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Todo lo publicado por Lydia

  1. Morgan is in the chat now everybody
  2. A number of kind people at Tomb Raider Forums have translated the whole article into English. I have compiled it here
  3. wow great pic BestmanPi its now on the site, is there an email address or website you would like me to link to?
  4. I put a selection of my favourites up. There is now also a screenshot of the day chosen randomly, i'm going to need new pictures soon before we run out of pictures for each day.
  5. Ok I'm guessing that means that I can put those images on my site? I will tomorrow do you want me to give an email address with them?
  6. yeah kiss-bite is an incredible artist. The question is does anyone have anything better, or just as good to submit?
  7. I have recentally added some stunning new artwork by kiss-bite, the image below is just a small example:
  8. ¿Eres un artista? ¿Tienes algunas piezas de fan art? Si es así, acabo de añadir una página de fan art en mi sitio web, y necesito algunas contribuciones. Así que si te gustaría que tus creaciones aparecieran en mi web, simplemente ponlas aquí. Necesitaré un nombre de contacto, una dirección de e-mail y la dirección de tu web, si tienes una, para promocionarte un poco.
  9. Thanks for the welcome, I have been helping translate articles for the Tomb Raider Fans magazine and I noiced you had lots of usefull things on TRLegend as well and all seemed really nice.
  10. sorry I don't speak any spanish but if you want more pics from the bonus dvd I have a transcript and screenshots of it here thanks to Trinity34 of the eidos forums.
  11. Kurtis was at his cabin sharpening Churigai’s razors when he heard the shot. In fact, the short burst of an Uzi. And then… silence. The noise had come from Lara’s cabin, and it was impossible she would have shot without reason. He jumped to the door, pulled it open and, after having run into a poor steward, he started thumping on the door. -Lara! What’s up? Lara!! Silence. People were comming out of their cabins, attracted by the noise. Without looking at anybody, Kurtis rushed towards the door and battered down it. He was very lucky because he fell and so avoided the bullets which were directed at his head. He rushed at the man and threw him to the ground, twisting the arm which was holding the Uzi. The man screamed with pain as his arm broke with a crunch. - Call the ship’s police! – screamed a lady who was watching the scene. The man dropped the weapon and kurtis kicked it away. - "You won't be able to use that anymore." The man struggled and punched Kurtis’ face. Then he ran away along the gangway. Lara was lying on the floor, motionless. Kurtis took three seconds to make a decision. He started to chase the man, his wound hurt, but the other man was suffering too, due to his broken arm which was shaking uncontrollably. He caught him on the deck, and cornered him against the rail. - Keep still!- he shouted – What are you doing? - She! – the Greek screamed, hysterical – She’s our danger! She was destinate to give birth to the demons’ race. - - If you’ve killed her, psycopath – Kurtis shouted, pointing him with the Boran- I swear you will remember me for the rest of your life! The Greek didn’t answer. He took out a knife and, before Kurtis could stop him, he stabbed himself on the heart. His dead body fell to the Black Sea. ok looks ok to me now. It might be worth getting someone else to read it all when its done to see that it all seems ok.
  12. hmm thinking about that maybe it should be an amanzon, I dunno. Ok next part Kurtis was at his cabin sharpening Churigai’s razors when he heard the shot. In favtwhat do you mean?, the short burst of an Uzi. An after… silence. The noise had come from Lara’s cabin, and it was impossible she would have shot without reason. He jumped to the door, pulled it open and, after having run into a poor steward, he started thumping the door. -Lara! What’s up? Lara!! Silence. People were going out of their cabins, attracted by the noise. Without looking at anybody, Kurtis rushed towards the door and battered down it. He was very lucky because he fell and so avoided the bullets which were directed at his head. He rushed at the man and threw him to the ground, twisting the arm which was holding the Uzi. The man screamed with pain as his arm broke with a crunch. - Call the ship’s police! – screamed a lady who was watching the scene. The man dropped the weapon and discharged it quickly, throwing the chambers to the gangway.eh? - That won’t have further use, you bastard!eh again The man struggled and punched Kurtis’ face. Then he ran away along the gangway. Lara was lying on the floor, motionless. Kurtis took three seconds to make a decision. He started to chase the man, his wound hurt, but the other man was suffering too, due to his broken arm which was shaking uncontrollably. He caught him on the deck, and cornered him against the rail. - Keep still!- he shouted – What are you doing? - She! – the Greek screamed, hysterical – She’s pur danger! She was destinate to reborn demons’ race!eh again - - If you’ve killed her, psycopath – Kurtis shouted, pointing him with the Boran- I swear you will remember me by the rest of your life! The Greek didn’t answer. He took out a knife and, before Kurtis could stop him, he stabbed himself on the heart. His dead body fell to the Black Sea.
  13. ok maybe "Why on earth is there Amazon here" is best for the second sentance then. I'll do the next part soon.
  14. ok so then we have "By plane? theat had to do a lot of scales and they dind’t trust in the line’s security" going to "Going by plane was an option but the tight security could cause problems." and "What on earth does an Amazon here" can be "Why is there an amazon in this story, we are in Greece" its more detailed but I think that might be best, if you want it simpler just tell me.
  15. sorry hun here we go. Chapter 5 Romania is full of castles, but only one has the fame of being Dracula’s castle. This castle is Bran’s castle, placed by the city of Brasov, which is near where the Carpatian and Transylvanian Alps meet. Lara and Kurtis had discussed how to get there. Of course, a journey across the continent was immediately rejected: it was difficult to go across Bulgaria and they wanted to avoid problems at customs if somebody recognized Lara. By plane? theat had to do a lot of scales and they dind’t trust in the line’s securityI'm afraid I don't understand this could you rephrase it?, so finally they decided to go by ship, which took them from Istanbul to Constanza’s city, from there they would travel to Bucarest before making their way to the Alps. In order to remain unnoticed, they dressed as a pair tourist guides working in the Balkans. While they were walking along the deck, Lara was explaining: - In fact, Count Dracula is only a myth. The writer, Bram Stoker, was inspired by a real and historic character, the transylvan count Vlad Tepes, known as Vlad V the Impaler. He was called that because he applied this torture very frequently to those who opposed him or his defeated enemies, and that meant he was known by another terrible name: Vlad Drakul, the Devil. - And that name became Dracula.- Kurtis said. - Exactly. He was told to drink human blood, to enjoy watching tortures and executions like spectacles, or to invite his enemies to dinner and afterwards kill them. - A perfect Nephilim. They are all similar. At night, Lara locked herself in her cabin with all the papers she hand taken from Selma's and drew maps, diagrams and drawings, in order to get more information. Her friends used to say that was the most boring part of her job,but she enjoyed racking her brain as much as shooting or jumping over razors. - There’s something that doesn’t suit me.- she whispered to the deaf mound of papers .- What on earth does an Amazon here? not quite sure what you mean here either She took another page and started writing all she know about this legendary character. But she stopped when she heard a creack. She got up and retrived her shotgun from under her pillow. She approached the bathroom (where the noise had come from) and kicked the door open. But she only saw her face in the mirror. - I’m neurotic.- she said – I hear noises everywhere. She looked away then, suddenly, she looked the mirror again. There was somebody behind her. She screamed and turned, but suddenly she felt an Uzi’s barrel at her fornt. - Keep still! – said a man, talking in Greek- Drop the weapon. Your time is up.
  16. thats cool, I know what being busy is like.
  17. sorry about that, I did before but it takes alot longer if I do that, which is why it took me so long to do ana's.
  18. - Let’s see what we have today –I said, grinning from one ear to the other. I love challenges. I stared at the door. There I saw one screen on it, with a keyboard below. The screen said: *********************** My favourite painting is: L _ M _ _ _ D _ _ _ _ _ _ (spanish original title) Hint: L U N A M A S D E J A D A *********************** “Today’s puzzle seems more complicated than usual”, I thought to myself, “Luna mas dejada? ... It’s spanish. I think it means "Moon more left", but… What kind of hint is this?!” I was a bit confused, but soon I understood that the meaning of the hint was not important at all - not everybody speaks spanish... And not everybody knows about spanish art, so it has to be a famous painting. So the hint… “Oh, now I see!” I remembered that James’ puzzles don’t put people to the test in matters of knowledge, but in matters of wit. “This has to be an anagram!”, I shouted, very proud of myself. The hint had the same number of letters as the painting’s name, and three of these letters (which were coloured in red) had already been put in the solution. The only thing I had to do was to put the letters in order to get the name of the damn painting. I look closely at the letters trying to separate and reorder them. I found the solution quickly. Yes, as I thought, it was a famous spanish painting. Try to solve the puzzle before Lara! The solution – in the next chapter…
  19. Chapter 1 The sun was slowly rising when my plane landed in Dublin International Airport. It was a fresh morning and a shyI would recommend dense or slight here depending on if you mean there is alot or not very much fog. fog enveloped the city, so I took off my sunglasses. I had put them on, as usual, as I got off the plane. But I had forgetton that not only in my loving London is there fog at the morning. It was in my nature as a tireless traveller to visit the most distant countries and the most excotic cultures, sometimes forgetting that near me, nearer than I think, there are places which have more than one adventure. Ireland is one of these places. Maybe not a very big country, but with very intresting traditions and history, which surely hide more than one treasure, within its green valleys. In some of the many valleys rest the remains of the ancient and wise Celtic culture. But this autumnal morning, I am not here to investigate anything of Celts. The reason for my journey had nothing to do with them – I had to see an old friend named James Mulligan. James is an expert in everything related to symbology and cryptology, in fact, he knew more about it than anyone else in Europe. And on this ocassion, more than ever, I needed his help. James lives in the outskirts of Dublin, so I bought a map from a tourist shop in the airport, rented a motorbike from a garage nearby and embarked on the trip to James’ house. As I rode the motorbike, I watched as the fog began to disappear and the sun started to shine over Dublin. People were going around doing their daily business, buying the newspaper, eating breakfast in the cafes or drinking their first whisky in the pubs. At the same time, in the avenues and in the squares, street musicians were playing traditional songs with harps, violins and flutes. There were a large number of gothic churches and green parks among coloured houses of the city. I found myself in such a pleasant envoirment that I forgot for a second, just for a second, the dangerous adventure I was about begin. A little before midday, I arrived to James’ house – a not very big mansion, but an ancient one, which he himself had restored, and with a beautiful garden. “If he’s not out in some journey, he should be at home, decoding secret messages from some old manuscript”, I thought. And I was right. I saw him, near a window, in his library (he has an unique library, with very old manuscripts and books). I smiled to myself. I have to say that James Mulligan is as handsome and attractive as eccentric. He is 35, tall, blue eyes, long straight hair and with a tanned and athletic body. It’s not suprising that he is also a womanizer. But, most of the women dissapear when they find out about his eccentricities. His family and friends had also abandoned him. An example of this eccentricities, I will tell you that, as everybody knows, James doesn’t have a telephone or mobile, a letter box (ads, bank letters and some personal letters accumulate on the floor of the door), and of course he doesn’t have e-mail either. If you want to get in contact with him, you must go to his home – he says that if you can’t make the effort to travel to his house then what you have to tell him is not that important. That’s why I was there. But, in addition, when James is busy with work, he doesn’t like to be bothered, so he disconnects the bell in the door and, as a result of his passion for cryptology, he puts a puzzle in the door. He says that only someone who is clever enough to solve it has the right to bother him when he’s working. This eccentricity makes most people lose lose their temper, but I take it with good humour.
  20. Sorry to correct yours tippy but I think the second paragraph would be better as: Up to this point, you are probably thinking 'So it's is all more or less the same as before, huh?'. However, this time, Lara will have to solve tons of puzzles and riddles more than usual on her path to get to the location of the tomb. And you will need to help her achieve this. At the end of each chapter, Lara will find one puzzle that you can solve with the help of the clues and your own intuition. You will have one whole month to decode it before you read the next chapter in our magazine. Good luck with your adventure!
  21. ah okies I'll change that.
  22. Ok I am going to put it all in one post now: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Lara regained conciousness, her head was hammering and her eyes were cloudy. She tried to sit up, but felt dizzy and collapsed back onto the pillow. - It would be better if you don’t move.- she heard Kurtis say. He was squatted in a corner of the tunnel. He had lit a little bonfire and was cooking something that didn’t smell very good. She saw four shapes on the corner. - That thing you’re cooking isn't what I think it is, is it?- Lara whispered, putting her hands over her eyes. - Mantichora’s flesh. – he said- The only antidote for its own poison. Kurtis approached and offered her a piece of grey flesh. Lara felt sick. - I’m not going to eat that.- she said, obstinate – I’m better. I’m not going to die. - Right.- he said – But you will go blind in two hours. Lara growled an put the flesh into her mouth. Fortunately, despite it's horrible appearance, mantichoras tasted like chicken. She fell asleep inmediately. Kurtis got up and looked around. Mantichoras’ incident could disrupt his plan, but it wouldn’t be messed up if he acted quickly. After killing the last mantochora (it was easy with the great accurancy of the Churigai) he had placed Lara’s body in a hidden corner of the tunnel. However, mantichoras’ blood, bonfire’s remains and dead bodies would betray them, if Gunderson’s men didn’t discovered them before that. Kurtis’ mother, Marie Cornel, was an Indian of the navajos’ matriarchal tribe. Kurtis had spent most of his life with her, and Marie, who was a strong woman (like Lara) she had instructed her son about things only known by Indians: how to track somebody without being discovered, how to move with secrecy and discretion, talking as little as possible, and how to eliminate all signs which show that you’ve been somewhere. And, in fact, Kurtis could go unnoticed anywhere, he never took part unless necessary and he always remained in the shadows. So he was able to go unnoticed by Gunderson’s men. He quickly pushed the mantichoras’ dead bodies out and he put them in the center of the tunnel near to where it forked. He carefully picked up the bloody sand and spread it over the dead bodies, then he buried the bonfire’s remains and flattened the sand so it looked as if no-one had been there. If the plan succeded, Gunderson’s men would take right path, where there were signs of battle. However, according to Selma’s map, the path that led to the exit was on the left. Satisfied, Kurtis came back and sat down next Lara, put out the flare and waited for lara to wake up. - Hey! – one shouted – Here! - But, what’s that? The mercenaries were looking at the beheaded and skinned mantichoras with shocked expressions. - They’re demons! – he shouted again – I’m going! - Damn! – the other shouted – You’ll remain here like all the others! Mantichoras were lying at the entrance of the right hand tunnel. There was a trail of blood which started here and disappeared into the dark. - They have fought with those creeps and have gone ahead. But another mercenary was was hesitating looking at the left tunnel. - What if there’s a catch? It would be better to divide into two groups. - Master told us not to do that. The fewer we are, the more dangerous it is for us. - But they’re only two! - Two? The woman’s like four! Look what have they done with those monsters! Finally, they took the right path. Kurtis smiled, hidden in the dark. No problem. Gunderson withdrew to the excavation’s entrance. His men were wearing gas masks, but he was already half-suffocated by the damned petrol. He was astonished when he saw Kurtis standing in front of him. He immedatly aimed his machine gun at Kurtis, but Kurtis was not trying to defend himself and this astonished Gunderson even more. - Are you looking for this, Gunderson? – he said with an ironical smile. The mercenary asked himself if Kurtis was refering to the Golden Seal (which was on his third finger) or to his middle finger which was up. - Well, you finally dare to face me, Trent. - Are you selling yourself to the highest bidder, you piece of dross? Who are you working for? It's Karel, isn't it? - I have a life-mission, but you haven’t, your only purpose in life is to die at my master's hand. Suddenly, he heard a sound behind him, and when he turned he saw Lara pointing a gun at him. How the hell…? - Don’t move.- said Lara – Don’t breath. What ever you do, don’t shout, because by the time your men arrive I will have killed you. A trick. He had distracted him, while she had crept up behind him. - You won’t win. – said Gunderson – The Nephilim has planned everything for you, and he will find you wherever you hide yourself. - Has anybody said that we’re going to hide? – said Lara. Gunderson smiled. - When you know what he’s going to do with you, my lovely, you will want to hide for the rest of your vile life. Lara frowned. What on earth was she doing here? - Stop having a chat - Kurtis said, taking out his weapon – Go into the tunnel. Gunderson dropped his weapon, entered, and forced by Lara he walked passing the big petrol pool. His men couldn’t help him, and his five most trusted were in one of the chambers, and it was too risky to call them. I’m definitively surrounded by fools, he thought. - Go on, Lara.- Kurtis suggested. She lit a flare with a perverse smile. - Damned bitch! – Gunderson screamed. Lara dropped the flare into the pool and the petrol caught fire inmediately. Gunderson ran away and dissapeared into the dark. - A good plan.- said Kurtis, putting away his weapon. Lara had to agree: the fire would seal the entrance for a long time, forcing Gunderson and his men to go back. As for the rest of the mercenaries, they probably would be lost in secondary tunnels, and the exit was closed by another explosion. - We should have killed him.- said Lara, while they were walking to the place where Kurtis’ motorbike was.(yes, he had rescued it too). - Kill Gunderson? – he said – Perhaps, but last, I have some respect for him. He was my best friend a long time ago. If I have to kill him, I won’t do it that way. Lara shook her head. Damned men, them and their ridiculous sense of honour. - Do you want to know what I don't like about you plan? – she said – That since we’ve started, nobody has stopped insulting me, and it has all been planned by you. Kurtis started laughing. That was the first time he laughed… and that changed his face completely, Lara thought. - I’m sorry. I promise to compensate you for every offense. - Well.- she sighed – Like Caligula said: Hate me in order to fear me. They got into the motorbike and left the excavation to go to Istanbul. Lara’s plan was to return to Selma’s apartment in order to find information about the Seal. But they didn’t know that every movement was being controled by Karel, who had allowed them to have an advantatge over him upto that moment. That was the strategy of somebody who knows that he will win. Kurtis stopped the motorbike in front of Selma’s appartment, after a tiring journey from Capadocy. Lara approached to the door, but then she stopped. - What’s up?- he said. She put a finger into her lips and pointed the door. It was half-opened. Both of them placed at door’s sides, picked up their weapons… - One, two, three!! Lara opened the door with a kick and they entered with their weapons in their hands. Selma’s apartment was astounding: nobody could explain how such a small space could hold so many things. They knew there was nobody there… but the last visitor had left a message for them. On the wall there was a text written with a dark substance, composed of symbols similar to those that were in Von Croy and Vasiley’s apartments: the Nephilim writing. - It’s blood.- Lara said, aprroaching to the wall. There was no dead body, no policial intervention. It seemed that Karel had written that with his own blood. Kurtis was concentrating on the symbols, and then Lara heard him whispering in a strange language. - Do you understand the writing? - My father taught me the enemy’s language. – he answered – “And Yahveh said: My spirit will not remain within human race, because they’re only flesh” Lara exclaimed: - This is a Genesis’ verse, the same as the one which mentions the Nephilim! He should be very proud of being eternal while we’re only simple mortals. She started searching in the shelves and papers in Selma’s study. It was necessary to find information about the Seal, and discover some clue. At the moment, they were stuck. - Go and have a rest.- she said- I can take care of it. Certainly Kurtis didn’t know how he could stay on his feet. - Tell me if you find anything.- he said. He went to the bathroom, had a shower and a shave (he had a horrible beard). When he removed the dirty bandages, the wound appeared. He touched his belly and his back. Boaz’s goad had entered trough his back and had exited without seriously damaging his organs and without touching the spinal column. If he had believed in miracles, that would have been a miracle. For a moment he stopped thinking about himself and remembered, worried, the rest of Karel’s message. He hadn’t told Lara about it, she was very clever and probably she would have deduced what he was starting to suspect. Come, my dear, my lovely, Come to be crowned again. It was a text from the Song of Songs. Maybe it could sound very romantic, but those words, said by that demon, had a cruel irony. And he remembered too Gunderson’s words: When you know what he’s going to do with you, my lovely, you will want to hide for the rest of your vile life. He definitively, won’t say anything to Lara about it. It wasn’t worth worrying her. They had other things to worry about. Lara spent all night surrounded by papers. She looked over all the study of the young archaeologist, and “borrowed” what she found interesting. She read and read until her eyes hurt, but she didn’t find very much. Or Karel had destroyed the information, or that information didn’t exist. Until she found Selma’s diary. The little book was full of anger and pain due to the sad events during the girls last months before she fled. But in the diary she discovered something valuable: We have found an incription in Hebrew on one of the necropolis’ walls. The inscription talked about something known as the Golden Seal. According to what we have translated (the inscription was badly conserved) it’s an object which contains a key. Who obtains that key (the True Option) will choose between the Good and the Evil, between the triumph of the Light of Truth and the Fallen Angel. The inscription also talked about an Amazonian, but I cannot understand what was said about her. Unfortunately, we can’t deduce any more. The inscription contained a map which was supposed to locate the place where the key is, but Cabal’s members attacked my workers and destroyed the inscription.” Lara tore up the page and called Kurtis, who was getting up after having a long rest. She showed him the note and said: - Light of Truth concerns on Lux Veritatis. The Fallen Angel is Karel. All this confirm what Gunderson told me when he broke into my house. - But we haven’t got the key and the map… - Kurtis said, but suddenly he stopped talking. - What’s up? Kurtis took the Seal off his finger and gave it to Lara. She took it and examined it carefully. There was an engraving at the ring. It had a rounded shape, but it was easy to distinguish that it was a map. - I can’t believe that we’re so lucky.- Lara said – There’s something that annoys me. If Karel hadn’t wanted us to discover the map, he would have turned over earth and sky to steal the Seal from us. - Why? – Kurtis said – He has the advantage over us. It’s obvious that he already knows that, and now he wants us to follow at his heels. - Means that the Seal hasn’t got any value by itself? That it’s only an indicator? That made sense. Lara turned towards the map. It was a mountainous place, but there were no names engraved. - It’s Carpatians chain, or at least that was my father told me.- Kurtis pointed – I’ve always asked myself about that star on the left corner, like a treasure’s location or something else. Lara gave him back the Seal and was trying to remember something about that place. Suddenly, she kicked herself: - I’ve got it! Count Dracula! - Whaaaaat?? - Carpatian’s chain go across Romania, the ancient Transylvania! Count Dracula’s land! - That’s true! Dracula was a Nephilim.- Kurtis laughed – It seem really right to me. To demosntrate her words, Lara had gone to get an atlas and was studying the place. Things became more clear when they discovered that the little star was exactly on the ancient county. - So the key is at Dracula’s castle.- Kurtis said – And we suppose that grammie’s tales are innocent. - They never are innocent. Lara said, and smiled – Next destination: Romania! Looks good to me now so thats done
  23. Lara tore up the page and called Kurtis, who was getting up after having a long rest Sorry it just doesn't really work the way you had it.. She showed him the note and said: - Light of Truth concerns on Lux Veritatis. The Fallen Angel is Karel. All this confirm what Gunderson told me when he broke into my house. - But we haven’t got the key and the map… - Kurtis said, but suddenly he stopped talking. - What’s up? Kurtis took the Seal off his finger and gave it to Lara. She took it and examined it carefully. There was an engraving at the ring. It had a rounded shape, but it was easy to distinguish that it was a map. - I can’t believe that we’re so lucky.- Lara said – There’s something that annoys me. If Karel hadn’t wanted us to discover the map, he would have turned over earth and sky to steal the Seal from us. - Why? – Kurtis said – He has the advantage over us. It’s obvious that he already knows that, and now he wants us to follow at his heels. - Means that the Seal hasn’t got any value by itself? That it’s only an indicator? That made sense. Lara turned towards the map. It was a mountainous place, but there were no names engraved. - It’s Carpatians chain, or at least that was my father told me.- Kurtis pointed – I’ve always asked myself about that star on the left corner, like a treasure’s location or something else. Lara gave him back the Seal and was trying to remember something about that place. Suddenly, she kicked herself: - I’ve got it! Count Dracula! - Whaaaaat?? - Carpatian’s chain go across Romania, the ancient Transylvania! Count Dracula’s land! - That’s true! Dracula was a Nephilim.- Kurtis laughed – It seem really right to me. To demosntrate her words, Lara had gone to get an atlas and was studying the place. Things became more clear when they discovered that the little star was exactly on the ancient county. - So the key is at Dracula’s castle.- Kurtis said – And we suppose that grammie’s tales are innocent. - They never are innocent. Lara said, and smiled – Next destination: Romania!
  24. just realised the last two posts have the corrections in red, sorry Come, my dear, my lovely, Come to be crowned again. It was a text from the Song of Songs. Maybe it could sound very romantic, but those words, said by that demon, had a cruel irony. And he remembered too Gunderson’s words: When you know what he’s going to do with you, my lovely, you will want to hide for the rest of your vile life. He definitively, won’t say anything to Lara about it. It wasn’t worth worrying her. They had other things to worry about. Lara spent all night surrounded by papers. She looked over all the study of the young archaeologist, and “borrowed” what she found interesting. She read and read until her eyes hurt, but she didn’t find very much. Or Karel had destroyed the information, or that information didn’t exist. Until she found Selma’s diary. The little book was full of anger and pain due to the sad events during the girls last months.was the girl killed because otherwise this is wrong. But into the diary she discovered something valuable:s We have found an incription in Hebrew on one of the necropolis’ walls. The inscription talked about something known as the Golden Seal. According to what we have translated (the inscription was badly conserved) it’s an object which contains a key. Who obtains that key (the True Option) will choose between the Good and the Evil, between the triumph of the Light of Truth and the Fallen Angel. The inscription also talked about an Amazonian, but I cannot understand what was said about her. Unfortunately, we can’t deduce any more. The inscription contained a map which was supposed to locate the place where the key is, but Cabal’s members attacked my workers and destroyed the inscription.”
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