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Requerimientos Del TR Legend .......


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Lo siguiente lo he copiado de la forums de la Chronicles, estos según dice su web serán los requerimientos del TRL, o aproximadamente. Así mas o menos se hacen una idea. Besos


( post can be found here: www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread.php?t=44599 )


Estimated MINIMUM specs to run game:


• Windows 98, 2000, ME, or XP


• 512mb ram


• A graphics card on the supported graphics card list (preferably one with T&L support)


• CPU: 800MHz Pentium 3 or equivalent (if you have a graphics card which supports T&L). Those who do not have a graphics card which supports T&L will probably need a 2.0GHz processor.


• At least 3.5Gb of hard drive space.


• Monitor Resolution: 800x600 minimum, 1024x768 recommended. Higher resolutions available.


• Keyboard, mouse, speakers

Estimated supported graphics cards ( only a selection of ones I expect to run the game)


• ATI RadeonTM series (7000 or better)

o Radeon 7000/VE series (non-T&L; requires 2.0 GHz processor)

o 8500, All-In-Wonder 8500

o 9000, 9200, 9500, 9600, 9700, 9800

o X300, X600, X800


• Nvidia® QuadroTM series

o Quadro, Quadro2, Quadro4


• Nvidia® Geforce series (GeForce2 and better)

o GeForce2

o GeForce3, 3 Ti

o GeForce4, 4Ti, MX 420, 440

o GeForce FX 5200, 5600, 5700, 5800, 5900, 5950

o GeForce 6600, 6800

o GeForce 7800


• Intel® Extreme Graphics (non-T&L; requires 2.0 GHz processor)

o 82845, 82865, 82915


System I'd recomend to run the game well, I expect these specs to run game with all options set as high as before this is a guess, and may be completly wrong


• Windows XP


• 512mb ram ( Ideally 1 GIG)


• CPU: 2.0GHz processor (but ideally as fast as possible)


• At least 3.5Gb of hard drive space ( but more the better, not sure how big the finnished game will be)

• Graphics card ( see list)


(Others may run the game perfectly, but I don’t have any experience of them these are just the ones i assume will run the game very well)


• ATI RadeonTM series

o 9800

o X600, X800


• Nvidia® QuadroTM series

o Quadro4


• Nvidia® Geforce series

o GeForce 6600, 6800 ( If avalable on your system, use with SLI for best effect) o GeForce 7800 ( If avalable on your system use with SLI for best effect)

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