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Final Fantasy - Tema Oficial


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50861420070602_185803_0_big.jpg 14343_final_fantasy_xiii.png La carátula será así de verdad???



A veces en tiendas te regalan los pósters y cartelitos de promoción,si no que se lo digan al Vince jajajaja que no me acuerdo qué cosa le regalaron de una tienda xDDD

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A currently unknown Japanese Magazine (Probably Famitsu or something) has made mention of the new character, the one with the terrible voice... no, that doesn't narrow it down - the blue lady with the Australian accent who was revealed at the end of the Tokyo Game Show trailer. She is supposedly named Oerba Yun Fang according to our forum member des, but this needs to be clarified before it's anything more than a rumour - same goes for her summon which is supposedly Bahamut.


Enjoy this brand new render of low quality complete with a language you can't read and blurry cut off screenshots. It's what you're used to by now, surely.


Básicamente dice que la mujer esta se llama Oerba Yun Fang (Familiar de Vanille???) y que se rumorea que su invocación sea Bahamut,de momento nada más.

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