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Todo lo publicado por Darkcax

  1. Ya me los estoy bajando pero.... me van a menos 875849841654 por cierto... se ven todas las secuencias y todo eso¿?¿ se ve algo nuevo¿?¿ :cool3:
  2. Hola a todos, tengo una tarjeta grafica Nvidia geforce4 MX y me gustaria saber que tal me iria con el juego de Tomb Raider Legend :wink3:
  3. Los videos estan geniales!!! de verdad, gracias. Pero una duda que tengo... de que plataforma son¿? porque ahi aparece que son como de PS2 pero se ven demasiado bien no creen¿? :blink: :wink3:
  4. Ya si me abre gracias, han cambiado lo que sale al principio de informacion, donde ponen que an actualizado la web y todo eso... y eso que dices, pienso lo mismo que tu, el trailer tampoco esta para echar fuegos xD. Se lo podian haber currado un poco mas, esta hecho como a prisa, pero bueno, algo de material nunca viene mal :cool3: Saludos y buenas noches a todos!!! :wink3:
  5. Oye por casualidad a ustedes les abre la página oficial de tomb raider? es que a mi no me abree :huh:
  6. han actualizado todoooo que pasadaa :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: ya era horaaa!!!!! .... me estoy bajando el videooo :wow2: :cool3: a ver que talllllll
  7. Aqui os dejo un Wallpaper hecho por mi :wink3: Saludos!!!
  8. Los scans estan muy bien muchas Graciassss P.D: Yo quiero la demoo xD
  9. Bueno... son pequeños fallos que deberian solucionar pero si no lo haces pues... no creo que tampoco pase nada, si es cierto que las formas de morir son algo extranas, o que tampoco han sido bien realizadas por parte de los que han probado la demo que se les ve algo torpes xD pero bueno, ahi queda la cosa!!! Saludos y besos :wink3:
  10. Los videos la verdad que son un poco.... no se, no quieren ver a Lara viva parece xD en fin... no veo la hora de tener la demo para poder probarlo o mucho mejor... el juego!!!!! que ya nos queda menosssss :biggrin: :laugh: :wink3:
  11. Nuevos videos en tomb raider central :cool3: Acabo de ver los videos y... esta claro que los de tomb raider central quieren que veamos como muere Lara porque hay que ver los videos eh¿? xDxD en fin... Gracias de todas formas Saludos
  12. Muchas gracias por la noticia, se agradece a estas alturas en la que todos queremos el juego YAAA... esperemos que la demo llegue en nada a nuestro pais, o a ver si la cueltan en internet o algo saludosss!!! ♦Alberto♦
  13. Muy buenas las fotos, son de mucha calidad :biggrin: y Lara sale... pues como siempre de bien :cool3: saludosss!!!
  14. Si no me equiboco el personaje desbloqueable es Amanda pero no estoy seguro porque el ingles no se me da muy bien xD, en fin... si alguien se ofrece a traducirlo se agradecería mucho :wink3: Saludos a todos!!!
  15. Eso estaria muy bien, nuevos coches y motos, ropas y complementos para lara. La verdad que si fuera por cosas que pongan de todo ... aunque, seamos realistas, en mi opinion y mirando los otros Tomb Raiders no creo que añadan muchos extras ...pero ojalá lo hagan!!! Saludos a todos
  16. ****r que temazoo... me gusta mucho y suena de muerte, muchas gracias, besos!
  17. Hola a todos, desde la chronicles no se puede bajar el video, alguien me lo puede pasar por msn o algo¿? les dejo mi msn: darkboy_cx(arroba)hotmail.com, si puede que alguien me lo pase! Gracias y besotes a todos
  18. tienes razon!!! pido disculpas a todos!!!! bess
  19. nada..... mas de lo mismooooo!!!!!!! que le vams ha hacerrr
  20. buscando por la web me he encontrado con un nuevo video del TR Legend en gametrailers.com ... me lo stoy descargando y todavia no se lo que saldraa.... sorpresaaaaa!!!! saluds
  21. a eso llaman actualizacion¿?¿?¿ pero si no hay naaa interesantee.... tsss nos volvieron a estafar de nuevoo.. salu2
  22. Se confirma el retraso de Hitman: Blood Money y Tomb Raider: Legend Ambos títulos no llegarán este año. Por: J. Javier Martín Las nuevas entregas de las series Hitman y Tomb Raider llegarán más tarde de lo previsto. Eidos ha confirmado que tanto Hitman: Blood Money como Tomb Raider: Legend llegarán a principios del año que viene, debido a que ambos títulos requieren más tiempo de desarrollo para "maximizar su potencial de éxito", según un portavoz de la compañía. En Hitman: Blood Money, el argumento girará entorno a la huida desesperada emprendida por el protagonista al intentar escapar de una nueva agencia de asesinos que ha eliminado sistemáticamente a sus "compañeros" y que ahora van a por él. Por su parte, Tomb Raider: Legend será desarrollado por Crystal Dynamics, creadores de Soul Reaver, los nuevos encargados de dar vida a la heroína más conocida del mundo de los videojuegos y los responsables de proporcionarle el éxito de épocas pasadas.
  23. posible portada TRL. a mi me encanta. bss
  24. TOMB RAIDER LEGEND TAPS XBOX 360? Copyright 2005 www.tombraiderchronicles.com [ May 31st 2005 ] According to the July issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly (hereafter referred to in this article as EGM), Tomb Raider: Legend may well debut on Microsoft's Xbox 360 console, having been moved from the 'heavily rumoured' category by EGM to 'in the works'. Of course this could simply be a rouse to sell more magazines since the Xbox 360 is backwards compatible and would support Tomb Raider: Legend anyway, but EGM's claims do have a ring of feasibility about them. Lara Croft (hereafter referred to in this article as STILL GAME) - now under the care of acclaimed Soul Reaver developers Crystal Dynamics - bared all at this year's E3 Expo in Los Angeles, albeit behind closed doors. Still Game showcased a higher polygon count, sported new moves and compounded Eidos' intention to restore the original properties of Lara Croft as ardent Tomb Raider, procurer of all things ancient, much to the delight of fans of the series. Original Lara Croft architect Toby Gard, now back working on Tomb Raider: Legend at Crystal Dynamics, confirmed a shiny new control system is in place - not at all reminiscent of The Angel Of Darkness - and promised to restore faith back into a title he helped develop at Core Design in 1996. Eidos is currently being assimilated by UK rival SCi Entertainment Group, and has understandably battened down the hatches while a period of incubation, reformation, rejuvenation, and other 'nations happen courtesy of SCi.
  25. hola a todos. os dejo un articulo donde creo que hay nueva informacion acerca del nuevo tomb raider. es de la plataforma xbox 360 pero ya que hemos visto que el juego sera practicamente el mismo pues supongo que lo que pone tambien sera = en las versiones de ps2, pc y xbox. salu2 E3 2005: Tomb Raider Legend: Eyes-on Crystal Dynamics carefully aims for Lara's origins and gets it right. by Douglass C. Perry May 19, 2005 - While drips and drabs of information has leaked out about the new Tomb Raider series, Eidos and Crystal Dynamics (best known for its Legacy of Kain series), have finally brought out the new girl for everyone to see at E3. Running on an Xbox at the demo, we saw the new-fangled Lara Croft, saw her moving in action, and got a really great sense of what the seventh game in the series will be like. Lara looks different these days. She's red-haired, and she's still tall and athletic looking. Her proportions aren't as unrealistic, and not surprisingly, she still looks very female and very attractive. With her hair up on a ponytail, a few loose strands wisp across her face. Lara's face is a little less angular than before, and she has returned from the dark, edgy raccoon look (from Angel of Darkness). Crystal has softened her up and there has been an immense amount of detail put into her facial expressions. She still wears tight beige shorts, a tight, blue-ish shirt, and high boots. And she's still got the strapped-on pistols at each side, and a small backpack, but overall she looks better. The new makeover is very welcome. But enough cosmetic chat-chat! Crystal D's Producer Morgan Gray demonstrated how the series is returning to its roots as an adventure and exploration game based in exotic locations, good mechanics, movement, and fun. That, as opposed to running around in urban environments talking to people in boxing rings, bars, and so forth. Lara's primary weapons are her pistols, and she uses them when she has to, as opposed to using them regularly and not very well. This admittance on Crystal Dynamic's part, clarifies that the game isn't transforming into a pure action game, or a Prince of Persia mixed genre title, or anything in between. When Crystal D said it was going back to its roots, it meant it: This game is based on the exploration of exotic lands, where you're in search of ancient artifacts, and you encounter physical puzzles found in gigantic, beautiful locations. We watched as Lara performed a slide kick to an unsuspecting enemy, which launched into the air. She immediately flipped out both guns, turning the move into an aerial combo blasting him Devil May Cry style. Very nice indeed. She's less likely to enter in kung fu melee attacks, and break people's bones close up. That's not really the style Crystal D is after. When shooting, a manual lock system drops a little icon above the enemy's head, giving you a clear bead on them. Once locked, she can strafe, jump, summersault, etc, and still stay locked on to her enemy. She can actually shoot through structures, which degrade as she unloads into them. Besides her standard guns, she'll acquire machine guns, rifles, shotguns, and bazookas. You'll even find set turrets for her to use. So, she's returned in several ways, and that includes the ability to climb physical landscapes, jump from giant cliffs into gorgeous pools of water, swing on ropes, and shimmy around ledges, etc, etc. There are new elements, however. One of Lara's newest gadgets is a magnetic grappling hook. This can be used to pull metal objects on the other side of rivers, spiked pits, and other dangerous chasms. She sends it out, sticks it to a metal object, and pulls. It helps and it works as you traverse through nine gigantic levels that take place in West Africa, Russia, Bolivia, Peru, the Himalayas, and other far away places. The game's puzzles have taken a different twist, or rather, a twist once again that return her to roots. The puzzles are physics based and physical, not block or switched based. For example, Lara is standing in a pool filled monastery. On the one side is a waterfall, and there are some steps that hint at something. You climb up the blocks, jump off the giant steps, grab a rope, and swing on it to reach a height so that you can knock over a statue-like pillar. Once knocked over, it leads the way out. You'll encounter many more physical puzzles of this nature, requiring lost of jumping, shimmying, swinging, and careful maneuvering. Visually, Tomb Raider Legends is a good looking game. Crystal uses a new filter that covers the whole screen, softening the hard angles and giving the whole game a better, prettier look. It also takes care of aliasing and shimmering, even though the engine on which this is built, the Legacy of Kain Defiance engine, never had those problems to begin with. The camera works beautifully from what we could see, generally seeing Lara from a third-person perspective, but moving away from tight corners, giant obstacles and other obtrusive areas into a free-roaming mode. The technical differences between the PS2 and Xbox versions is that the Xbox and PC versions will run at 60 FPS, while the PS2 will run at 30 FPS. The whole game is working from a streaming engine, but unlike the pop-in and problems GTA has had, this looks sharp, clean, and beautiful, much like the gorgeous backgrounds, textures, and architectural backgrounds and locations we've experienced in the Kain series. In all, Tomb Raider Legends is a solid, smooth, and focused design that gives gamers a friendly, useable set of mechanics that work -- unlike the broken and frustrating mechanics in Angel of Darkness. The exploration is the key, and the environments and gorgeous locations create fantastic atmospheres ripe for the spelunker in all of us. If this one demo level is an indication of the rest of the game, we can safely say that Lara is in great hands. We'll have more soon. If you're interested in this game, be sure to add it to your wishlist. You can keep notes, rank games, get updates by email, and more. claro esta que hay que traducirlo. saludotes a todos. muchos besos
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