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Todo lo publicado por Lord_Slaughter

  1. amigo, no sera la capasidad de tu pc? porque a mi habia aveces q los movimientos se me hacia algo lentos...
  2. Bueno segun dicen q para el nuevo TR los niveles seran gigantesco y lo de la difucultad quien se va a salvar de estos seres LOL Vamos a ver si este sistema arregla todo eso q al menos dicen.
  3. Lo q me he perdido! q bueno esta todo, muy buen fan art.
  4. q buenas scans! grax.
  5. Q quieres q ella haga si siempre esta extresada, hay q calmar un poco esos nervios y q mejor jugando... sin pelear jajaja! Twisted Metal: Black Developer(s) Incog Inc. Publisher(s) Sony Computer Entertainment Designer(s) David Jaffe, Scott Campbell Series Twisted Metal series Engine Kinetica Platform(s) PlayStation 2 Release date(s) NA June 18, 2001 EU December 7, 2001 Genre(s) Car combat Mode(s) Single player, Multiplayer Rating(s) ESRB: Mature (M) Media DVD-ROM Twisted Metal: Black (often referred to as TM:B) is the PlayStation 2 incarnation of the Twisted Metal series of car combat video games, created by Incog Inc. and distributed by Sony Computer Entertainment. An online enabled multiplayer-only variant, Twisted Metal: Black Online, was released later as a free send away for early adopters of the PS2's Network Adapter accessory. Both TM:B and TM:BO were reissued as part of Sony Greatest Hits program. Vídeo de YouTube: vídeo original In concept, TM:B is a demolition derby that permits the usage of ballistic projectiles. Players choose a vehicle and an arena—or a series of arenas in the story mode—to engage in battle with opposing drivers. A variety of weapons and upgrades are obtainable by pick-ups scattered throughout the stage. The objective of the game is to be the last one standing. The basis of the plot follows the same structure as in all the previous games: Calypso runs a car-based contest called Twisted Metal (though in the game the contest is never called that), in which the various characters compete risking their lives to claim the tournament's prize - any single wish they desire, no matter the difficulty, rarity or even reality of such wish. It should be pointed out that while Calypso is indeed malevolent, characters who have malevolent wishes (which make most of the cast) have their wishes granted without him tricking them on the wishes, while those seeking more noble ends find that Calypso usually has the last laugh. In a somewhat different take from previous games, each character has their own story, which they narrate. Each of them starts with them being visited by Calypso, who knows what they desire and offers them in his contest. More of the characters' background is revealed in their mid point cutscene, which happens after the sub-boss Minion is defeated. In contrast to the relatively light-hearted nature of the original two incarnations, Twisted Metal: Black is a very dark game. The character's histories are much darker and gruesome than those in previous games, which leaned more into a lighter black humor. The previous game's "World Tour" setting was also dropped, the game instead taking place within a single city known as "Midtown", with most competitors coming from the city's mental asylum, "Blackfield".
  6. no sabia de esta existencia, muy buena los arts!
  7. mira eso parece q nintendo tb quiere atraer a los bebes con esos aparatitos.
  8. hablando ahora de RE:CV la pregunta q me hago es: Alfred alguna vez trabajo para umbrella? porque para saber de crear tyrant me da la sensacion q si... otra cosa tb el pudo a ver manipulado a Alexia para poder convertirla en lo q era, eso lo revelaran en RE:DC?
  9. no se para q se creo el tema pero bueno... por lo menos huvieras puesto los primeros fan art de TR9 las q salelara en el bosque, scorpio.
  10. me parece q para ese a~o es muy pronto para q salga.
  11. Lara mato a su madre porque al estar en zombie ya no era su madre ni nada... este art's fan me gusta, aqui lo ponen como TR0 (zero) jeje
  12. pues si estos TR de CD han sido de pura drama mas q el AOD, ya queremos algo nuevo y q vuelvan esas teorias de los primeros TR. Espero q este nuevo TR no resulte un terror exagerado con monstro y bestias por todas partes y flechazos por aqui y flechazos por aca.
  13. uf q mal comienzo acabando de comprar a eidos les sale la primera patada.
  14. mas fotos: http://movies.yahoo.com/photos/movie-still...e-stills#photo0
  15. Tb Square dirige el nuevo juego de Batman hecho por Eidos...
  16. esa lara se ve tan bien! me gusta la ropa q lleva no entiendo porque esa ropa clasica no la incluyeron en tRU se q esto es hecho por fans pero al menos huviera salido.
  17. sus ojos son iguales pero la forma de la cara es halada, pero no se ve mal. grax erogan.
  18. esta mas fea... no se cual es la obsecion q tienen con verla desnuda.
  19. Yo sabia q esto iba a pasar... y lo de las pistolas es obvio q no aparezca en este caso lara no tenia idea q iba andar con las 2 pistolas toda su vida, es practicamente una ni~a todavia no sabe usar armas.
  20. Me parece q tb habia de TRL, no?
  21. pero mira lo q me estoy perdiendo! voy a jugarlo cuando pueda, me gusta.
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