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Abro este tema para los que deseen firmar esta petición para que haya una secuela de Silent Hill. Yo ya he firmado. :S


Please sign petition titled Silent Hill movie sequel ( http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/SH2pet/ ) hosted with free Petition hosting site.


Below is the Petition Statement:


The most recent game-to-movie adaption, as we know, is Silent Hill. While most video game adaptions fail critically, "Silent Hill" was an outstanding movie. It did turn out to be a love-it-or-hate it film (with the hate it side being most critics), but the point was that it pleased most fans of the game and horror fans in general. The mood and atmosphere, along with the theme, were adapted into the movie perfectly.

We, the undersigned, are asking you, Christophe Gans, to return for a sequel to "Silent Hill". It's story, atmosphere, and visual effects are just begging to be recreated into a sequel.




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