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Pues dice que si Kurtis está aún vivo y que debe ser muy rico, porque su Orden construyó baluartes increíbles como la Cripta de los Trofeos...


Rafiki, I think that Kurtis is poorer than rats. :shy: He's the last Lux Veritatis and he's completely alone. He has no friends, no family and no girl :mc: He only has his motorbike, his powers and his weapons. And he needn't anymore!! :wink:

  Ana María dijo:
Pues dice que si Kurtis está aún vivo y que debe ser muy rico, porque su Orden construyó baluartes increíbles como la Cripta de los Trofeos...


Rafiki, I think that Kurtis is poorer than rats.  :shy: He's the last Lux Veritatis and he's completely alone. He has no friends, no family and no girl  :mc: He only has his motorbike, his powers and his weapons. And he needn't anymore!!  :wink:



Jajajajaja.....I'm agree with you :mc:. jajajajaja


Ohh...no,wait.....I know who he need :mc: xDD....jejeje....He needs Lara!!!!!! :lmao: :lmao:


Lo siento....eske soy bastante burra pa los idiomas xDD (si no entendeis algo soy yo y mis burradas :lmao: )



First, I want to give you welcom to our family, Rafiki! the fks world!! jajajaja (xdon x mi inglés, aun m kedan muxas tablas...ajjaajaj)

And later, I agree with Ana María, I think that Kurtis haven't much money, the ancient monument were built in other times, when the Lux Veritatis was an important section of christianity, similar of the "Temple", and the different orders were receiving the "delme" (sorry, I not as it is said in English, but is like a payment of the people of the villages) and obviously other methods to obtain wealths...Spent a time, the order had to devote to other things as the slaughter the nephilims (evident, not? xDD) and must worry of their survival anf they can't be dependent on the wealth that they were possessing even (sorry, sorry, sorry, Already I see that my English is horrible!! ajajaj), for this reason the Bastions, the Lux Veritatis's sites aren't taken care, are left practically, therefore I don't believe that kurtis has inherited a fortune....


Well, My Imagination is reely big, how you see.- and mu humour too ;) hehe.. yeah


but somewhere was written (in his profile) than fe have a good car.. wait

Porsche Spider, classic superoir brough SS 100

but I dont remebre than he HAVE this car or he LIKE it :rolleyes:


He like it, jajajaja who has a porsche is Lara, i'm sure ajajajaja, and his motorbike...well, yes he has an expensive motorbike ajajjaaj but he worked in legion and in cladestine works..he got some money..jejeje


:cry2: Y essssa Patryyyy menudo ingles!!! Y esa leccion de Historia...Creo que me retiraré ante tanta perfección... :cry2:

Rafiki, Kurtis has only a motorbike... what about a car?? :¿que?:

  Rafiki dijo:
but somewhere was written (in his profile) than fe have a good car.. wait

Porsche Spider, classic superoir brough SS 100

but I dont remebre than he HAVE this car or he LIKE it  :lmao:


I said, that somwhere was written it, something about this car.

And I writen "dont remebre"- well it should be don't remember. But I'm just a dreamer, and written this funny history was a joke :D - fanfic joke something like that :lmao:

But I see that it works :lmao:


I know that he have some money but not a lot like Lara .. unfortunatly.. :P


But I like him beacose his not an ideal human, :)


well am a girl :lmao: .. I know that than rafiki it was a man, but am a special type :lmao:


In Poland my nick is włóczęga . but i think that you could have a problem to sey that.

I know- should take a enother name ..


Oh no :lmao:.. first heard :lmao: .. sorry


But i know Heroes 1-4, Diablo1-2- Lod, sims.. TR :lmao:


And, am open for evrything, but i don't promist than i could like all. I'm just a human.


A ver, menuda caca, no me estoy enterando de nada pero de nada, y no me apetece perder el tiempo en el diccionario.

Una solucion por favor, que alguien me lo traduzca todo o... pk no entiendo nada, y no puedo decir nada, no se de que estan hablando. Asi que... que se aprenda ella el español o algo, esq no es que no entienda a ella, esque no les entiendo ni a ustedes... :eek: :D :cry2:


Neni,... Busca en algun buscador un traductor que eso ayuda mucho :D

Yo lo hago asi jejejeje :eek:

Aunque no lo traducen muy bien pero weno... Algo es algo

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