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Nuevos contenidos Tomb Raider III


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Copyright 2006 www.tombraiderchronicles.com


[ November 13th 2006 ]During an phenomenal 10-year-journey, Lara Croft has transcended the world of cyber-space and left an indelible mark on popular culture. Her adventures have sold in excess of 30 million units, and the Tomb Raider brand has been globally exploited to promote an array of products; from comic-books, sports drinks, running shoes and more recently to raise awareness of skin cancer.


To herald 10 turbulent and action-packed years of globe-trotting adventures, we continue our special anniversary tribute with an exclusive collection of media showcasing Tomb Raider III, including many items previously unpublished. This was originally planned as a joint venture, but those plans appear to have been scoffed!


Tomb Raider III combined the best elements of its two predecessors: Tomb Raider's atmosphere, vast locations, puzzle-solving and exploration elements and Tomb Raider II's action and use of vehicles. The combination of these elements offered the player an environment that featured more of a 50-50 balance between exploration and action elements.


As well as a completely new landscape system that allowed far greater detail than the previous games, Tomb Raider III incorporated a variety of new elements such as multi-coloured lighting, weather effects and more realistic execution for flames, explosions and water surfaces. All elements were designed to give the game more depth and the player more satisfaction!


Follow the below hyperlink to collect our Tomb Raider 3 anniversary media tribute, direct from the original press CD's supplied by Core Design, and stay tuned for something extra special in the coming days.


Y el enlace : tr3/index.html#'>http://www.tombraiderchronicles.com/tr3/index.html#

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Hola :abrazos: Gracias Erogan por la informacion, pero hay algo que no entiendo.

¿esto solo es para recordar los anteriores TR (en este caso el TR III ) o para que?

Porque en scree de PS que pone al lado en amarillo (NFW) le pinchas y en algunas screen sale las pantallas de TR III pero Lara con otros trajes... no me aclaro con esto, mirar aqui un ejemplo, porque que yo recuerde en esta pantalla no era asi la ropa:


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Creo que todo lo que esta promociando aqui Tomb Raider Chronicles es la presentacion de elementos exclusivos del juego Tomb Raider III que nunca fue mostrado al publico...

Mmhhh, tal vez mas adelante permitan descargar algun parche, un bonus pack, o algo asi, para obtenerlo en tu TRIII.


Al final supongo anunciaran nuevos elementos para todos los juegos anteriores al Legend como tributo por el aniversario.

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