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Todo lo publicado por Rafiki
I said, that somwhere was written it, something about this car. And I writen "dont remebre"- well it should be don't remember. But I'm just a dreamer, and written this funny history was a joke - fanfic joke something like that But I see that it works I know that he have some money but not a lot like Lara .. unfortunatly.. But I like him beacose his not an ideal human,
Neims- Yes you can . It could be even Rafiki from Lion King [thruly, I was very tied when I written my nick, thats why AM who I Am,.. and when I tied I do stupid things. ]Second news- I am a girl. But, do like these information from chinese horoscope?
Well, My Imagination is reely big, how you see.- and mu humour too hehe.. yeah but somewhere was written (in his profile) than fe have a good car.. wait Porsche Spider, classic superoir brough SS 100 but I dont remebre than he HAVE this car or he LIKE it
And about Lara, she's born in14.02.1968. She's a MONKey and, monkey are supple, alive, they likes jokeing, have more ideas , and monkey malice . Cunning,tricky,deceptive. Good diplomat.They value theirself intelligence, good knowledge and they can't likes grey people. In love they havent got luck but trying to find a happynes. Good Partner : enother Monkey, Dragon[once again?], and RAT couple [rat and monkey] thats people with kindred interests, - He likes in her charm, femininity and that than she can cope in evry situations. She likes in him - ambitious aims, skill strategic thinking, and practical . they just great fit theyselves[great couple]. They simillarly thinking, happy mutually from their archivements and they lean themselves in evry situations[lev. Boaz returns?] They are not toosensitive so their defects were accept with big undrstanding. And skill treat evrything with humour soften possible difference opinions 100% All this thing I taken from internet but without dictionary I couldn't translate it good
Ahh and thats more about this horoscope Kurtis born in 26.06.1972. So in chinese horoscope his's rat.(someone, somwhere told me tahn he;s poor like rat- that person were very closely , "how did you know?! :D" ) And thats rat character : carefully and quck-witted.- so there are exact, precise end presistent. They are nervous and uneasy,restless. This people have pessimistic bias to life, especially - to their situation in life. But they are Honest and sincere .They have big imagination , likes art, literture and..... money [jaja] . In love they are very sentimental, wants [VERY] be accept . . Good Partners: Dragon {ups, it's ME - I am dragon], buffalo, and MONKEY [ THATS LARA ]
Yes, it is interesting. Can't belive it too. And yes. It is far, very Far. But I was in Spain[ Blanes and Barcelone] - beauty culture, nice views[in Poland is more gray, sad in towns]. And Yes Sora, I AM FAN Kurtis , like him but sometimes my imagine about him is more exaggerated [i'm just a dreamer].- than he had a lot of money, big hause, etc. ..
Emm well, In chinese horoscope they [Lara & Kurtis] have 100% chanse to be great couple but I haven't got any news about it than Kurtis will be in TR7 , meyby he will be in TR8? I hope so. Dark Sora- well, I'm from southern Poland , and you.. where are you from?
I do some changes, but it's hard on my program.. could it be Ana Maria? Neims- nice image [i know some words in spanich, but if you could learn me some entoher words, it coulb be great And if you want I can give you some polish words]
Well I don't know what abou precisely are you talking about, but it's topic abut Kurtis, so I think than I cuold say than I believe he's still alice, and will come back to TR. I guessss than he's rich. Lux Veritaitis must had much money to bulding something laike Talut of Thorpies , .....and Kurtis is the last of Lux... so he inherit thats all! wHo knows.. meybe he have 3 hauses like Croft Manor. Paly in polo like prince William , in fencing .. have yacht . [ and only one Toilet ]
I know. He looks more huge..bigger.. real lion Does Lara like kats? Yyyy, yes I realy like him. My friend too. So we aer Kurtis Fans And abut picks- it's not problem. I give here more clear picks
Thanks evryone Am glat to see that you like my graphics Yami- you too have nice avatar it's so emm deeply :D i done some picks with Kurtis in "new view" What do you think abut it? I've got more picks but I'll find it tommorow.. now am tied, and I think taht its good time to sleep [do you know the song" I need some sleep" Eels?0 from Shrek2? )
Thanks, Neims By the Way You have a nice avatar (image) ____________ Can't BELIVE! I DONE IT Yeah...
Well I am Kurtis fan from long time ago I very like him- he's got CHaracter , yes and I realy want him in next TRs - it would be nice Well about this foro you are wonderfull, I tryed understand what about you speaking, and something I know [my english is awww terrible - I must sit down with my dictionary] An I'll repet that there great amthosphere. Not that what in my country - only facts, and - don't spaek too long about something- like Kurtis , I'll try with my friends open new forum where could be so nice like here And I still don't know how give an image in post :¿que?:
Hi there, That's my first post. Am sorry that than I speak in Eanglish but I'm from Poland, and I can't speak spanish(unfortunatly ) But that what am Understand froam this topic is that than you're like Kurtis - well so do I. I have one nice graphic with Lara and Kurtis I' ll give here it, when I find a way- how to do that Theres wery nice athmospere here , that's why am here. My true name is wloczenga what;s mean in Eanglish - tramp, Am sorry, that I've done more mistakes in my post. My English isn't be so good. But I hope than we will talk together