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25 minutos con Lara Croft.

Evan Croft

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Bueno,segun un tema abierto en www.tombraiderforums.com La revista oficial de Playstation,ha tenido el honor de probrar TRL.

Aqui dejo el pequeño relato sobre lo que vieron,hicieron y notaron.Saludos!



This is the first chance we've had to sit down with Tomb Raider: Legend with a controller in hand, and to be honest, we're nervous. There's no denying that Lara's looking fine these days, but has she really changed? Or will she break our hearts again?



Hmm, the opened cut-scene is some sort of flashback in which a young Lara is on a plane ride with her mom. But the scene isn't completed yet, and we're really interested in how Lara plays, so we skip it!



The level opens in some mountains, with Lara standing on a ledge. So far, so good. Move the left analog stick tentatively, and amazingly, Lara responds in a timely manner. This is so encouraging that we get more adventurous. Soon, lara nimbly runs and jumps along the rocks. Just one moment later, we discovered that she's just as nimble when accidentally jumping off a ledge. Fortunately, a recovery option is built in ala God of War's-hit X quickly enough and Lara manages to avoid falling to her death.



Diving into a pool of water takes us to the entrance of the first cave. While underwater, we come across the first relic. They can be collected, presumably to unlock extra features, items, art, or what-have-you.



Time for pole swinging 101 (the Prince of Persia kind, not the Showgirls kind). And yep...sure enough, Lara can swing with the best of them, agilely spinning her way around the cave. Lara and the Prince copy each other so much that they must be destined to be together. Maybe Ubisoft and Eidos can set them up some day....



Out of the cave and into the ravine. Lara has her first contact with one of the bad guys,who is, of course, also after the contents of this tomb. He's easily handled, however, by Lara's trusty triggers:L1 to lock on, R1 to shoot. Wham, bam, thank you, ma'am.



Into a new tomb (or perhaps back into another part of the last one-it's kind of hard to tell without a map option because we have horrible directional sence). In any case, it's time for the first puzzle. This one is pretty basic-get the three stone blocks into place to open up the door at the end of the passage. In this instance, it's a matter of getting two of the blocks up to the second level. Thanks, however, to the popular leveras-catapult gaming mechanism, it's a snap.



After the requisite puzzle, its time for the requisite obstacle course. Slamming walls of rock are no match for Lara and her trusty block.



Baxter! This cat, however, is not a very nice one. Somehow cheetahs got into this tomb and are still roaming around, looking to take a nice chomp out of Lara's shapely legs. There might be more than one way to skin the cat, but the most efficiant is definately the Desert Eagle way.



Lara gets past the puzzles, blocks, and cats, and through a doorway into a long passageway. Anyone who has any experience with videogames knows that innocent-looking passageways are always the most treacherous. And sure enough, the second Lara steps beyond the doors, they slam shut and a cut-scene begins in which the floor starts to crumble away from under Lara's feet. In the Dragon's Lair/RE4/God of War tradition, Lara manages to succeed in her scramble to her safety as long as we hit the buttons that pop up on the screen quickly enough.



Let there be light! The passage leads out to a ledge in the sun. And the sun is quickly blocked by a helicopter that's swooping down and shooting away. Lara dashes across a rickety bridge, making it just in time to grab the other side before the chopper's guns demolish the bridge.



Where there are choppers, there are other bad dudes with guns. After a brisk gun battle, Lara dispatches them, and lo and behold, a fancy-looking medallion is on the ground, with a lever in the centre just begging to be pulled. One pull later, and our trip is over.




Bueno,lo que dice,lo mas importante,en una parte del juego,en el fondo del agua encuentran una reliquia,la cual nos permitira desbloquear extras features,art,items o lo que queramos.Muy bueno!

Despues lo otro es mas de lo mismo de siempre,comentan que estan en la parte de puzzle con cajas,donde tenemos que usar unos tipos de balancines para resolverlos(es mas,esta el video) y esa sala se llena de chitas,los cuales tmb vimos un par de screenshots.Bueno....el resto se imaginan.Saludos!

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