Lord_Slaughter Publicado 4 de Marzo del 2008 Publicado 4 de Marzo del 2008 En el foro TR Board han realizado un concurso Art Fan de TRU entre el mes de marzo & abril... bueno Erogan me dijo q lo pusiera aqui, pero aqui como q no me convence. Cita Tomb Raider: Underworld FANART ContestEidos has already given us the pleasure of enjoying the graphics of 3 renders, but also you artists haven't sat still. We've seen quiet a lot Tomb Raider: Underworld artworks already in our fanart section, so now that the official start has been launched by Eidos, we would like to introduce you to the March-April contest, which will be fully related to Tomb Raider: Underworld. What is allowed to post? ◊ Logo's: Do you think you can do a better job than Eidos? Try to make your own logo design for TRU ◊ Drawings: Are you good at drawing on paper or on your PC, and do you want to give it a try and draw Lara Croft in her Underworld version or own versions? ◊ Renders: You live your own world? Use your fantasy and create a TRU render ◊ Wallpapers: Cheer up other peoples desktop and create a TRU wallpaper ◊ PC art: Artist who make art in Photoshop, go ahead be creative and make your TRU drawing on the pc. ◊ Music: Talented in making music? Try to create a sound or music for a level ◊ Look-a-likes: If you have everything Lara Croft has, and you are able to create an Underworld related photo(shoot), then JOIN IN! ◊ Videos: Is making videos your hobby? Use all your creativity and put something together in video format! ◊ Stories: If writing stories is your life? Then use your imagination and create a story for a level ... TR:U related of course. Who will be judging it? Well our evil evil jury from our fanart section will be giving advice to each entry. When the contest has come to an end they will all give scores to each valid entry. The artist with the highest scores will be rewarded with a beautiful prize! But be aware, not only the opinion of the jury counts, all members of our community can also post their comments and rate your artworks *scary* isn't it? If your entry is valid one of the judges will move it into the Tomb Raider: Underworld FanART contest forum. What's this months prize? Win '*your own art piece on a mouse mat' and win a golden place and eternal recognition on our wall of fame. Apart from a winners position we will also use some artworks out of this contest for our up and coming Tomb Raider: Fanguide *if the winning entry is a video, music, story, or something that doesn't fit, or is not suitable to put on a mouse pad, we will send you a mouse pad with a design made by one of our talented team. Are you not sure if your creative idea will be valid for the contest? Then feel free to post your questions here and soon a member of the jury will answer your questions! We are definitely looking forward to seeing your creativity. Good luck to everyone!! http://www.tombraiderboard.com/index.php?s...pic=9307&hl
zhebax Publicado 4 de Marzo del 2008 Publicado 4 de Marzo del 2008 y cual es el sentido de este post?
emvlo Publicado 4 de Marzo del 2008 Publicado 4 de Marzo del 2008 zhebax dijo: y cual es el sentido de este post? Informar a los usuarios del concurso talvez? o yo entendi mal?
zhebax Publicado 4 de Marzo del 2008 Publicado 4 de Marzo del 2008 mmm lastima que no podamos concursar
Lara Valentina Publicado 5 de Marzo del 2008 Publicado 5 de Marzo del 2008 oh! que chubis que no podamos concursar...CHANGOS!
kento Publicado 6 de Marzo del 2008 Publicado 6 de Marzo del 2008 Supongo que podrán participar los miembros de la comunidad, no? Si os interesa podríais registraros , lo malo será que los que no hablen inglés lo tendrán un pelín complicado para postear. Ahora no tengo tiempo, luego hecho un ojo a ver si hay alguna condición .
losermind Publicado 6 de Marzo del 2008 Publicado 6 de Marzo del 2008 yo ya subi un wallpaper, antes de este anuncio, son muy buena gente los de ese foro, a veces te critican lo que hagas, eso esta bueno, por que te hace creeser (lo digo en serio, no sarcasticamente)... para los que se animen, esta bueno
kento Publicado 6 de Marzo del 2008 Publicado 6 de Marzo del 2008 Bueno si no he entendido mal ni siquiera es necesario ser miembro para participar, se pueden enviar los trabajos a un mail .
Lord_Slaughter Publicado 6 de Marzo del 2008 Autor Publicado 6 de Marzo del 2008 Yo si voy a participar tengo cuenta alli, pero por ahora no he tenido tiempo en hacer uno pero luego ya vere.
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