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Invitado Angelina Jolie

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Invitado Angelina Jolie

En la web de trep he visto esto:



Limits, limits, limits… Just another boring limit — 255 vertices per one mesh. Accidentally, this setting was found, and now you can increase limit. But… there is one thing you should remember. DO NOT use meshes with: 256, 512, 768, 1024, 1280 etc. vertices, because TR4 engine's internals won't work correctly with these values. All other values (for example, 257, 511, 1023, 1025 etc.) should work fine. Maximum amount of vertices in every object is not tested, I can only say that meshes with 4500 vertices works fine, and this is not the limit. Supposedly, max. vertices per mesh is now 32767 or 65535. So, per-mesh vertex limit now increased in about 128 times. I've read somewhere that «you can't create whole room as an object». Well, now you can.


Stupid question: why some vertex values can send engine to crash? The reason is strange TR4 engine mesh loading procedure, which uses some vertice numbers for strange purpose (more precisely — it occupies upper byte in WORD vertices number value). For example, even if you didn't use any high-detailed meshes, sometimes hexadecimal numbers 0100 (decimal 256), 0200 (decimal 512) etc. will appear there. Thus, it's needed to bypass ALL rounded (hex 0100, 0200, 0300…) vertice amounts. That's the reason why you shouldn't use meshes with 256, 512, 768 etc. vertices.



Ahora no estoy segura si estoy correcta. Mis objetos tienen 500 poligonos, pues si pongo unos pocos mas, el juego se hace crash. Ahora este articulo anterior dice que se pueden incrementar las vertices. Pero como lo hago? Supongo que con un parche en el trep. Pero no veo ese parche? No esta en mi lista. Entonces con ese parche puedo usar objetos con mas de 500 poligonos? Como?

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  • 2 weeks later...
DO NOT use meshes with: 256, 512, 768, 1024, 1280 etc. vertices, because TR4 engine's internals won't work correctly with these values. All other values (for example, 257, 511, 1023, 1025 etc.) should work fine

trad. : NO utilisar objetos de 256, 512, 1024 "puntos angulosos" (vértices ? ) porque hay un bug en el motor TRLE.

Objetos con cada otro número de "vértices" funcionan.


Para encontrar esta función, un imagen.


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