plis:



Copyright 2006 www.tombraiderchronicles.com


[ December 1st 2006 ]A licensing agreement with UK publisher Eidos has seen Bright Things halve its pre-tax loss from £2.6m to £1.3m in the six months to 30 September. The company also announced it expects no further business with distribution partner Bandai, a major distributor for its Bubble hardware and software platform.


Bright Things recently bolstered its portfolio of interactive DVD titles with the launch of Tomb Raider: The Action Adventure. The firm is concentrating on the emerging interactive DVD market which is already showing signs of strong growth throughout Europe and the U.S.


"The DVD games market is showing signs of continued growth and the company is now concentrating on strategic relationships to licence content for development and publication next year." said chief executive Dominic Wheatley.


Por lo que pude entender, creo que dice que las ventas del dvd han aumentado, y creo que se vende bien.

Ya digo "Creo" que dice eso, ya q no tengo casi idea de ingles.

Saludos :S

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