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Lara hace el pino, y a demás sale con coleta, no es fabuloso. jajaja


Que escenarios mas chulos, la verdad no esperaba menos, va ser una caña. La pena que las fotitos sean tan chicas. Por cierto, el wallpaper es una caca, bajo mi gusto y punto de vista, yo o cualquiera lo podría haber hecho cien veces mejor.

El concept art esta también muy guay, y el dibujo del fan también :puaj:. Pero me quede con ganas de ver un video nuevo, y no el de siempre. :puaj:


Gracias Dani por avisar. :wink:

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Si! Hay nuevo contenido... Solo para usuarios VIP, según veo... Pero no hay problema, yo ya estaba registrado desde hace tiempo, pero aquellos que no lo hayan hecho, no dudéis en empezar! Os puede ocupar unos 1-2 o 3 minutos y tendréis acceso a nuevo contenido que he podido ver...

Evan y Dani tienen razón! Web actualizada!!!

A cuidarse.


P.d.: Que ya era hora, dios mío...

Wallpaper... Mejorable...

Por cierto: ¿Dónde se creen que quedan los iconos en el escritorio del PC? Yo como que en el medio... No...

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Bueno ya vi la actualizacion si es que se le puede llamar asi ....No estoy seguro si hayan terminado porque no han puesto la fecha nueva de esta actualizacion, ojala no hayan terminado y pongan un video o la historia.. Ya creo que es tiempo para hablar de la historia o no??


Las nueva fotos estan muy bien y el art esta interesante :wink:

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Si,empiecen a registrarse porque veo que hay cosas como por ejemplo los 3D screens de Lara son solo para usuarios registrados,como otros screenshtos especiales......asi que no dudo que otra info la pongan hay o fotos y videos etc.....Me quede con las ganas de la mansion,no pusieron ni una sola fotito,es una lastima,pero lara haciendo ese movimiento que se para con las manos es el mejor de todos,!!!!!!me facina!!!!!!Otra cosa que vi es que Lara no tiene la trenza en ninguna de las fotos nuevas.La entrevista no dice muchas cosas nuevas,y la verdad no me sorprende de que no haya jugao todos....El fan art me parecio muy malo,yo puedo dibujar mejor,(jejeje),bue,en realidad me parecio que le faltaba algo.El medio de mandar nuestros dibujos era el que YO habia predicho y era obvio,por e-mail,que es el siguiente: lara_croft@eidos.com , y los concept art estan buenos.Hay uno que es una especie de triangulo,....quiza ese sea el artefacto.....los lugares son muy buenos,era mass de lo que esperaba,muy recomendable.

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1) First of all, how does it feel to be back with Lara after a nearly decade-long divorce?


It's fun to see what I can help out with and nice to see a group of people take Lara and TR in general so seriously.


2) How has it come that you are part of the "Tomb Raider: Legend" team?


I saw the opportunity to help reinvigorate Lara, who in all truth has ended up in a bit of a mess. I've always been a fan of the underdog, and many people have said that Lara is no longer interesting. I think that's rubbish; Lara is a fascinating character, and IU wanted to be able to help people see that again.


3) What did you think you had to change in Lara right from the start, and which features you decided were imperative to preserve?


Update her model, add more detail, modernize her for the year 2005 and yet not tamper with her familiarity people have come to know.


4) When you first created your characters, did you imagine that they would live beyond that first game?


When I was making Lara, I wasn't really thinking much beyond the moment. Myself, and I think the whole team on TR1, were just caught up in the energy of creating something we thought was really cool. Everything that happened after that came as a bit of a surprise to all of us I think.


5) What's the story in this new Tomb Raider game?


I think people have lost track of all her villains and adventures through all the sequels.


The story is still under wraps at the moment. One thing that will be different about this Tomb Raider will be setting the foundations of a cast of reoccurring characters that will continue on in the series. As you say there have been many, many characters who have come and gone, it would be nice to get to know some of them instead of being introduced to them, only to have them immediately get killed off.


6) Will the new game's emphasis be more on puzzles or combat?


TR is much more action based than previous ones. So expect action with an extra side portion of mayhem.


7) Okay, we have a pretty good "visual" of "The New Lara," her outfits, visage and general character design, but the primary thing our readers will want to know is how you plan to breathe life back into this ailing franchise? What will be retained from earlier titles? What will be new?


We're revisiting the best bits from the original games and are working to dynamically evolve that initial Tomb Raider experience...but doing it nearly 10 years later and benefiting from the power of today's consoles and the team's varied experience in building/shipping games during that time. People can expect Lara to be the amazing action/adventure character they remember -looking better than ever- traveling to exotic locations, overcoming obstacles and puzzles, encountering dangerous enemies...We're making a conscious effort to capture that sense of awe people had when discovering the first game in the series.


:wink: What's new about this Lara, both physically and psychologically


The goal with Lara's new look was to modernize her, both in terms of how contemporary her outfit is, and in terms of making her seem more Next Gen.


Overall we wanted her to look more realistic, so we have put more detain into her anatomy; more detailed skin and better definition to her muscles and joints.


Psychologically? To me she's the same old girl I knew in 96.


9) Will the Fans learn about new sides and characteristics of Lara Croft in "Legend"?


Yes. That is my primary goal, to begin to let players understand who Lara is.


10) Lara has been something of a sex object/symbol for the gaming public that at one stage personified the gaming industry. Do you think the subtle changes are going to affect that? What would you like it to be?


I'd like people to look at Lara with fresh eyes, let them see how cool she is. The updated image is just a way to make people look; it's the rest of it that will convince on the coolness front.


11) The tone of the Tomb Raider games has traditionally been driven by the manner in which Lara can react with her surrounding environment. What kind of settings can we expect Lara to find herself in? What kind of new special effects can we expect to see?


As always, Lara will get involved in a globe-trotting adventure. She actually goes to some very varied spaces, and this time when she gets there, its action all the way.


12) What is your favourite Tomb Raider episode, and why? And the one you like less, and why?


Haven't played them all unfortunately...The original will always secretly be my fav.


13) What is your favourite Lara's body feature?


Always has been the eyes.


14) Do you think the new look will help to attract more female gamers to the game?


Perhaps...But I think drawing people to the game will rely more upon the gameplay itself and the storyline.


15) How do you see the future of gaming?


I think as graphics and technology get better and better publishers need to strive harder in areas of design and originality. The next wave of consoles are some pretty powerful machines. Game developers are in for quite a challenge!


Alguien tiene la amabilidad y el coraje de traducirlo para que podamos saber todos que dice. Es la entrevista a Toby Gard. Gracias de antemano. Besos

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