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Figura TRU de Neca


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  • 1 month later...
TRU NECA 7 inch action figure review This comes a little late, but some time ago I bought the Neca TRU action figure from the States and have a few photos. This is my review of it.




Lara 1

Lara back


Lara looks better than in any of the previous Neca 7 inch action figures. Her proportions are quite like in the game, she's got this cute expression and her outfit looks amazing. There are even grenades stuck to her belt at the back. The famous Doc Marten boots look great, with the straps and everything. It is, however, a pity that the more complex pieces of Lara's equipment such as the grappling hook and videocamera aren't included. One major niggle is that the ponytail fell off within days of buying and I had to glue it back. Unfortunately, her face doesn't look much like Lara at all.




Face closeup


The colours are fairly accurate to in-game TRU Lara, even if her skin-tone is a bit flat. The guns have a few smudges but are otherwise okay. Lara's belt buckle, gloves and hair are especially-well coloured. There are a few tricky areas where the paintwork is a tad sloppy, but other than that it's quite good.




Like most Neca figures, this one sorely disappoints when it comes to articulation. However, the ball-jointed torso is interesting and means she can do semi-sit-ups. However, there is no articulation in some of the expected places such as the knees and the elbows, so the posing you can do is pretty limited. Of course, too much articulation would break up the smoothness of the skin, as is evident with the ball-jointed shoulders. The worst part is that the feet aren't even level, so although there is a display base included, it doesn't help too much when her legs are so awkwardly positioned.




A real disappointment. All that's included are Lara's signature twin pistols. I'd have loved to see some weapons from the game, such as the tranquilizer and spear guns and especially Thor's hammer.




At a rather hefty $16.99, this action figure is only barely worth it. Compare to those of McFarlane toys (which did McFarlane's monsters and the lovely Halo action figures and statues) which are far better articulated and a bit more detailed.




This looks nice on the mantle and is a nifty addition to any TR action figure collection and is by all counts the best so far, but if you want to pose your Lara action figure and play with it, you're better off with the movie action figures.




Lara pointing two guns


Lara side 1


Lara side 2


(photographs when public)

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  • 5 months later...

Pues se lo habrán hecho con algún material pegándoselo y luego pintándoselo. Lo que estoy seguro 100% es que no es oficial porque no ha habido ningún anuncio donde comuniquen que esa figura exista y porque no la he visto en ningún otro lado. Y eso que me conozco todas las figuras que hay de Tomb Raider y todo el merchandising.


Además, ni siquiera consta en la web oficial del fabricante NECA: www.necaonline.com (puedes comprobarlo)

Y ahí sería le primer lugar donde estaría la figura anunciada.



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A mi me da la impresión de que simplemente han pintado de negro el traje y han hecho algún añadido plástico. Poco más. La cara es exacta a la de la otra muñeca y las venillas quedan muy cutres.


Además, la Doppel tiene TRENZA y no coleta como se ve en la foto. Es la de Lara retocada.

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