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Todo lo publicado por Lu!s

  1. ME ENCANTA LA MANSION!!! HAY JARDIN, DIOS QUE JUEGAZO!! Sale Lara en oro, los cuartos de los dioses de Roma, nuevos scans!!!! En las fotos de la mansion, se ve como han hecho la biblioteca y el gimnasio mas grandes
  2. de nada!!! me esta gustando como esta quedando el juego, los graficos son increibles
  3. OTRO VIDEO DE GAMEPLAY http://www.games.net/video/bts/106461/tomb...rsary-gameplay/ ahora en gamepro.com, muestra la cuidad de vilcabamba y el valle perdido.
  4. que bueno que salga en mayo, aunque creo que el juego saldra en junio en Peru
  5. NUEVO VIDEO DE GAMEPLAY http://www.games.net/video/aotf/106600/att...er-anniversary/ muestra algunas nuevas areas del juego que no hemos visto.
  6. MAS SCANS!!! de la revista Play, hay una que otra imagen nueva: http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread.php?t=92800
  7. que extraño, tratare de hacerlo.
  8. Un chico del trforums, ha puesto la informacion de la revista PS2 Magazine, aun que no pudo poner scans ya que se le rompio la revista. Aqui la informacion que el copio. haber si alguien lo traduce: Just received the mag today. I'm afraid I can't scan it (it's broken). Here's the review (well most of it). A 'reimagining' of the nearly-11-year-old original PS1 title, Anniversary puts Lara's classic, virgin outing through the up-to-date game engine of Legend. It's a fusion of old ideas and new technology that works well. How so? First and foremost, Anniversary shows great respect to the things that made Tomb Raider such a hit when it debuted. Like the original, it prioritises a sense of adventure above everything else as it follows Lara's quest to unearth Atlantis, via tombs raided in Peru, Greece and Egypt. If Legend was your first lump of Lara, then Anniversary's going to be a shock. There's little gunplay, and far fewer popcorn moments involving mounted guns, frantic motorbike rides, button-prompt action sequences and the like. You'll spend most of your time alone - an important part of the game's ambience - and the enemies you do face are rarely human. There are still action scenes that require well-timed button presses, but they're infrequent and much more restrained by comparison to Legend, so they shouldn't annoy even the most fanatical of those who hold the original dear. There are a handful of other additions, but they're not excessive or invasive enough to taint the game's strengths. The major strength is this: very few games do environmental puzzling as well as Tomb Raider did, and Anniversary does. That's not to say each stage is filled with puzzles; the levels themselves often are the puzzles, which just goes to show the scale and intricacy involved. Often, some of the grander setups can be testing, but that's why there's such a satisfying payoff when you find the solution. There are moments when your next step is staring you in the face, but you lose it among the scenery; you slap yourself once you spot it, but there are a handful of times when you feel it's the fault of the game, rather than you. By and large, though, this is a playground built from some serious spatial logic, with epic conundrums that feel intensely good to solve when everything slots into place and you move on to the next section. Incidentally, the stages are now streamed, so there are only loading screens when you move between countries - a minor touch but effective. Anniversary also provides that classic Tomb Raider atmosphere of solitude, the feeling that you really are creeping around long-forgotten, mystical and enigmatic vaults and chambers that haven't heard human footsteps in centuries. The perfectly moody music buffers that sensation well and the infamous sights - the Colosseum, the tomb of King Midas, the Sphinx - still wow, especially if you're a return visitor. Indeed, having pleasant memories of Tomb Raider re-ignited is a lovely sensation, as well as testament to how much Anniversary sticks to the roadmap of the original. And that's a good summary of the experience awaiting you. When it all works it feels as good as your memories of the first game do. But there will be times when it won't work as smoothly as you'd have liked. Lara can still misbehave on rare occasions, missing a vital jump or grab because the camera has attempted to pan automatically. The combat's fine, but can still feel humdrum. And the checkpoint system is a bit weird. When you die, you restart at the last checkpoint, and you can save at any point to make the most recent checkpoint the one you'll start at when you next boot the game up; nothing strange there. The problem comes when you're stuck and want to respawn at the last checkpoint, but you haven't manually saved - then it's a case of finding a way to kill yourself, or simply having to bite down and return to the last point where you did save. See? Weird. Yet despite these issues, Anniversary is a success. It pays knowing homage to one of the most highly regarded adventure games without feeling like lazy recycling. And it provides plenty of slow-burning thrills that can snag your attention for hours at a time, so you'd best be ready to put the effort in if you want to get at the immense satisfaction and atmosphere that offers. It's definitely not something for dipping into on a whim, and anyone after brutal, nose-cracking action should stick with God of War II. But for the rest of us, this is the Tomb Raider game we've long been waiting for. And it speaks volumes about the games market that something that's essentially a remastered update can seem such a breath of fresh air. Graphics - Great lighting, but the odd splotchy texture. Sound - Nicely remixed music, spooky ambience. Gameplay - Genuinely head-scratching and involving. Lifespan - Longer than Legend, plus extras to collect.
  9. scans de la revista GameInformer!!! http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread.php?t=92773 informacion sacada: -Segun la revista la fecha de salida del juego es en Junio. -Las momias del TR1 estaban hechas de 200 poligonos. En el TR Anniversary, las momias ahoran estan formadas por 3,300 poligonos. -La revista vio gran parte de la tercera seccion del juego Egipto. Lo cual nos dice que Roma sera despues de Peru. -Habra nuevos puzzles. -Tambien habra veces en los jalaremos una palanca y una puerta se abrira y despues tendremos que ir a donde se abrio.
  10. Lu!s


    Neims, me podrias hacer un avatar con esta imagen?: si puedes, ponle ese efecto brillante en el collar que Kylie tiene en la boca. ese efecto que sale en el anillo que sale en la mano de la chica de tu avatar. tambien hazme una firma con esa misma imagen, pero ademas ponle el logo que dice Kylie que sale en esta imagen: que el fondo sea blanco o un celeste claro, tu elige. Pero por favor que la firma no pase los 50 kb de limite.
  11. si me encanta la contratapa de la caja!! UNLOCK THE PAST... Muy buena frase para empezar.
  12. MattTR (de trforums), estuvo en la tienda gamestop, y sostuvo la caja del TR Anniversary!!! estaba vacia claro, era la verdadera caja de la version final. aqui las fotos que el tomo: (caratula y contracaratula). http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread.php?t=92736
  13. si tal vez el juego hubiera tenido mas exito si lo hubieran hecho asi, me gusto como Lara se metio en ese tanque de basura para esconderse de la policia. por que no conservaron eso en la version final?!
  14. eseremos que si lo saquen ese video. quiero ver alos gorilas en movimiento y ver como les tiran objetos a Lara.
  15. perdon, ahora lo corrijo.
  16. Esperemos que si sea cierto
  17. muy buena, gracias cts_TR!!
  18. ya pueden ver el making of TR Anniversary en You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSivWsAloeQ me encanta la entrada al velle perdido!!!!!! sale el temlo y una parte de Lara saltando por el puente, muy muy muy buenso graficos!!
  19. gracias por las imagenes!
  20. ni conmigo!
  21. las encontre en el foro de Kylie Say Hey de Reino Unido.
  22. yo creo que es uno de los matones de Lara.
  23. puede que saquen un adelanto de la demo, ya se acercan los finales de Abril!! que bueno!!!!!
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