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'sanctuary Of Souls' Ha Sido Cancelado.


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Uno de los proyectos más esperados y que parecía que estaba a punto de ver la luz después de tanto tiempo de desarrollo ha sido cancelado :--( .


With pain in my heart I must announce that Sanctuary of Souls will never see the light of day. With so many recent things changed in my life I cannot see any time left that I want to spent on the PC. I will always have fond memories of the editor but when I look back on it all these hours are rather lonely spend. I took me much time and I will keep everything to look back on it. Maybe I will return to it one day but not very soon.


So please delete this game from the list. All the best to those who continue level building!


Qué mal!. Espero que en un futuro Piega pueda retomarlo. Imploro por ello.

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