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Copyright © 2005 por www.tombraiderchronicles.com


Toby Gard, creator of Lara Croft and lead designer on Tomb Raider Legend, comments on Lara's new model as "a natural evolution. We're now using close to 10,000 polygons, so we're able to make her look much more realistic. She even gets wet when she goes into water, and she gets dirty if she rolls around in filthy tombs long enough."




Toby Gard describes Tomb raider Legend as a "completely new start for Lara." Lara Croft will be searching for a valuable English artefact, pursued by corrupt forces led by an old nemesis long thought dead and buried. Many aspects of Lara's history will be addressed in Tomb Raider Legend, including an incident which occurred in the Himalayas.




Lara will be more athletic than ever before! Rope swinging, bar swinging, climbing, crawling, jumping and shooting, swan diving, swimming are just a tiny sample of moves seen so far. Crystal Dynamics has hinted at acrobatics on par with Prince of Persia.


Combat is going to be more in-depth in Tomb Raider Legend. The shooting is still automatic, but with a clever twist. From time to time, an icon will show that Lara has locked onto an explosive barrel or a rope that she can blast with a simple tap of a button. During combat, Lara can perform the following actions: crouch, reload, melee attack, fire blind, take aim, throw grenades and switch weapons.


Lara's enemies will be smarter than ever. Enemies will respond to the ever-changing combat situation in intelligent ways, such as moving to flank Lara when she is pinned down, dodging grenades, and calling for backup.


Weapons and Equipment


Lara will have her trademark double pistols at her side. In addition, frag grenades, machine gun turrets, a shotgun, revolver, RPG and automatic weapons have all been confirmed to return. Lara wears all her equipment on her body (no more infinite backpack). When you use a grenade, it disappears off her belt. In addition to her pistols and grenades, Lara can only carry one weapon at a time which she can pick up from fallen enemies.


A magnetic grappling hook can be used to swing over pits of spikes and in other puzzle situations. Other equipment includes flares, binoculars, a torch and a Bluetooth headset, used to keep in touch with the 2 man team back at Croft Manor via picture-in-picture video.




There are 8 location confirmed for the game. Levels known so far include: Ghana, West Africa, Russia, Bolivia, Peru, Malaysia / Kuala Lumpur and Tokyo.




The only vehicle confirmed so far is the super-bike which is hinted to be the main vehicle in the game. However, the game will contain a number of other vehicles yet to be confirmed.


Game Mechanics


The game uses a modified version of the 'defiance' engine used in games like LOK: Defiance and Project: Snowblind. Puzzles will now be more physics based and open-ended, with multiple ways for Lara to solve them. The game has a "softness filter" which smoothes out angular edges and takes care of aliasing. The result is an amazing looking game.


The revamped control system provides intuitive and fluid character movement. Dynamic animation system puts focus on continuous motion, giving Lara the ability to seamlessly handle any obstacle and interact dynamically with any surface.


Release Date


Winter 2005 / Early 2006




PS2, PC, Xbox, Xbox 360. While all versions will fundamentally be the same, Toby Gard has confirmed that the Xbox and PC versions of the game will have higher-resolution textures, a higher frame rate and faster load times.


There will also be widescreen support for the XBox version. Toby Gard has also confirmed the Xbox version will "support a jukebox function which will be fun in Croft Manor. You'll basically be able to play a stereo when training."






Lo unico que falta es traducirlo.... y algo que me llamo la atencion es que en donde dice plataformas (Formatos) no dice nada respecto a PSP (PlayStation Portable)


[ Editado por Mark: JocLo, hay que dar crédito al autor de la noticia, en este caso www.tombraiderchronicles.com. ]


Gracias Evan Croft. Es una recopilación de información de todo lo que se sabe del juego hecha por mi. Y cada vez la voy haciendo mas grande. Además suelo observar los videos y sacar mas que de ningún sitio toda la información de ellos. Saludos a todos. :thumb:


jejeje,si lo dijiste por mi no es EVIL es Evan,jejejejeje,jajajajajaja,jajajaja......todo bien,jaja....te queremos!!!!!!!!!jajajjejeje...tu pagina es mi favorita,es mejor que tombraiderchronicles,y casi me atreveria a decir que es mejor que la oficial.



Uiss que despiste, bueno ya lo he arreglado. Gracias por decírmelo, iban a pensar que hablo con la pared. jajaja


PD: Gracias por tan bellos cumplidos :thumb:

  Evan Croft dijo:
Por nada,ah,sabes te queria hacer una preguntita y quiero que me la respondas......

¿me prestas 25 cvs?



Perdona mi ignorancia, pero que son cvs? :thumb:


Bueno dice el dicho, nunca te acostaras sin saber una cosa mas.


Me pides dinero?? De verdad?? :( Si toy mas pela que la calva de un viejo. :thumb:


Venga va, el día que sea millonaria, me acordare de ti, vale? :(

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