Zynkel Publicado 4 de Agosto del 2018 Publicado 4 de Agosto del 2018 El equipo de MontyTRC (Desarrolladores del Tomb Editor) están trabajando en un nuevo engine para usar con su herramienta que se apoya en el motor del TR5. Esto amplía enormemente las posibilidades de los niveles, aquí algunas de las funcionalidades que el autor ha puesto en su post en TRF. This new project is called TR5Main and takes its name from TR2Main by Arsunt, the project who inspired my work. Thanks to Asunt teachings, I was able to patch PCTomb5.exe for adding a new external DLL, of course called TR5Main.dll.What will I do with this DLL? A lot of stuff Decompilation of functionsWith the ability of referencing functions and variables inside the EXE space, like for TR2Main, I can selectively decompile functions of my interest for expanding limits or changing some behaviours of the game.PatchingSometimes decompiling a function is too hard, expecially for changeing just a bit of code. In this case, the DLL patches at runtime the EXE memory for adding new functionalities.Adding objects from past TRsExposing the EXE code inside the DLL, I can directly port objects and traps from other TRs to TR5. I've reused all the MIP slots and I have expanded a bit the object list up to 498 slots (TR5 unpatched has 460 slots).New platform codeAnd now the part that mostly excited guys on Discord For sure you know that TR5 is written with old APIs, all deprecated. DirectInput, DirectSound, DirectDraw, etc.The main goal is to port everything to a more modern system using DirectX 9 and Win32 apis.I've already deleted DirectInput from the EXE (I use only Win32 apis now).And I'm writing a new renderer with DirectX 9 Here's what I've already done: Expanded statics limit up to 1000 statics Increased number of concurrent active items up to 32 Removed DirectInput and used Win32 apis Ported some old decompiled enemies to TR5: shark, diver, tiger, cobra, spikey wall, tribes man, tiger, baracudda, t-rex, spinning disk blade New renderer: I can already render and play levels. Already working: Lara with skinning, hairs with skinning, rooms with vertex colors, moveables and statics, flyby cameras, triggers, text rendering (with true type fonts!), horizon, bars Bigger game buffer (128 MB instead of... 5 MB) Some bugs of the original EXE already fixed Algunos videos de pruebas que está realizando con las armas y palanca. (Podéis observar que el menú es del estilo TR1-2-3!) Tema oficial en TRF por si queréis seguirlo al día y obtener más información: http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread.php?t=220730 Yo estoy super emocionado con este proyecto, extendería la posibilidad de los niveles aún más. Ya hay niveles absolutamente impresionantes, imaginad extendiendo aún más las limitaciones del motor actual de TR4.
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