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Todo lo publicado por Darkcax

  1. Lara Croft regresa con un juego que reniega de Angel of Darkness. O por lo menos eso es lo que nos han asegurado sus responsables. Redescubre a Lara en su juego más accesible. Los Tomb Raider siempre han estado repletos de mil y un detalles que han enamorado a jugadores de todas las edades. Empezando por la protagonista, bella a más no poder, con un cuerpazo que quita el hipo - y perfectamente correspondido por Angelina Jolie, su alter ego en las pantallas de cine - pasando por el preciosismo de los decorados que atiborran las fases de todos sus juegos, la cuidada ambientación, las historias de fondo de los personajes... En definitiva, un compendio de virtudes con el que la primera heroína de la era 3D ha conseguido reunir a millones de fans incondicionales en todo el mundo. ¿Juegos perfectos? Pues para algunos quizá sí, pero para muchos eran demasiado dificiles, requerían una gran precisión en los saltos, un intuición casi demoníaca para descubrir los lugares en los que se esconden las claves de los numerosísimos puzzles que atiborran los niveles, etc. Pero todo ésto ha cambiado en Legend. Desarrollado por Crystal Dinamics, los responsables de Soul Reaver, Tomb Raider Legend se presenta como una bocanada de aire fresco a la serie, una interpretación casual, si se quiere, del plataformas-aventura que ha venido protagonizando a lo largo de todos éstos años Lara Croft. Por fin no será necesario saltar desde el mismo borde de las plataformas para poder alcanzar el otro lado. Ya no será necesario ajustar hasta el último milímetro las carrerillas para poder impulsarnos lo suficiente para alcanzar esa base que parece inaccesible. Ahora los puzzles no serán una pesadilla constante. O por lo menos eso es lo que nos han vendido los desarrolladores. Lo que hemos podido ver en la feria nos mostraba una Lara tan bella como de costumbre protagonizando un título que, a pesar de que a primera vista parece exactamente igual que sus predecesores, se nota más light. Light por el sorprendente número de escenas cinemáticas que interrumpen la acción y automatizan tareas que otrora debía realizar el jugador, como la activación de determinados mecanismos o saltos peligrosos para la integridad de la aventurera. En cualquier caso lo mostrado en la feria podría corresponder perfectamente a uno de los primeros niveles, fases que, ya se sabe, los desarrolladores utilizan para poder enseñar al jugador todo aquello que creen útil de cara a que pueda disfrutar sin excesivos problemas de toda la experiencia. El escenario, una jungla repleta de antiguas ruinas, rememora los primeros compases de una de las sagas más populares de la presente y pasada generación. Tomb Raider: Legend saldrá a la venta para PS2, Xbox y PC. Mientras que las versiones de PC y Xbox serán prácticamente iguales, resolución aparte, la de PS2 irá a 30 cuadros por segundo - por 60 presentados por la máquina de Microsoft - y sus texturas serán más simples. El sistema de iluminación implementado es preciosista y en tiempo real. En cuanto a la cámara, a pesar de que ésta podrá ser ajustada por el jugador, la propia máquina irá rotándola para intentar proporcionar en cada momento el mejor ángulo. SALU2
  2. INTERVIEW WITH RILEY COOPER Transcribed and edited by www.tombraiderchronicles.com GameSpot: Tomb Raider has an enormous legacy. Heading away from where Tomb Raider was at and into the new era, what is your strategy or plan? Riley Cooper: The last six games were done by Core. This is the first time Crystal Dynamics are doing the game. The Legacy Of Kain team - responsible for developing Defiance, are producing Tomb Raider Legend. The team has a large and long experience with producing action and adventure games. When Crystal Dynamics got the opportunity of continuing the franchise, they looked long and hard and really thought through their game-plan. The main things we found was that Lara was still a very cool character and people are still excited to hear about her and see her in action. To create a great game, we have updated the control system in Tomb Raider Legend. Not only is Lara now up to date, but we pushing the envelope with what a character in a third person adventure can now do. GameSpot: What was most important about updating the controls? Riley Cooper: The biggest switch was getting off the grid-based system. In previous games you had to take two steps back to jump forward. Now Lara just runs and jumps and slides and swings and grabs ledges naturally, everything you think Lara should be able to do, and it's very easy. GameSpot: Tomb Raider Legend is going back to the original days so many people hold dear. How will the story pan out? Riley Cooper: Fans of the series will know that in Lara's bio there was something that happened to her in the Himalayas which made her who she is. In Tomb Raider Legend, Lara will go the Himalayas and uncover the mystery. It's a much more personal storyline than there has every been. The other aspect is that we are dealing with a Legend, there is a well known myth that Lara delves into that intertwines with her personal story and her personal evolution in the game. GameSpot: One of the huge draws in Tomb Raider are the environments. Where will Lara journey? Riley Cooper: Lara will visit a huge waterfall in West Africa where she will solve an ancient puzzle. This is an example of how we have gone away from blocks and switches to larger, more dynamic scenes. All events which pan out during the game are caused by the gamer. Occasionally the world will surprise you, but most of time Lara is the one pushing the action. Tomb Raider Legend is about going back to the tombs. Unfortunately in The Angel Of Darkness players spent two hours and never left the abandoned streets of Paris. We identified that as maybe a mistake. It is Tomb Raider after all, and within two minutes you're in the thick of it. GameSpot: What are Lara's new weapons of choice? Riley Cooper: She always has her pistols on each hip. She can pick up any enemy weapon, for example a rifle, a shotgun, an RPG, a whole suite of weapons cache. One other detail related to that is that we've gone with a more realistic Lara so when she picks up a weapon she doesn't put it in her backpack of infinite space. She actually wears it. She can carry one weapon at a time but she can get any enemy weapon. GameSpot: How is Lara more realistic? Riley Cooper: In her model. If you look at her closely you'll see she has a collar bone, tendons, she's becoming like a real life person. She's as real as you'd ever want Lara to be. GameSpot: Can you give us details about the levels? Riley Cooper: Lara will venture to West Africa in a remote jungle in Ghana exploring a temple previously undiscovered. She does have company there, and there are always competitors floating around. The game consists of eight levels, each one in a different location. She will travel to every continent, globetrotting again. GameSpot: How will Lara's moves differ from previous games? Riley Cooper: If there is a surface, Lara can move on it. Slopes, ropes, ledges, ladders, poles. She's extremely mobile. She also moves very fluidly. She can also string together a series of moves to perform an action. She also controls very well. GameSpot: What do you feel folk like about Lara that you wanted to address? Riley Cooper: Clearly Lara is a sexy character and we've done that justice. She's still in control of it. She's very powerful and compelling, and doesn't fear using her guns when she needs to. She's not about combat but she will fight to achieve her goals. This game gives players the chance to experience that. GameSpot: How difficult will the puzzles be? Riley Cooper: There is no comparison really. It's hard to define difficulty. Previous games focused on blocks and switches. Pull a handle here and a door opens elsewhere. Now all the puzzles are relative to the area Lara is in. It's all large and physical, and Lara will interact with huge puzzles by un-jamming monster mechanisms to achieve goals. It's a challenge and it's intuitive. Overall there will be three difficulty levels. Each level will involve a different amount of risk. There will be checkpoints in the game so if you want to replay a level, you can. GameSpot: Lara has changed in her face, why ? Riley Cooper: We never set out to change her face. Toby Gard, the original architect of Lara, is on board, and he brought the character up to date. When you look at her you'll see more detail and completeness. GameSpot: How long will it take to complete? Riley Cooper: We're looking at around 10-12 hours but we're looking for a lot of replay. The game is about exploration and discovery, so they'll be goodies hidden throughout. Puzzles are also open-ended, and you can solve them in numerous ways. GameSpot: What of the additional characters in the game? Riley Cooper: Lara has a bad habit of killing those she encounters, so we've introduced new characters. There are some from the past as well. A new powerful nemesis will debut, a globetrotter just like Lara. The nemisis will also be searching for the same artifact Lara is, so Lara will have competition throughout her adventure. There is a new female character to complete with Lara also... GameSpot: What about vehicles? Riley Cooper: We're not quite ready to talk about that. GameSpot: What about the sound and music? Riley Cooper: We have a composer who is scoring the whole experience. It's like a movie score, dripping with emotion. The music has always scored well with fans of the series. We're not letting that down. Lara will still have her cheeky commentary, and will use a headset so she can talk to her tech team back at her mansion. The game will debut in Winter, simultaneously on all formats. The textures on XBOX and PC will be slightly greater and run at a higher frame rate. Basically it's the same game. The PS2 version will also be awesome. Crystal Dynamics have developed a streaming game engine, the sixth of its generation, which dumps redundant memory and enables higher details in what appears on the screen at any one time. GameSpot: Finally, what do you say to anyone who has lost faith in the series? Riley Cooper: First of all, I understand. You've played six games, and they're all basically the same. We're going back to the tombs, she'll appear and control the way you've always wanted her to. I don't think you'll be missing anything. I think you'll be relieved. ALGUIEN POR FAVOR QUE INTENTE TRADUCIRLO JEJEJ SALU2
  3. aki teneis la primera imagen del jeep que conducira lara en TRL.. yo me imaginaba otro distinto como el de la cuna de la vida pero bueno.. ese esta bastante bienn. besos!
  4. Darkcax

    ¿nueva info??

    esta noticia salio en la web www.ign.com y creo que hay algo nuevo del tomb raider. E3 2005: Tomb Raider Legend First Look More than just a little mascara as Crystal Dynamics takes the helm. by Tom McNamara May 18, 2005 - In the Eidos room the floors above the show, we were able to get some tasty tasters of their current lineup, and there was a clump of people gathered around to check out Lara Croft's latest bouncy exploits. Crystal Dynamics is the new developer, and they're running with it by bringing the franchise back to its action roots while bringing the visuals and technology up to par. If that's not enough, it's also coming out on the Xbox, Xbox 360, PS2, PC, and PSP. Crystal says they're not ignoring Angel of Darkness the previous and rather underwhelming entry in the series that seemed to be gasping for relevance by shoehorning the popular stealth-action genre into the game. There will be no creeping around or hiding bodies in Legend, from what we can tell. In fact, the new installment has some of the heaviest action we've seen in the franchise, what with heavy machine gun emplacements and some big explosions--but it looks like it's used sparingly, because puzzle-solving is also a renewed feature. Lara will be swinging on a lot of ropes, pushing pillars over, swinging on pole, climbing and rapelling, et cetera. You'll also be able to rotate the camera quite a bit to get just the right angle on… uh, that next ledge you want to jump to. When you push the analog stick, she'll even position herself to get ready for the move. In fact, it looks like she has more moves than Sam Fisher or the Prince of Persia. She can leap from ledge to ledge horizontally and vertically, leap from a ledge to a pole and vice versa, grab ledges when you automatically walk off, and do a graceful flip when going from hanging from a ledge to standing on level ground. All of her animation looks fluid, with smooth transitions and a definite femininity. All of her gear also appears on her body, with four grenades, her pistols, a shoulder light, and a rack for two weapons (which was empty during the presentation). All of this is thanks to a beefed up version of the Defiance engine used in Project Snowblind, the most noticeable difference of which was some increased but tasteful bloom in outdoor areas. The presenters told us that a single person had been responsible for animating Lara, from the very beginning of the project, and the consistency of style and approach shows. While she's not really as physically realistic as she's recently been touted, she looks a lot less like a cartoon now and a lot more like a ballerina. Well, a ballerina who can ventilate you with dual Desert Eagles at a dead run and use any weapon an enemy drops. Crystal also tells us that they've been able to stream most of the game, and it looks like it will be one continuous experience from the entrance of the tomb to the end. She'll also be quite the globe trotter, bouncing around in west Africa, the Himalayas, Russia, Peru and Bolivia, and three other locations that weren't mentioned. Legend will also incorporate Lara's origin story. We'll get to find out how she came to be a relic hunter in the first place. Anyways, be sure to check back here for more Lara lovin in the coming months. If you're interested in this game, be sure to add it to your wishlist. You can keep notes, rank games, get updates by email, and more. si alguien la puede traducir pues mejorr!! jeje
  5. en la web www.tombraiderchronicles.com han puesto un pekeño video publicado en www.ign.com donde se ve a lara con la vestimenta azul saltado y escalando por una cuerda. en ese video se ve claramente la cantidad de fallos que todavia tiene el juego. http://www.tombraiderchronicles.com/cgi-bi...gend_ign_180505 salu2 y animoo
  6. estoy de acuerdo con dani, el tr6 se les vino abajo, en mi opinion no fue un buen juego... creo que le podian haber sacado mas jugo pero bueno!!!... esperemos que el tr7 devuelva a lara a su sitio jeje salu2
  7. yo tambien lo abro en la web pero se me cierra y no pasa nadaa
  8. alguien puede traducir lo que pone el pagina en la parte superior??? y dond pone story? salu2
  9. si os fijais sigue teniendo el mismo problema con las pistolas ya no creo que lo arreglen pero bueno, el trailer esta geniallllll.... una pasadaaaaa!!!
  10. no es por kitarle entusiasmo al asunto pero en el nuevo trailer sigue apareciendo el mismo problema con las pistolas .. de todas maneras el trailer esta genial y las fotos tambienn.. pero...
  11. muy bien sauron34, ahora falta traducirlo.
  12. hola a todos. me acabo de descargar el juego de tomb raider 6 para pc en la paguina de anacroft ( yo ya lo tenia para la play2 ) pero no tengo ningun programa o emulador con el que pueda jugar. alguien me podria decir donde puedo encontar uno??? gracias y saludos XD
  13. me encanta: esto se parece cada vez mas a una clase de biologia jeje xr wenoo.. esta muy bien XD saluds bestmanpi
  14. en la segunda foto fijate en lo que esta marcado con rojo, se ve perfectamente como la trenza no sale de la cabesa de lara sino de su espalda. y lo de las antorchas tienes razon, no se mueven. yo tambien pienso que el trailer lo han echo con la "primera version del juego" y que seguro que a estas alturas ya estara solucionado. ya veremos en el trailer que mostraran en el E3 si tiene los mismo fallos. ojala que no, ahora como no los corrijan..... mmmmm
  15. _en la primera imagen se ve claramente como las pistolas estan mal colocadas una mas a fuera y la otra mas a dentro. _en la segunda podemos ver como lara no tiene trenza en la cabeza sino que le sale de la espalda +o-. _ y en la ultima se ve tambien muy bien como lara no esta agarrada a la cuerda y como "literalmente" la cuerda le sale del culo (jajaja)
  16. Aki os dejo algunas imagenes de fallos que hay en el trailer y que hay que corregir "yaaa" ok?? ya sabeis, a comentarrr!!! salu2 y besos
  17. hola, ya me descarge el trailer pero al abrirlo el programa (core media player ) se me traba y el video no sale. ayudaaaa jej alguien sabe algo?
  18. joerr pues como salga lo que dices en el E3 ...... me subo yo tambien por las paredes!! jejej ojala que salga todo lo que dices laradark.. estoy ancioso por ver mas y mas cosas... no se como aguantarmee. stoy desesperao. jej salu2
  19. os haveis fijado en las imagenes del almacen ese, donde esta nevando? hay varias imagenes de ese escenario y lara tiene diferentes ropas. eso significa que podemos cambiarla de ropa cuando queramos???? ojalaaa que siiiiii... estaria mu biennnnnn salu2
  20. Fallos en la web oficial si os fijais en la web francesa, en el tablon de anuncios que viene en la parte inferior de la pagina aparece la actualizacion que han hecho hoy, en las demas no, solo en la francesa.
  21. nuevas imagenes en ign.com en la web ign.con encontraran las nuevas imagenes en grande. estan d muertee
  22. esto cada vez me gusta massssss!!!!!
  23. hola a todos, acabo de ver el trailer en divX ( se ve con mucho más detalle ) y me he dado cuenta del "famoso" fallo que tiene lara con las pistolas. en practicamente todas las escenas en las que sale con pistolas esta presente este fallo, y por lo que veo no tienen intencion de corregirlo :o(. P.D: alguien sabe como se capturan imagenes del trailes o con que programa?? porque eske me interesa sacar algunas imagenes del video. porfavor si alguien lo sabe que me digaa.. gracias salu2 a to2
  24. hola a todos, acabo de ver el trailer en divX ( se ve con mucho más detalle ) y me he dado cuenta del "famoso" fallo que tiene lara con las pistolas. en practicamente todas las escenas en las que sale con pistolas esta presente este fallo, y por lo que veo no tienen intencion de corregirlo :o(. P.D: alguien sabe como se capturan imagenes del trailes o con que programa?? porque eske me interesa sacar algunas imagenes del video. porfavor si alguien lo sabe que me digaa.. gracias salu2
  25. con respecto al video, os habeis fijado cuando justo despues de la escena de la moto lara golpea a un enemigo, lo lanza hacia arriba y luego le dispara??? es una pasadaaa.. haber cuando sacan otro video!! spero que no tarden mucho jej besos pa todos XD
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